76. Agreement
But before he was able to answer, we reached the stairs and were already at the lowest, seemingly, level of the mansion, next to a very thick and heavy looking door.
-A second. Before we continue, I need to clear up some things.
Behind the door I could feel the presence of the children and Vendi. It seemed like they were mostly huddled together, with him nearby, waiting.
-What, you want to make some encouraging speech or what? They seem a bit frightened.
-Can you blame them? Some strange creature barged into their home just to knock out one of their caretakers. One of them is missing to boot.
-Someone’s missing?
-I meant Kon.
-Ah. So what, I assume you want me as far away as possible?
-Actually… I don’t know yet. For now, can you wait here?
He pulled at the metal door, opening it just enough for him to squeeze into the room, and promptly closed behind him.
At first I noticed that the kids got scared even more, just for the fear to quickly turn into happiness. Hell, that ability to see the emotions worked even better against the children. I guess it’s because they don’t try to hide their intentions…
I assume he was explaining what happened outside, because I noticed their mana go all over the place again. As I was wondering how much he was going to tell them, Vendi poked his head out the door.
-Can you come in for a second?
That was surprising.
-You sure you want me to?
-If you are to stay in this house they at least need to see your face - said Jack from behind him. Or what, you’re scared of children or something?
-Whatever… - I muttered, but entered the room.
Jack was not talking bullshit when he said this was a bunker. The room, or the hall, was gigantic. Maybe as big as a stadium, with stone pillars every now and again, supporting the ceiling. The walls that I could see were covered with some green tapestry, but in some places I could see poking out some sharp rocks, and even some stalagmites too. Every column, on each side had a glowing crystal embedded, giving enough light for the whole place to be as bright as day. Further in, I could see a bunch of tables, already set, with a row of cupboards and cabinets dividing the place and preventing me from peeking further.
-So, as I was saying - continued Jack - that is him. He’s going to be staying with us for a while and I’d appreciate that you’d not disturb him if possible.
I nodded and waved briefly, seeing as they were already scared enough.
-That’s said, I want you to stay downstairs for the next week or so. Vendi will be staying with you, so if you need anything, don’t hesitate to annoy the crap out of him.
-I will? - he sounded surprised, but after a brief look from Jack he corrected himself. - I mean, yes, I will. What he said.
-That’s all. You can go.
They all muttered various interpretations of “yes sir” and quickly left to the part of the room that was hidden from our sight.
-Was that necessary? - I asked, slightly amused by this spectacle. - I am not a babysitter nor do I intend to even go down here…
-You’d rather get hit with a stray spell again? Now at least they know who you are.
-First of all, do you really think any of them would be even remotely capable of hurting me? Second, I am pretty sure that they not knowing me had nothing to do with the spell that hit me.
-Well, whatever you say.
-What about me though?! - interrupted a bit agitated Vendi. - You really meant that?
-That you’d stay here? Of course. That’s what you’ve been doing that entire time, right? It’s not like I am changing our deal.
-No, but…
-Of course you don’t have to literally LIVE down here - rolled his eyes Jack. - It’s only kids I don’t want outside. You’re a free man, do whatever you want. I mean, not literally…
-Okay, okay, I get it - he seemed relieved for some reason.
-You done? Can we continue then?
-Yeah, sure - he said, gesturing for me to leave with him. - Let’s just go somewhere more private.
He led me upstairs, not that far from the loft where I saw him with Kon before. Instead of leading me even higher though, just at the top of the stairs he opened a regular-looking door right next to the window and invited me in.
The room was somewhat spacious. If I was to guess, it was at least as big as the kitchen on the ground level and then some. It was mostly filled with cabinets, stacked with books and other papers, with a desk sitting right at the end wall, with two chairs, one behind and the other in front of it. To the right of the entrance there was another door, that one looked a bit more fancy, but was closed. Next to it was a familiar looking sculpture, the same as the one I’ve seen in his inn.
-So. Where were we…?
-About the war.
-Ah right. War. The attacks. After the first one there was a lot more. As soon as the king left the capital, they struck a second time. That one was a lot less coordinated, though, but a lot more devastating.
-What, they had more of those gigantic things?
-No - he shook his head. - But they started appearing throughout the whole city. Mostly on the streets. You can imagine the panic.
-Ergh… that’s ugly…
-No shit. If you add the fact that the main military force just left the city along with the king and the head of the guard… let’s just say the defense was less than coordinated.
-I thought that us leaving was supposed to be a secret?
-Keyword: “supposed”. It’s not like they did not try, but it’s hard to hide that many people leaving the city.
-Right, I never knew how many were supposed to join…
-A lot. About half of the guard force from the entire city. If we add the ones that died during the first attack, the city was left with a lot less than a half.
-Yeah. I don’t need to add that they did a lot of damage. They quickly stopped their assault though, either they found what they were looking for or rather realized that it’s not there.
-Right, and I assume you know what they were targeting?
-Oh I do. Everyone does at this point.
-At this point?
-Let me continue. After Axelrod came back I learned about your mission and all that from Bert and Odar. That was then the next attack happened. But that one was a lot more coordinated, and for the first time it was not just the creatures that attacked, elves were along with them. And this time it did not look like they were just going to leave as fast as last time. I never was at the main palace, but I know it took a lot of damage and they even managed to breach the inner chambers.
-As much as I don’t like elves for attacking me here, still, serves you right, Axelrod.
-You might change your mind after you learn what happened at the palace.
-I thought you said you weren’t there.
-I was not. But after a day of fights, the elves suddenly pulled back, leaving only the creatures behind. Seeing the opportunity, Axelrod struck back, leading the remnants of his forces after them, swiftly dispatching what remained of the enemies, but not a single elf was caught. Not alive that is.
-Ah great, more of those suicide maniacs?
-Indeed. And from what I heard it happened every time someone got even close to being captured.
So that’s why he was not shaken that much with that.
-Since then - he continued - the attacks started being common, although never on the same scale as before. Right at the same time, a rumor started spreading, that during the big attack, a bunch of people went missing. Including our dear friend Odar. Soon the king stopped the gossiping by officially announcing that he disappeared and started a full on campaign to find the missing people.
-Wha? Why the hell did the elves want Odar of all the people?
-Yeah, that got me curious, so I started digging too. Can you guess who stopped me though, like two days later?
-Don’t tell me…
-Yes. Odar Erf in the flesh.
-Ha. Found him faster than the whole kingdom’s forces combined. Good job.
-Well, it’s not that simple - he said, but smiled, appreciating the compliment. - He flat out told me what was going on. The whole announcement and campaign was just a cover-up for something else. Or rather it was real, but the missing people were not the ones that were announced.
-Why the hell would they do this in such a roundabout way? - I started wondering aloud. - Does it even matter who you are looking for?
-It sure does. The main issue was probably someone who got nabbed was a figure that was not known to the public eye. I of course confronted Odar with that and he told me that I was not wrong. He even asked me if I would help in their search.
-And did you agree?
-I was tempted to - he admitted. - He was offering me so much gold that I felt that something was fishy. Especially after he said who’s the one that was missing.
-And that was…?
-EXCUSE ME? - I did not bother to hide my surprise.
-Yeah, that’s the reaction I expected. After you brought that woman to me, I’d never expect her to be that important for everyone. Even when she was still visiting the city now and again she never seemed that interesting… Who the hell is she even?
-Hell. Let me turn the tables a little bit then. Remember when I told you about the mission and how we were tasked to find a “missing person” and all, during which all this - I gestured to my whole self - happened? Well, we were supposed to find Melle.
-I mean that’s not that surprising… - he said, not moved. - I sort of figured out that after I learned that he was looking for her.
-Ha, that’s not what’s surprising. Besides the fact that last time I saw her being dragged along with Axelrod, you’ll never guess what he said about her.
-That she’s apparently his family. As in literally.
He paused for a good while, staring into space.
-Okay. That’s new. A royal family member…
-Yeah no shit. But that’s not all. If she is a princess or something, I know at least two people that he’ll be interested in…
-You mean the child that was with her? I don’t think it matters. As far as I know she’s adopted. Who’s the second one?
-Oh, so you remember. Well, the second one is her husband. The one person I have been interested in for a long while.
-She’s married?! - he sounded genuinely surprised.
-For someone who prides himself on knowing everything about the inhabitants of the capital you seem to lack some critical information.
-Rude. First of all, she’s no longer living in the capital, so I have less than ideal intel on her. Second, how the fuck would I even expect that a member of royal family is living incognito somewhere as a random hag?
-I guess that’s fair.
-Man - I could see that he was frantically thinking. - The implications… that shit can get complicated real quick… and get real ugly.
-So let me get this straight. Short version. Elves, using those plant creatures, attacked the capital, looking to, for some reason, kidnap the members of the royal family.They succeeded. Now what?
-That is a good question - he nodded. - If that was any other faction or something along those lines, I’d say that it’s just some blackmail material. But, besides that it’s too much effort for it to be worth it, those are elves we are talking about. They are not into politics. They do not even have a government.
-Yeah, you mentioned that. You also said something about a God.
-Right. Elves follow some kind of deity. They call him, or her, “The Infinite that gives us Insight”.
-Wait… that sounds very familiar to the…
-Yes. Infinite Insight.
-Holy shit. Not only they are suicidal maniacs, but now religious suicidal maniacs. It only gets better.
-I don’t know how that changes anything.
-Doesn’t matter - I sighed heavily. - Man, a lot of shit happened.
-I told you what you wanted to know. Now your turn. How do we go about bringing Kon back to his body? - he asked after a moment of silence.
-Oh. Right I did mention that I’d get on with that.
-Well… it’s complicated… But sure, I’m gonna tell you. If I was still made of flesh I’d first ask for a blood binding and all that crap, but besides the fact that I don’t think I can create something like this any more in this form, I don’t want to use elven magic.
-Hell, it’s that serious?
-Of course it is. Let me get this straight - I leaned towards him. - This can NOT get out of this room. We are the only ones that will know this. Or at least the part about me.
-Understood - he nodded seriously.
-Okay. SO. While we were on our magical trip, in Kalkano, a certain event happened. Two in fact. Under the city we found a very infused location that almost knocked out both Bert and Odar.
And I explained how , somehow, Odar and Axelrod were sharing a body. He listened carefully, but the more I explained, the more he was looking stunned. When I got to the part where I got crushed by the rocks and awakened looking as I was now, he stood up and from the counter nearby he pulled out a bottle of something that definitely was infused. Smelled pretty sour. He chugged about a half of it before sitting back down.
-Bleh. I hate the warmth… - he said, setting the bottle away. - So. Let me get this straight. You believe that Odar and Axelrod somehow combined. And you think that’s helping us, how?
-The two of them are a definite proof that one body can host more than one mind. That’s what I am pretty sure of. And, how exactly do you get two people inside one? You somehow have to move one, meaning it is definitely possible to yank the mind of Kon from that tree back to the body.
-Yeah, I get that - he nodded - but that still does not tell us HOW to do that. And I don’t believe that either of them would be so kind to share that with us.
-If I am to be honest, I was hoping that you might have some leads, as you know, you’re the walking encyclopedia about the whole kingdom…
-Pff. More like a census. Not Axelrod's personal scribe or a diary.
-He has one? - I quickly got interested. - Maybe then…
-Nope - he cut me off. - Believe me, I tried finding out. From what I know he never writes stuff down. Not even his spells. Which means he most likely knows the magical language.
-Magical language? Bah, funny.
-What, that’s what I call it, any problems with that?
-A bunch. First off, there is no language. But that’s besides the point. In any case, I still have not told you everything.
-Remember about the entity and the crystal that we found under Kalkano?
-The one that restored you? You think that it would know how to do it?
-I am almost sure.
-Well, too bad that it disappeared…
-That’s the thing… I am not so sure about that… You told me that Kon felt “something else” that was observing me… I had a feeling like I was not alone for a good while now… actually ever since all this - I pointed to my crystal head - happened…
-Wait wait wait wait… what are you telling me…?
-I am telling you that I am almost certain that that entity did not exactly vanish, or sacrifice itself. It just got absorbed by me. Sort of like Odar and Axelrod.
He took a long pause, looking me over, took another swig and closed his eyes. For a second I thought that he’s drunk already, straight up was passing out and wanted to wake him up, but realized that’s not it.
He was focusing on… something. I couldn’t tell what exactly, because his mana did not change color, still the same as always. Suddenly his flame flickered, and decreased in size maybe in half.
-What the hell are you trying to pull off?
He did not respond for a good while, after which opened his eyes and looked confused. His eyes were a lot more focused though, thanks to the mana usage he sobered up.
-Holy… well, I don’t know what Kon had seen in you, but I can tell that you are not normal.
-Wait… you can use the magic sense?
-A little bit. As you probably can tell, it takes a toll on the old me, I only can do it when I have something to pick me up on hand - he shook the, now almost empty, bottle. - Kon is a lot more proficient in that… or was.
-Huh… So what exactly did you see? I can’t really take a look at myself, you know.
-You have so much mana… It’s hard to believe I am looking at one person… But if what you said is true, that would explain the amount.
-Well… that’s not why I…
-And besides that, you really do have something hanging around you… It’s like a small speck embedded in you. It’s really hard to put together in words…
-A small speck? Hell, it was a lot bigger last time I felt it…
-That’s what… you know, nevermind. But sure, okay. Let’s say all that is true. So where do we go from here? You don’t have a split personality or something, do you?
-That is a good question. I don’t believe so, no. But I have a couple of theories.
-Let’s hear it.
I quickly explained my idea.
-There have been moments when I was having brief visions of things I should not remember. Things that I assume belonged to the memory of the entity. First, I want to try and reproduce that feeling. - I started explaining my idea.
-So what?
-But it’s been a hot second since I’ve tried that… I am not exactly sure that it’s going to happen again. While I did try avoiding thinking of… certain triggers, I can not believe that it had not happened again, even by accident.
-Well, we are quite away from civilization. If it’s true that that entity was indeed a person that lived here once, I wouldn’t expect them to ever be here.
-True. But that’s not exactly what I had in mind.
-Thing is, if I was to try and fish a bit for a bunch of new memories and attempt remembering something useful, I need a direction first. I need your help with that.
-What do you mean?
-Don’t get me wrong, I will try. I am going to use every single name and memory that I remember to try and prod this strange mind of mine, but that might not be enough. I will probably not get anything that is even remotely useful to you.
Not like I was not going to do that anyway, I could’ve then learned something about the entity itself.
-So how can I help with that?
-You said it yourself. We are assuming that they lived here, be it a long time ago or not, there is a good chance that some people that met our entity in their human form are still alive. That’s why I need you to find as many names of people that lived in this kingdom as possible.
-Are you crazy?! - he leaned back on his chair, looking at me with wide open eyes. - What does that even have to do with anything?
-What I am hoping is that we won’t come to that - I assured him. - I really think I can just go through my own memories and stir everything hard enough for something interesting to peek out. BUT if that’s not the case, then you’re up. As you know, I don’t really have much knowledge about this place. But you do. Even something as simple as a list of nobles that lived in the capital would be helpful. Last time I had an interesting vision, it was just a name that I needed. What if one of, I dunno, Rubos or some other idiot, has met the entity and worked with them on something? I find it hard to believe that they just made the spell that connected us by themselves, on the spot to boot. They had to work with someone, and for a very long time. Since that’s pretty complicated stuff, you either need a brain or a mana capacity to be helpful. Meaning those people are not exactly anonymous. Mostly.
-I can’t just go and start a census, you know?
-I know you don’t have to.
He was about to say something but bit his tongue.
-Okay, it’s not like you need to right now. I am only informing you of the worst case scenario. - I assured him. - For now, I just need a room and some time to see what I can do by myself. I think you can arrange that.
-I feel like that’s a bit cheap price for all this - he muttered.
-Oh, it is. I just revealed a lot of information to you.
-I do not like being indebted to anyone… especially something like you…
-You're still on about that? - I asked, irritated.
-Eh… whatever. I agree. Do whatever you want… If you manage to find out anything useful, I will be in your debt.