Shards of Old

73. Rebuilt

Both of them looked completely terrified and took a step back.

-Calm down, I already said I am not going to hurt you. On the contrary, seeing as this place is quite convenient, I might actually be going to help you.

-Help? - Jack shook off the initial fear, going back to his stoic face. - And you say you are supposed to be human?

-Whatever you say. But still, I am just me. In any case, I sort of feel bad for you and it probably is my fault that this raid even happened. I have no idea how they exactly found you right when I broke the barrier though.

The silence that fell was deafening.

-So? What happens now?

As they still did not reply, I just shrugged.

-I see. Well, suit yourselves. Either way I need to talk to you later about some few things that happened to me, but that can wait. Go do your burying or whatever.

And I went a few steps away from them, sitting under a tree, giving them space. Not that much though, I was still sitting in an earshot, giving myself a chance to eavesdrop.

Jack noticed that and pulled Kon even further away, but still not far enough. I could hear them discuss the “new” information about my power and how they should approach all that mess. As I suspected, Jack did figure that out as soon as he heard as I was absorbing spells, but was playing dumb. I need to say, his acting of fear and surprise was pretty convincing. At least from the outside.

The discussion did not last very long, because of Vendi. He came back, and after a gesture from Jack the three of them huddled together, trying to talk this out again.

The results were inconclusive.

Vendi was in the camp of “I don’t want to have anything to do with you”. Kon straight up was scared of me and still was not believing half of my story, despite seeing my power before his very own eyes. Jack was on the fence. While still interested, he was very, very cautious.

Well, if anything, not a single one of them wanted me dead, so that was some kind of progress at least. In the end, they finished at “let’s just see what happens”. Sort of worked for me, at least for now, that is until they finished doing their business with trees and all.

But, it was not what they focused on. Instead of focusing on their “ritual”, they decided that first of all they should repair the damage to the barrier.

At first, Vendi was ecstatic, thinking that he dodged the chore of hauling the bodies, but nope. As he was still somewhat drained from our previous encounter, Jack told him that he would just be a dead weight and told him to continue what he started, while he and Kon were going to fix the damage.

I was not going to pass on seeing that.

First though, Jack and Kon disappeared into the mansion to “gather the tools needed”. That was only half of the truth, because I could instantly tell that they went straight for the kids hidden below the ground.

They moved them again. This time to a lot larger room, somewhere downstairs. It looked like the mansion had a very expansive underground, because as the kids started spreading around, it looked like some of them even left the area of the house. By then I was already sitting at the edge of the clearing, not that far off from where the bush where I first hid was, and I could tell that some of them were even directly under me.

I was not really paying much attention to them, instead focusing on Kon and Jack.

After dealing with the children they both went directly to the top floor of the mansion, probably to some kind of loft, because their presence was right at the roof of the whole building. Jack was a little bit behind, as if he was looking for something.

As I was using my magical sight, at first I did not realize that he was just straight up looking at me from the window. Noticing that, I waved at him.

He then quickly disappeared and joined Kon.

After a few minutes they finally started going back down. Surprisingly though, they did not have any magical items with them, or if they had, they were so weak I was not detecting them. As they arrived at the clearing, my observation was confirmed - none of the items that they brought was magical in nature.

Strange, since they were apparently going to need them to recreate the spell.

What they brought with them was a small notebook and a piece of crystal. It sort of looked like crystallized salt, about as large as Kon’s hand.

Curious about the items, I approached them, but as soon as I stood up and took a singular step, they hid both of the items.

-So, you’re ready? - I asked, a bit disappointed that I was not able to get a closer look.

Both of them took a step back, looking cautious.

-And why are you so interested in this? I will talk with you later.

-Oh, that’s good and all, and we will definitely talk, but I am coming with you. First, how do I know that you’re not just going to get away as soon as you are done? Nah, you wouldn't, the kids are still here - I said, pointing at the ground, right where the kids were.

-How do you…

-Relax, I am just going to observe. I kind of feel responsible for this, I did destroy your defenses after all. I want to help you with rebuilding them.

That and I wanted to get a closer glimpse at the process of casting that kind of spell.

-And we don’t need your help. Kon has more than enough power.

I looked him over.

-While I agree that his mana capacity is not that bad, it’s not what I am worried about. Last time I saw him cast a spell it was… underwhelming to say the least.

-What the hell is that supposed to mean?

-Doesn’t matter how much fuel you have in the tank, if your driver is crap you still are going to end up in the wall.


I sighed.

-Nothing. Just go. Not like you can stop me from following you.

With that he could not argue.

They left without delay and went directly to the place the barrier was broken at. Strangely, even without my guidance, they already knew where the hole was. I did ask them about that but was met with silence.

Just to check, out of curiosity, following a few steps behind them, I tried gathering mana in an invisible orb, as I was preparing to cast a spell, just to see if I get any reaction.

But, neither of them did. Even when I closed the gap and started hovering the invisible ball of energy right between them. Either they had no idea or were great actors. I kinda doubted that though - especially thanks to my “new” ability. Besides, Kon was definitely not good at hiding things. While he might have had the ability to change his face, his emotions were as clear as day.

A bit disappointed, I released the mana into the air, letting it disperse. No reaction still.

Well, I guess reading mana and feeling it around you was not that easy. Even I, before the crystallization that is, was not using it very often and had to focus pretty much solely on it.

A while later we arrived at the rock in question. Even though I told them what to expect, they were still surprised when they noticed that there was no script written on it.

-Huh. So it really is blank.

-I mean I told you. The rest of the barrier is intact I feel like, but you can check if you want to.

-How would you know that?

-Because I am a psychic. Fucking guess?

He did not reply and instead called Kon over. They both turned away from me, while at the same time pulling out the notebook and the rock.

After a couple of whispers, Kon sat down next to the large stone and, putting the rock in front of him, started gathering mana.

But, the spell he used was strange.

-Wisfe wowu no usfupet em wo voekp, vsinqo do voy tvupi.

Again with life magic. What the hell? And to boot, it looked as if it was working as intended. Well, mostly.

More or less I understood the incantation. He intended to drain the green mana of the plants nearby or rather “green life” and pour it into the rock in front of him, sort of as I was doing with my crystal although without any need for incantation.

A bit too similar if you ask me.

My crystal had the same opinion. As the plants were slowly being drained, not as fast and not as deep as to leave ashy remains behind, I felt that mana was even drained from me.

I don’t need to add that that startled me like you could not believe.

I really did not want to show the sudden scare on my face, but I feel like I failed because Jack looked at me curiously.

But, as soon as the drain appeared, it vanished. I thought the spell was done, but no - the mana was still flowing from plants nearby and was being gathered in the crystal.

-You look… pale - said Jack suddenly, looking at me directly.

-Oh, I am touched that you are worried about me but I am fine. Just your magic is… a bit unusual to say the least.

-Eh… I did not mean it like that - he quickly corrected himself - You literally look pale. As your body is whiter than before.

I quickly unwrapped one of my hands and realized that it was indeed true. I was confused at first, but quickly understood what was going on.

As Kon was gathering the green mana, he also drained it from me. I had a bunch of it, be it from the plants I drained or the spells I recently have been hit by. That made my body change color to a shade of green. I actually never paid much attention to my color palette, if you can believe me. When that got drained though, I just got left with regular, uncolored and pure mana, making me change to a whiter shade, hence “pale”.

-Ah. Don’t worry about me. It’s just how I am. I think.

-You think? - he asked, looking confused.

-Yep. But never mind me, what about you? You’re not scared about the kid using life magic?

-Life magic? - he looked at me as if I was insane.

-Yeah. Whether he’s your son or not, using a kid to dabble in dangerous magic like this… it’s pretty reckless.

-You clearly have no idea what you are talking about - spoke up Kon, apparently done with the spell. The crystal, now in his hand, was glowing with dim green light. To me though, the light was about ten times brighter, thanks to my enhanced sight.

-Really? Enlighten me then.

-And why would he do that? - said Jack, taking his side.

-No, I think you misunderstand me. I am not trying to bait you to tell me your spells. That was a warning.

-And now with threats…

-Oh, shut the fuck up and listen - I interrupted him, mildly annoyed. - I have spent most of my life trying to contain, fix or clean up the mess after people like you exactly. Using life magic as if it’s a natural thing. Spoiler warning: it is not. See my body? That is on a lighter side of aftereffects. Most of the time you’re not that lucky and just end up dead. Or worse.

-Okay, what? - said now slightly concerned Jack. - What’s “worse” exactly?

-Depends. But I can think of a couple of things. For example instead of turning into a sentient pile of rocks, you’d turn into a sentient pile of flesh.

-Pile of flesh? Isn’t that what we are? - he scoffed at me, but I could tell he was a bit shaken.

-Well there is a small difference: arrangement. Anyway, do what you want, I’m no longer responsible for that, it’s going to be your problem. Or whoever’s going to survive.

-You really think that this magic is that dangerous? - asked Kon, now a bit scared.

-It’s not “this magic”, it’s just a bunch of words that you need to be careful about. I noticed that a whole lot of you were using those… I’d recommend you cut down on that.

-But that’s the magic passed down on us fr…


-Ah, so there is someone else that was that stupid. Well, since it was “passed down” I assume they’re dead. Most likely thanks to that magic, am I correct?

Their silence was enough of an answer.

-So I am right - I shook my head. - That also reminds me. You were the one who made that stupid charm, right?

-A charm? - Kon looked a bit put out by the sudden change of topic.

-Yeah, “wish of life” or whatever that was. It was a piece of crap, but the words written were definitely correct. Vendi was pawning that off in the town.

-Oh. Maybe…

-I’d recommend you stop doing that. Or at least use different words. You did not infuse any mana into them, so there’s no harm done, but if you did…

I shuddered, remembering a few “accidents”.

-I only did that once. And it was a long time ago.

-So that’s why he wanted to meet you… - Jack muttered, lost in thoughts.

-He? There was another?

-Yes - Jack replied, realizing that he was speaking out loud. - His name was Mor. I feel like you might have heard of him - he said, mockingly.

-Oh, ha ha. I told you that I am Mor. Seeing as your kid can change face, I can’t believe you don’t want to realize that someone else might change too.

That sentence froze him.

-How do you know.

-I… he might have seen me change… - quietly said Kon, visibly ashamed.

-For the millionth time I told you to be careful - he blew up, half angry, half crestfallen.

-Don’t worry too much. While it was definitely surprising you should be glad that it was me not the elves that saw it. Speaking of, what the hell do elves want with you?

-Don’t know how that should’ve reassured me. And don’t know why I should tell you.

-Ah, so we are back to square one. Okay, sure, whatever. Instead of doubting me and my motives, why don’t you go and repair the barrier then?

He was not going to argue with that. Instead he looked slightly annoyed at himself for me having to remind him why they came here.

-Right. Kon.

He nodded and gave him the infused rock. I lowered my eyes to not get blinded and was watching them as carefully as possible.

But Jack was not casting any spells. He just walked towards the large boulder, where the spell used to be, with Kon in tow.

Kid pulled out the notebook and after looking through it for a second, started speaking.

Or rather he started dictating the contents of the spell to Jack. He, using the rock as it was just a piece of chalk, was writing the whole thing down.

I couldn’t tell what exactly they were saying. At first I wanted to get a bit closer to hear the spell, but stopped myself. First off, I always could take a look after they were done. I already knew about half of the spell from before, and to fill the gaps wouldn’t be that hard if I was able to read the spell from this side.

But, more importantly, I did not want to disrupt them from creating the barrier itself. Creating a spell like that is a delicate process, and I really was not sure if my crystal would not disrupt it. Or worse - get connected to it. Kon already proved that his magic was able to mess with my own and I was not going to gamble with that.

After a solid minute, it appeared that the writing part was done. Jack stepped back and Kon stepped up towards the boulder, placing his hands on it.

For a second, I tensed up, not sure what spell he was casting, feeling the rush of pure mana around him, but as the rock started glowing, I figured out he was activating the barrier. The glow intensified even more and soon the blinding light I saw when I was approaching this place was put back in its place again.

-You done? Can we finally have a talk?

-Not yet. We still need to deal with the dead - said Jack, leading Kon with him.

He was already looking pretty pale, probably thanks to the spell. Whenever it was being fueled by the leyline or anything similar, creating it still had its toll on his body and mana supply, which was especially visible thanks to my magical sight. Before, his flame was similar to Vendi when I first saw him here, now he was closer to the rest of the kids that were hidden under the mansion.

That, and after he heard about the bodies, his face turned almost completely white.

-You sure you will be fine? - Jack sounded genuinely worried.

He nodded, but I don’t think he convinced him.

By the way, I noticed that the mana and overall Jack’s flame was actually pretty large and he was definitely not at his best.

When he appeared, it looked like he was similar in power to the other two, but that was after teleporting. Did that mean he also was able to use that magic?

It seemed a bit strange. I was pretty sure that portals were complicated and not something that would be so widely used, but the longer I was here, the more people revealed that they could use it without issue. Either there were a lot of prodigies roaming around, or someone figured out an easier incantation. In any case, it would be smart to investigate that later.

Getting back to the mansion took us longer this time, thanks to Kon. Despite him being adamant that everything is fine and he does not need to rest, he had a hard time walking straight and almost had to be carried back by Jack.

Meanwhile, back at the mansion, Vendi was already done with bodies and was now inspecting scorch marks left by the lightning. Noticing us come back and seeing as Kon was a bit out of it, he immediately bolted towards the inside.

-What got into him…? - I muttered to myself and started watching where exactly he was going.

But he just went to the kitchen and brought a couple of small mana fruits.

-That should help - nodded at him Jack and each of them took a piece, trying to refresh themselves a bit.

I, on the other hand, was just watching awkwardly from the side, still waiting patiently.

After eating, I could tell that they were back at their respective peak, or close to it. At least from what it looked like.

I was also not wrong about Jack - after the fruit, he almost had the amount of mana of the other two combined. Not too shabby. If I were to compare him to people from the capital, he’d be close to Odar. Maybe a tiny bit weaker.

I also could tell that, whenever they thought I was not looking, they were observing me. With a little less hostility, but still, their eyes were full of distrust and suspicion. Too bad I couldn’t do anything about that.

-Okay, let’s go - finally announced Jack, standing up from the grass next to the door. - You’re fully recharged, right?

-Yep - nodded Kon.

-Finally - I said, raising as well. - I still don’t get why you only want to talk after all that mess…

He did not give me an answer, just started walking into the forest.

-Maybe you’re still hoping that I’ll get annoyed and leave? - I continued my monologue, following the three. - Nah. Not happening. What I think is, you’re playing for time.

When I mentioned that, Vendi's flame shuddered. Bingo.

-Hah, wonder what’s that you’re waiting for. Some reinforcements? No, couldn’t be. You’d already come with them when you heard that the place was under attack. Or were they busy?

This time I got no reaction, meaning I did not guess right. Hell, this new sense of mine was quite handy.

-Nah, you don’t strike me as a type to work together. But, on the other hand I also did not expect that you’d be an owner of an orphanage. A slave trader.

He was quiet, but I could tell he was getting angry.

-Fine, fine, I will shut up. But you can’t ignore me forever.

-What the fuck do you even want for me? - he suddenly blew up. - Leave me alone and deal with your own problems yourself!

-Ha. That’s not so easy, you know - I said after a brief pause, stunned by his sudden outburst.

-Not my problem.

-Well, that’s not exactly right. You see, my problems, while not immediately pressing, are persistent. And annoying. And some of them you might call “friends”.

-I don’t care about the beef you have with Vendi. Talk to him if you need to, don’t get me involved.

Vendi flinched when he heard his name, but did not speak up.

-Oh, I don’t care either. It’s your another “acquaintance”. Or more likely, a customer.

-Customer? - he turned to face me, looking more curious than anything. - I have many of those. And I don’t intend on selling any out.

-Does that include me?

He paused for a moment.

-Okay, I know you still don’t believe that I am indeed Mor. But you not believing me might sort of work for me.

-Stop being cryptic - he finally said, clearly interested.- So what?

-Then, hypothetically, if someone was to approach you and ask, hey, have you seen this Mor guy around. What would you say?

-I would say that I never heard that name.

-Aha. How nice of you. And if that was someone you thought a “friend” of so-called Mor?

His brow furled.

-What do you mean?

-I mean that I am in the process of remodeling my circle of friends. Or rather I should say during the process of culling most of them.

-Does the “culling” involve that magic that burned the grass next to my place?

-No. I was not the one that did that, you know that. It might involve other kinds of magic though. I am pretty resourceful in that regard.

-Are you threatening me?

-Motherfucker, calm down, I am not some kind of unhinged killer - I finally let my frustration spill out. - I decided to join a certain group that seemed like an interesting and friendly bunch, but instead what I got was a spell to the dome. Multiple times! And guess what, when I accidentally found another one of my so-called friends, he’s not believing a word I say and instead I got a spell to the dome again!

I was not shouting, but nevertheless the sudden outburst was not something he expected.

-So you tell me! Should I be threatening you?

-Who? - he asked dryly, not sure how to react.

-Odar Erf. Maybe Bert too. But most of all, the fucking Axelrod.

-The king? - chimed in Vendi, only listening till now. - Who the hell are you that you know him and thought that he might be your friend?

-And since when do you care? - I barked at him. - No. I’ll tell you only after you respond to my questions.

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