Shards of Old

122. Tired

Now I was confused.

-He? With Reds?

-Yes. Although for a while he had some problems…


Now when she mentioned that, I remembered that I’ve heard something about…

-Wait… That “pyromaniac” bit I’ve heard… that was about you?

-Pyromaniac? - she puffed. - Ha. Yeah that’s definitely the one. But no, it doesn’t just explain all…

She sighed.

-He… he’s been a Red Mage since before I became the leader. But during my… reign, so to speak, he’s… failed. Or rather got bought by the wrong person.

-Bought? You were selling people?

-Oh, you know what I mean. We are offering jobs, not selling people - she said, annoyed. - Anyway, one of the jobs he got offered requested for someone to “try and experiment with different fire spells”.

-Seems innocent enough… But curious…

-Yep. So you can see how it managed to pass and he got it without any issues or suspicions.

-I assume that was not just a new kind of spell used in metallurgy or some shit?

-Metallurgy? - she seemed surprised that I even knew what that was, but immediately wiped that off her face. - No. I am not sure what he was paid to do at first. But I know how it ended.

-Come on, spit it out.

-He burned down about half of the district in the capital. You can imagine the effect it had on our standing…

Hearing that, I instantly remembered what Jack and Kon said. Kon remembered it too.

-Err… What happened?

-Wish I knew - she sighed. - But thanks to his stunt, I heard he got arrested and I honestly thought that he was no longer with us…


-Damn, execution, for arson? Isn’t that the punishment for…

-Using forbidden magic - she nodded. - Yes. That.

-What the hell was in that fire that was forbidden? - I asked, although I had a vague idea what the answer might be.

-The report was never released. I tried sending Jacob to squeeze some information from his brother, but no dice. Only thing I learned was that he burned down some kind of slum.

-That does not seem right…

-Right? If it was just some random ramshackled building, there wouldn’t be any problems, or at least not that much.


-In any case, after he was “given back” so to speak, I tried interrogating him, but he said that he’s unable to talk to me about that.

-Contract magic?

-I suppose so.


-Yep. But, I managed to learn that he indeed was supposed to be hanged, but was saved by none other than the king himself, and then sent to work as one of the Blue Mages.

-You think it was him who forbade him to talk about that? - I asked, pondering the possibilities.

-Possible. It’s either that or it was the contractor who made him do the job in the first place…

-But enough about that idiot - she said, realizing that we went far off track with the subject.

-Right - I nodded, remembering what we were talking about. - Back to topic. I was saying that there’s no need in you trying to find that place manually…

-What, you’re going to tell me that it’s yet another thing that Caleb… or rather that creation of yours is capable of?

-I mean, it probably would be if it was fully operational and up to date on this place, but no, not in this circumstance. I can just straight up get you there. Or - I immediately corrected myself - I can give you an anchor that leads there.

-An anchor?! You have something like that?!

-Two even… - mumbled Kon, but only inside his head.

And good on him for that, because I was not going to tell her that.

-Of course. We DID port there…

-Right, and you want to give it to me…? - she said, immediately realizing that it was too good to be true.


I caught her off-guard with the straight up answer.

-You kidding me?

-Nope. Just…

I started patting my almost non-existent pockets and found the ring that Iloa identified as the second one of the pair.

-A wedding ring…?

I guess an image of me giving her something like that was not what she expected because her eyes widened.

-Don’t get any stupid ideas - I said. - Get your head down from the clouds.

-In your wildest dreams I wouldn’t…

Even though she was trying to act offended, it was clear to me that she was a bit flustered. Come on…

But she took it and inspected it carefully. I wasn’t able to tell if she used any kind of magic, nor if she was able to inspect it like Iloa, but nonetheless she nodded and seemed more curious by the second.

-Say, that’s the one you’ve found in the home of that woman… Melle, was it?

-Yeah. Does it look familiar?

-No… at least…

-It actually does to me…

It was Jacob. Up till now he was just listening to us, trying not to interrupt, still a bit distracted by the state of his brother, who was still staring at the wall.

-It does?

For was as surprised as I was.

-You seen it before?

-I think so…

-I mean, it is a bit of an unoriginal design, so you might be mistaken, but…

-Unoriginal? - now it was For who was surprised. - I doubt there is more than one like this in the world, or maybe just a pair!

-Why…? This thing is that weird? I remember seeing things like this… well, pretty often.

-Damn! I wish I was from that rich of a country as you - said Jacob, clearly impressed.

-Yeah - For agreed. - This thing is a masterpiece. To make something like this… from silver so pure… I can’t even imagine technology needed to…

-Oh come on, let’s not blow this thing out of proportions - I said, getting a bit annoyed. - It’s just a piece of jewelry. You better tell me where you’ve seen it before.

-Right. I mean, I am pretty certain that it is the same item that the previous leader used to wear.

That was an interesting tidbit of information.

-The previous…!? You mean here?!

For looked a bit shaken.

-Yeah. I never heard about his wife or anyone else that would be dear to him that would explain the ring… but yes.

-Are you sure that’s his?

-Of course - he puffed. - You might think that this thing is a common item, but I can surely say that it is indeed the same thing.

-Get another look - I said, gesturing for him to inspect it closer. - Are you ABSOLUTELY sure? This is kind of important.

He looked perplexed, but complied, and yet again said the same thing.

-Yeah. Sure enough. Silver, a bit magical, small writing on the side… definitely the same ring.

That had some interesting prospects.


-But… didn’t she say that this ring belonged to her husband…? - pointed out Kon.

-You’re telling me that that woman’s husband was the previous leader? - said For, not sure if amazed or confused. But…

-She seemed… Wait, how long ago was that even? I mean the time…

-She was pretty old…

-There’s a lot to unpack there - agreed Jacob. - But how can you be sure that it is indeed the same person? I mean, he could’ve just found it somewhere…

-I find it hard to believe that someone would willingly give away their wedding ring - said For. - especially this nice.

-And he did disappear, according to Melle. It would’ve made sense… he was supposed to end his reign and pass on his position to you, then disappeared.

-She did say that he wanted to meet one of his “old friends”... - agreed Kon.

-I guess… Jacob would be the one.

-I wouldn’t call myself his “friend” per se… he was my boss after all…

-Why not both?

-I suppose…

-But that still does not answer where he went! Or why!


-I don’t suppose your creation has the answer to that?

-Ha. No. I don’t think so. Would be nice.

-I think we forgot the main issue here! Caleb? Hello?

Right. Jacob was not going to let me forget about that.

-Eh… What do you want me to do, man? - I sighed. - I can’t drain him, can’t really use magic, not like there is a spell that would “fix” that.

-I don’t know! It’s yours, isn’t it? Do something!

-First of all, not “it”, she is closer to the person than you think, despite her responses - I said, irritated. - Second of all, she does not belong to me. Nor did she ever belong to anyone else.

I swear, when I said that I felt a weird pull at the back of my head… but that one was from neither Iloa nor Kon, who I started to recognize and got used to already. It was from something else… something else on the border of my mind that I couldn’t place properly yet…

-The most I can do is ask her. Or just do it yourself, I feel like we have the same chance of success, really.

-I… I can’t talk like this to my own brother! - he mumbled, a bit perplexed. - Nor do I even understand what I am supposed to say!

-And you want me to do that for you, even if you have no idea what you want to do in the first place?

I think For was finally getting fed up, being that with my excuses, or his welching, because she finally took the matters in her own hands.

-ILMA, can you stop attacking people in the Red Edge?

She turned his head towards her.

-Red Edge: name unrecognized.

-Ah, right. ILMA, you are currently in the Red Edge, not MIRE. I am the owner of this place, and by extension I am making rules here. And I would appreciate you not attacking my people here.

She did not respond for a hot second.

-Data found. Red Edge, headquarters of Red Mages. Current leader: For. Surname not found. Finding more data…

-Didn’t you say that she has no idea about this world? - said Jacob, confused.

-She shouldn’t… unless… hm.

-Is it possible that she’s reading his mind…? His memories? - asked out loud Kon. - Like, you know…

If she indeed was combined, or at least was sharing a body with Goldie, there was a possibility that she, just like the three of us, were able to read into each other’s heads a bit.

That was also a good sign. It was giving a theory of Goldie being still somewhat conscious inside a bit of credibility.

-This thing… I mean, she can read minds?!

-Don’t get ahead of yourself, no. She probably just read through some of your brother’s memories. How much did he know about the Edge?


The answer came from ILMA herself.

-Data verified. Red Mages, current living employees: Jacob Moi, Caleb Moi, Eise, Felix, Eicam, Abes, Mor, Kon. Data missing; no surnames for multiple entries.

-I guess he knew quite a bit. And since when Kon is in too?

-Hm… I guess I did say before that I would agree to your terms, so…

-Yeah, but then she would also mention Jack, Vendi and all the kids…

-Values updating. Current roster consists of: Jacob…

-I guess she’s more responsive now - I said, talking over the list of names. - At least that’s working better than expected… And by the way, I was meaning to ask. You people never said nothing about names… Do you only have first names here? I mean, not you Caleb, I heard yours already, but…

-I don’t have one - meekly said Kon. - I don’t think our family ever had one…

-That is strange - I said - but understandable, at least for you. But you For, I thought you’d have something else than just a name. What, elves don’t have surnames or something?

-They do. Or at least I think so, but the truth is I just never learned mine - she said. - Simply never was able to.

-Right… you’re almost an orphan…

-You can say that, I guess - she nodded. - I was interested at first, but after a while I just forgot about it. Not like I needed it, the name itself is unique enough for people to not forget it, really…

-It’s a bit strange to not know your own name, but hey…

-What about you then, haven’t heard yours.

-Mine? It’s…

Huh. That was weird.

-It’s what? You okay?

-Yes, I’m…

But the more I wanted to say it, the less and less I knew what I wanted to say.

It was the weirdest feeling in the world. I just KNEW I remembered my name, but for some reason whenever I wanted to say it I thought it was wrong.

-It’s just… My name doesn’t matter. Mor is enough.

-Hmpf. Whatever.

-Mor, what the hell was that?

-You tell me. Why the hell can’t I say my name? Why can’t I remember it even?

-You’re asking me that? I don’t remember my own either. Although for some reason I think it is a bit different for you…

-Ah, so you felt that…


-Me too - joined in Kon. - I don’t quite understand it, but when you wanted to say it, I did hear something… or felt you think it, yet I can’t repeat. Like… it was jumbled.


-Yes… Like you were trying to connect multiple words into one, creating some unrecognizable mess…

-That definitely does not sound good.

-You think that is the Origin Crystal messing with my head?

-Well, it did mix up our memories a bit - reminded me For - so that is a possibility.

-Damn. Just hope that it doesn't spread…

-In any case… Do you think that the… problem with Caleb is dealt with… or at least part of it? - asked For.

-Right… - I sighed, thankful that she changed the subject. - Eh, yeah, probably.

-Probably? That does not sound very convincing…

-Well, I cannot control her - I shrugged. - Nor anyone, as far as I am aware at least, can.

-So what, she attacked us just because?

-Because she thought you were breaking the rules. Yes. Right now you changed the rules… well, she did rather I mean, so should be fine.

-Mmhm… I am still going to lock her up again.

-Well, it’s probably for the best, at least until we figure out the way to… split her again.

-Split? You think it is even possible?

It was Jacob. He definitely sounded more desperate than anything. I could tell he was losing hope for his brother.

Kind of strange, him being so protective about him after he let me drain him almost dry while seeming completely unmoved at the time.

-It’s not like I can promise anything though… The regular method kind of failed me already, you know.

Right. That was a problem.

Up till now I was able to just toss myself at the problem, or rather toss the power of Origin Crystal at it, and be carried by it. While that power was definitely handy and not going anywhere, being restricted by the island itself and the fact that Goldie was now connected to the Origin Crystal… that was an issue.

-I can see what you are thinking. And no, I don’t know if I would be able to write a spell that would work for that…

-I see. But what if you had help?

-I don’t think either of you would be helpful in that matter… - she dismissed me. - You, Mor, I can just read so you would be helping me anyway. And you Kon, while you might be a good method for me to split my concentration in multiple pieces, it would be only helpful after the spell was made. And on top of that we would’ve had to leave the confines of this castle. Who knows what exactly she would do if her magic came back.

-ILMA is a peaceful being, you know that. She wouldn’t attack without a reason…

-Yet she broke some bones on the way here and was definitely hostile for a good moment there.


-Let’s face it. That is not the same obedient AI that we made. She evolved somehow. It probably has to do something with that man…

-Or more likely with us… Don’t you think that her appearance is awfully well timed? Like we just have finished with the crystal…

-Finished is sort of relative here… - she pointed out. - We barely started. And not like we were monitored… or at least I hope so…

-You said it, not me.

-Can’t we at least somehow inhibit her ability to attack in some other way? It’s not like I don’t believe this bio-binding we have going on there, but…

-Yeah, it would be for the best. Better safe than sorry. But the thing is, I can’t really do that. She doesn’t like my commands for a reason.

-You think that even some commands got messed up? Is it thanks to the database? Or maybe…

-I must admit, I would love to say that it is indeed thanks to her evolving naturally and changing, but that would give us too much of a credit, don’t you think? Nah, it’s just probably her code malfunctioning thanks to the lack of data.

-Yet some data was preserved - she pointed out. - And she’s even capable of adding new entries.

-You’re right…

-Right now she is a bit unpredictable… I honestly thought about using that elven magic to make her obedient with the contract…

-Yeah, I don’t like that magic, but you honestly might be onto something…

-Isn’t she… or he, a property of that one guy in the capital…? Bert, was it?

-Yeah. But that only includes Goldie, doesn't it?

-That is a fair point - he said, understanding what I was thinking about. - So if this is based on the soul of the person…

-We still have another target. But the problem is, the target has no biological data.

-Well fuck.

The more we were thinking of the solution, the more annoying and convoluted this was getting.

I was getting more and more frustrated.

-Argh! I don’t know what the hell is going on! - I yelled, angry at everything. - Why is this shit so…

-You are the one to talk - puffed For. - I believe every single one of us had something happen to them recently that I’d like to say was not in the category of “pleasant”.

-Like I care - I said, leaning on one of the bookshelves. - You at least have a direction!

-Direction? - asked unison For and Kon.

-What the hell do you…

-Direction. Simple. Since I’ve arrived in this place, nothing is normal. Everything is illogical, nothing makes sense. People use some weird magic that should not exist, then forget about using the basic magical concepts. I am left alone in a deserted hole, just to find my friends missing or dead. Even after finding some of them, they apparently are either changed or hostile, while everyone else is actively trying to somehow disrupt any attempt at understanding what’s going on with me and the world…

-I… I didn’t realize that this change was… getting to you… But I can’t do anything about the fact that this world is different from yours… you can’t really go back…

-Don’t you think I don’t know that already? That is not the problem!

-So what…

-The thing is that I do not know myself! I am angry at myself, at the same time I am calm. I want to think about one thing, the other pops into my mind. Yet with that much of a mixture, I still don’t have any goals!


Yeah, that was weird. I was surprised, myself.

I was never an emotional person, yet this kind of outburst came out from my own mouth.

The thing was, it was not exactly wrong. I was aimless, not having anything to do with myself and in this world. In the MIRE I at least have some goals to work towards. Like… like…

I could not remember.

That was not good. The more I was thinking about the MIRE, the less of my memories were coming. I still was able to recall Iloa and Mike working…. I could recall their projects… but not mine.

-Mor. Mor?

Iloa wanted to somehow snap me out of this but I was not listening. I was more annoyed at the fact that I seemed to start forgetting. Or… was I not? Was it her fault? Was that her overwhelming me finally? Was the two minds in one body too much? Were her memories overwriting mine…?

Now when I thought about it, there was one person that was emotional like that. Someone who was in my head that whole time.


I think she felt that. I wasn’t really trying to hide my annoyance, but I probably should.

-Mor. I don’t know what’s going on with you but something definitely is wrong.

-Yeah, you don’t say - I barked at her. - I guess I should’ve known that it would happen sooner or later.

-I don’t know…

-Oh, stop pretending. It’s clear that the two of us are getting a bit too close for my liking.

-What are you…

Even though she was just a voice in my head I was able to tell that she was hesitating.

Or was she? At this point it was hard to even tell. Every time I spoke, every time I thought something, there were also the two of them with me. With Kon it was not that bad yet, I was able to shut him out most of the time, but with her… not possible.

-Okay. I had enough. You, good luck with the Goldie problem. I need to take a break.

-Er… okay… I mean your room is a bit…

-I don’t need a room. I will take care of myself. Just leave me alone. And I mean it - I said towards Kon, who was about to follow me.

-But… what I…

-I don’t really know, go take care of your dads. Portal your orphanage here. Anything. Just let me be alone for a while.

He nodded, not exactly convinced, but let me go.

For and Jacob weren’t exactly on board with me just wandering the halls, but didn’t say a word. Well, there were not many people left in here that didn’t know of me, or at all really. And not like they would be able to stop me anyway.

-Mor. What’s going on with you? I don’t understand, you…

-Didn’t you hear what I said? What I am talking about, of course you heard. You are part of me.

-Yes, but…

-No “but”. I know you can’t exactly leave me alone, but at least shut the hell up for a moment. Try distancing yourself. Go transfer yourself to Kon. I don’t know.

-I… do what?! I can’t do that!

-Yeah, whatever, and who's the one constantly giving him advice on magic? Like he’s able to pick all the spells without effort like that.

-I… what…

-Listen, just stop. Give me that. This once.


I am not sure if she just went silent or did she actually focus on Kon for now.

Honestly, I am not sure if she even had an ability like that, I was just talking shit. For all that I know, she was probably in Kon’s mind subconsciously, not realizing that herself. But I was not caring about that. The point was, for a while, there was silence. Both around me and inside me. Be it fake or not, it didn’t matter.

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