109. Elves
-And so, he broke the spell and I was just using Eise’s meds to regenerate your mana - finished the quick summary Jacob.
-Should’ve known that weird smell was her work… - she sighed and almost immediately started yelling angrily. - Why did you break this thing?! How long was I out of it?!
-Too long, it was about…
She didn’t care.
-And all that time got wasted! Thanks to you! How the fuck am I to fix this shit? Now I have to go back into the trance again!
-What were you doing anyway? - I asked, not caring about the sudden outburst. - Is your past that important?
She glared at Jacob.
-You told him even that?
-It was important information in…
-How the fuck is my race relevant?! Do you…
-I don’t give a damn if you are an elf, dwarf, a fairy or a vampire - I shrugged. - It literally makes no difference to me. Currently I am a block of solid stone that walks and talks.
-That's a good question. Why are you like that?! Also, why are you here?!
-Ah, the answer is simple and his name is Axlelrod.
That was the name which immediately shut her up.
-You now work for him? Damn. What does he want from me then?
-Not quite - I shook my head. - That is the problem. It’s the opposite. I am at odds with that guy and I hear so are you.
That made her pause for a second and she tossed a look at Jacob.
-I know about his brother, he’s currently…
-Unconscious - finished for me Jacob. - Which is good.
-Yeah, a bit of my fault and his, but whatever.
-Okay… now you are making me curious.
She was not lying, I could tell that her initial animosity and apprehension was gone.
-Well, since you are awake, I’d like to introduce you to someone. By some chance I have come here with some companions that… we have some shared business.
-Companions? You got some more slaves? - she looked at me with disdain.
-Of course not. But I think you might be interested in seeing them anyway.
-Not like I have a choice - she grabbed a glass of water that Jacob had prepared along with the mana fruit - Who’re they?
-As for names, it’s Jack, Vendi and Kon. They are…
But I was not able to finish, because she almost choked on the water she was drinking.
-I see you remember at least one of them. What, Jack got that much of a hook on you?
-Let me get this straight - she said after she managed to clear her throat. - Jack. Broker. Underground dealer. The same Jack?
-Sounds like him alright - I nodded.
-I didn’t ever expect to hear that name again… I don’t know the other two though…
-Both are Jack’s property.
She rolled his eyes.
-What, he can’t travel without an army of servants or what…?
-Well, it’s more complicated than that - I admitted. - But that’s a bit of a long story.
-Go on with it then - she said. - I feel like this is kind of important to know, since you had to bust into my own castle like that…
-Well, it somewhat is also mine…
She scoffed at me but didn’t say anything.
-...but that’s not really what I had in mind. We ended here accidentally, you see…
-Accidentally. I somewhat fail to believe that your teleportation was so bad that you ended here…
-Well, it probably was a bit scuffed because we ended up in a closed room, but we had an anchor… a bit old one but it worked…
-By the way, Kon, did that anchor survive our teleport?
-Oh…? Er… no. It was pretty weak…
-Hm. So you arrived, where exactly?
-According to our people… in the sealed room - replied Jacob for me.
I swear she now choked on air.
-Excuse me!?
-Hey, I was not the one using portals. And before you ask, the anchor got used.
-That’s good at least… - she sighed. - Wait. You arrived in the sealed room… you mean sealed by the door, right?
-What do you mean…
Jacob looked like he didn’t understand the question, but I knew clearly what she meant and I already was preparing for the inevitable.
-Ehh… no.
The silence that fell on the room was deafening.
-Do I need to ask how did you exit…?
-I think you know the answer.
-For fucks sake! Like I had not enough problems as it is. Jacob, go and set up more guards to that room. Now.
-I don’t understand…
-And I don’t need you to right now, just do it.
-Well… Of course I would… but there is a small problem.
-What now?!
-There is no one that I can send.
She stared at him, not understanding.
-I know that there are a lot of tasks to be filled all around the island, but believe me that this takes precedence over all of them.
-Sorry… but that doesn’t change the fact that the only ones that are available are the three, two of which are already on it… other than those, we only have my brother who I’d rather not station anywhere near that and Eise. Plus our guests…
-Are you fucking kidding me? Where is everyone?! What happened when I was busy?!
-Well… nothing. That’s the problem.
-What does that mean!?
-Just as you think. None that we sent to the king came back…
She looked like she just got slapped in the face.
-What the hell is going on on the front?! Is he absolutely crazy?!
-And I don’t think any of those are coming back… Judging by what my brother told me.
-Yeah, why is he even here? - she asked the question that was still bothering me. - Isn’t he as powerful as you!? Why won’t he use him instead of constantly asking me for more manpower?
-I don’t know… But now he sent him to take back the remaining of his men.
-The remaining of his men? The three he gave me?! Wait, are those two…
-Who are now guarding the chamber, yes.
-Are you…
I could tell she was about to blow up again, but Jacob cut her off.
-And what did you expect me to do?! I can’t guard it myself! I also had to take care of you and keep watch here! You were not exactly in fighting shape!
She knew he was right, but was still torn, it was pretty clear. She started rubbing her temples in annoyance.
-War, wonky magic, security failures… and like that was not enough - she raised her head, gazing at me - now you… What do you want exactly?
-Before I answer that - I started - I need to ask one thing, and assuming from your reaction, that might not be for the ears of your friend here…
-I assure you, there are no matters that I am not privy to. I have…
But before he managed to finish what he wanted to say, For cut him off.
-Don’t try and deny it, of course there are some secrets that I have not told you.
He was surprised, but I don’t think it was for the obvious reason.
-Are you sure that you want to tell us that? Isn’t that…
-A family secret? It sort of is, but I guess he can force it out of me anyway. And I don’t really mind you knowing any more…
-Ah so we are in the clear? - I spoke up, interrupting her.
-What do you…
-I am very aware of the Origin Crystal under our feet - I said straight up. - And at this particular moment I don’t care about it, although it is obviously very interesting.
-A what?! - yelped Jacob, but For didn’t even blink.
-Ah. I should’ve known. If I didn’t think you are Mor, I know now for sure, no other person would really figure that out…
-That is not correct - I immediately said. - I have with me at least one person with me that would be able to.
-I would really like for you to not involve me for now - chimed in Iloa, speaking in my head. - These people…
-I am not intending to do that.
-Ah. Kon?
-Okay then. It’s nice to have someone to be a scapegoat.
-Wait, what was that about me? - Kon was obviously worried, but I didn’t care for now.
-Wait what? What do you…
-Let me cut this thing short. There exists a bunch of people that with a single look would realize what that thing is. And I am thinking that the main pain in your ass is one of them. And, no, I am not talking about me.
She squinted.
-And are you telling me this…? I assume that is not your goodwill?
-Not entirely. I am trying to tell you that we might have a common enemy… or at least a common pain, named Axelrod.
-You mentioned that… What do you mean?
I decided to drop the act.
-Your “king” has tried to kill me and my friend. He half-succeeded.
Both of them exchanged worried looks.
-At first I was hesitant to tell you, because, despite your claims, you seemed to have pretty tight ties to him - I said. - But now, I see that you aren’t exactly a friend of his..
-You got that right… - For barked. - This idiot thinks that he can do everything he wants…
-For! It’s… - Jacob wanted to stop her, but for naught.
-It’s what?! Inappropriate? I don’t care. I know that you agree with me, seeing as you despise your brother’s choices…
He made a very pained face, but didn’t say anything.
I could tell that he was also annoyed, and not on me for once.
-Nice to for once see a group of likely-minded individuals. So my first request I think I can just see as good as done.
-Request? What do you want? - she still sounded suspicious.
-Ah, it was just for you to not speak a word to him that I am still alive. That would go more towards your brother than anyone else, Jacob.
-I am not letting him leave this place, no way - he instantly said. - Maybe not exactly because of you but…
-Doesn’t matter. But what about the rest of the pack? How does their employment work here?
-Employment? Pf… - she snorted. - They do what I tell them to do and that’s it. Axelrod gave those to me and I intend to keep them.
-”Gave”? Does that mean what I think?
-Indeed - she nodded. - I have their marks right here.
She raised her arm and in the inner side of her palm I could see three marks, not that different from the one she had on her neck, although those looked a bit darker.
-Fucking blood magic… - I shook my head. - Should’ve known that he’d use that…
-Oh, it was not him - she corrected me. - I suspected that he might try something stupid after he said he was “giving” them to me, so I took the matter in my own hands.
-I hope that it worked better than it did on me - I muttered.
She shot me a piercing gaze in return.
-We did not try to trick them - stated Jacob. - We just told them that if they want to work here, they need to do it. And…
-...since Axelrod told them to work here, they took it as an order from him - I finished for him. - Smart. Although I wouldn’t say that’s not tricking them into it…
-It worked though - For shrugged. - So we at least don’t have to worry about their loyalty.
-Yeah. But what about those “friends” of yours, hm? - she asked. - Can they be trusted?
-That is a complicated question - I said after a moment of pondering. - I say one of them at least. Maybe one and a half…
-And a half? What, you have a half of the person in there?
-Nah… it’s just that we have another slave-master situation over there.
-Don’t tell me you got more slaves?
-I meant Jack and his slave, they are not exactly trustworthy, or maybe I should say they are a wildcard.
-Say, tell me, how do you even know him? He sounded like you are indebted to him. What’s up with that?
-Ah… - she closed her eyes with a painful expression. - It’s plain and simple. He once helped me… in a pinch, so to speak.
-Hm. Well, I don’t know what he wants to do with you, but hey, do what you will. I only can vouch for the third one: Kon.
-Kon… Kon… - Jacob muttered. - I think I heard of that name…
-Yeah, me too… - For agreed. - Who’s that?
-Officially? Jack’s son.
-Sorry Kon, I have to tell them a bit about you. I hope you don’t mind.
-Not at all - he immediately replied, apparently listening in. - I don’t think that it will get them on our side though.
-Oh, it definitely will - commented Iloa, also still present.
-And you think you can trust him then? While not trusting his father? - she didn’t sound convinced.
-Let me finish. I said officially, but he’s not even related to Jack, he’s an orphan. But that’s not important. What matters though, he is very precious to Jack. So precious that I can’t imagine a world where he’d go against his wishes.
-So what you’re saying is that if we have Kon with us, Jack won’t even be able to refuse us anything. And since Vendi or what’s his name, is his slave, he is also kept in check.
-And you say I am bad for using blood magic - she shook her head. - I see you are more of a connoisseur of classic tactics, like blackmail and hostages.
-I can’t say I am not, but that’s not it. The funny thing is… Kon is not exactly a normal boy…
-I think I saw that coming - she muttered. - So what’s he? Another abomination?
-Well… you’re not exactly wrong… - I said slowly.
They both froze in their tracks.
-You’re kidding?! - Jacob blurted out. - That kid, a revenant?!
-Yeah. That is also why I said I can trust him - I said without trying to cover it.
-And you’re telling us to trust a revenant?! - For was in disbelief.
-Yes. But also notice, I am not ordering you to - I pointed out.
She gazed at me with disdain.
-Yes, yes, I remember that I am your property. Thanks.
-Not what I meant. I mean that I am trusting you, so do trust me a little bit. Besides, that’s not the end of what I wanted to say.
-Why do I feel that’s going to be annoying… - she mumbled under her breath, but I heard her clearly.
-Because it is.
I briefly explained what happened to me, the “expedition” with Axelrod.
At first, they just nodded, apparently Jacob had heard the story from his brother and repeated it to For. But some things were obviously news to them, like the part where Axelrod appeared out of nowhere and so on.
When I reached the moment where I finally managed to merge with Iloa, I hesitated. And she noticed that.
-Tell them. I feel like it’s better this way - she said.
I could tell that she was thinking that decision over for a while now.
-You sure? I can tell them that you just sacrificed yourself. It’s not like they can check it…
-Don’t. It will only complicate things. And not like they can do anything with that info. What, they’ll try and get me out of your head? Ha.
And so, I continued my story.
Unsurprisingly, after I explained the other consciousness I had in my head, they looked at me like I was insane, but that didn’t discourage me. I just continued talking, explaining the events that took place at Jack’s island, our wild teleportations and arrival in the deepest chamber of the Red Edge.
Since they were already looking at me like I was some lunatic, I also dropped them the info about the MIRE and where I came from.
-That’s… a lot to take in… - said finally For, after I finished and gazed at the pair, waiting for the response.
-I am going to be honest, I can’t even believe half of it… - said Jacob, staring blankly in space.
-Why would I even bother trying to lie? - I said. - I’d rather just not include some things then.
-What do you think, For?
-Eh… - she sighed heavily, leaning back on her couch - I don’t know. If it was anyone else, I’d just toss them into the dungeon for wasting my time, because this all seems like a fantasy to me. Multiple consciousness’? Other world? King’s family? Damn…
-I said what I believe is true - I shrugged. - What you do with it is your business.
-Well, okay… - she said after a moment of hesitation. - Let’s say I believe you. Where do we go from here? What do you actually want from me?
-That is a question. Well, at this point I want to recapture the woman in question. I think she has the answers that we need right now, or at least some of them.
-That’s not easy… - mumbled Jacob. - Going against the king… Even if we don’t consider his strange transformation and that weird magic you saw, he is still powerful and trying to go against him is a suicide…
-Do you really believe that you can find her?
-Obviously - I nodded. - She did willingly bind with me. I can find her, the only problem is the fact that she is for sure with Axelrod.
-Not with elves?
I gazed at her, curious.
-Elves? Not “us”? “My people”? Where’s your patriotism? - I asked, half in jest. - Don’t you consider yourself one of them, hm?
She froze for a second.
-I forgot you know.
It didn’t look like she was going to elaborate.
-Whatever. I guess it would be handy to have one of their own on my side…
-Don’t get your hopes up.
-Well, we’ll cross that bridge when we get to it. Anyway, even if she is with elves, we are still going to compete with Axelrod.
-That’s true… Well, it seems like there’s no changing it.
-Now for the question - I started, finally speaking my mind. - What do you want for your help?
Both of them looked stunned.
-What do we want? - For was absolutely staggered. - What do you mean, you are ordering me. There is no…
-Yes, yes… - I interrupted her. - Slave crests, stains, blah blah, elven bullshit. I don’t care. Sure, I can do that, but if I am to make this kind of relationship, I’d rather not. Just say it, what do you want? Although I am pretty sure that I have an idea…
-You do? Indulge me then… - said For, slightly worried.
-I said I only have a vague idea - I shook my head. - If I am to guess, you’d definitely want some help with whatever you were looking for when I arrived. Ditching your guild like that seems to me like a bit of a gamble. A last resort, so to say. So, what’s the deal with that?
Her face turned into a pained expression, like she just remembered what she was doing before I interrupted.
-Ah… that… yes… there are… some problems. But how would you even be able to help…?
-I don’t know until you tell me what exactly is going wrong.
-I don’t know what to tell you - she shrugged. - You already know everything. As you said, I wanted to guard myself in the inevitable case of the king arriving here and forcing his way on me.
-I mean, he can't enslave you at least?
-Right, right… but he can do that to Jacob. And he now also knows your and my secrets so it’s essentially the same.
-Hm… Yeah, he's perfect blackmail material… two in one in fact…
-Two in one?
-Yeah, he’d also have your brother too - I said to Jacob.
-Sorry, but you really think he cares about that idiot? - he replied without hesitation. - Sorry to break the illusion, but he’s not as mighty an important person as he thinks he is.
-Oh, I am very well aware - I laughed. - But he still has some information that he might be interested in.
-Information? Like what? - he sounded confused.
-Like the “artifacts” you two were pawning off to random people.
-Artifacts? What? He cares about that junk? - they both were definitely surprised.
-Yeah. Some of them were definitely from my world, and you two know where you got them from. If the earlier indication weren’t just for show, he’s also interested in my world.
-Why the hell though? - raised his brow For. - Is that even important now?
-Very. See, about your “security”... mind telling me how it works and how do you think it failed?
-Don’t tell me that you managed to break through our defenses just because you used some kind of item from your world…? - she sounded amazed.
-No. Or… well, sort of. I have a theory that I’d like you to confirm. So please tell me.
-Well… - she hesitated, but only briefly. - Not like you don’t know most of this… whatever.