100. Entity
If Kon flinched while hearing my voice, hearing the other one made him jump straight up and yelp.
-Calm down, you’re going to wake up your daddies - I said jokingly.
-Daddies…? Ah, those two… I guess that tracks… progressive, I must say…
-They are not… - Kon started protesting, but I silenced him again.
-If you want to talk, talk with your head not your mouth. It’s easier that way.
-And how the hell do I do that?!
-Just like you did right now - I smiled.
He looked at me, surprised by his own ability.
-Okay, let’s start this correctly - I began. - I think the introductions are in order. My name is Mor, and this is Kon, but I think you know this by now.
-Yes… I figured after being part of you for a while… well, now both of you…
-I think I already figured out your name, but…
-Ah. Right. My name is Iloa.
-Yeah… that tracks… It’s great to hear from you again, friend. How long has it been?
-I am honestly not sure… but I need to thank you.
-You want to thank me? I think it’s me that should be thanking you. You saved me from certain death by crushed rocks. And in the process got turned into… this.
-That’s not exactly true… - she said. - It’s complicated really… but I’ve been like this for a long while now…
-Yeah. I sort of figured that out. Something like this probably is what’s going to happen to me after a while isn’t it?
-Probably… I don’t know. See, there are a lot of things that I am unsure of.
-What the hell is going on?! - interrupted us Kon, confused to no end. - You talk like I am not here! Why are you in my head!? Why can I hear this?! What’s…
-Ah… sorry… - almost whispered Iloa. - It’s still strange for me to be connected like this… this is a bit new to me, too…
-Right. Some explanations are in order. I probably should start from the beginning….
-Who you are hearing now, what I earlier mentioned and thought of as “some presence”, is actually Iloa. My old friend and colleague from the MIRE. I already told you that I was a product of a failed experiment, right?
-Mor was not the only person who got caught in the aftermath… - Iloa finished for me.
-Precisely. Although I thought that I was the only one who survived.
-That is actually a good point… what happened back then… I still don’t get it. Strange that that thing managed to bind to both of us…
-Right… you saw my memories from that moment… I saw yours too… but what happened after that? I only saw…
-Me being disintegrated…? Or rather vanishing, apparently.
-All this is… foggy to say the least. I managed to see through your memories and your attempts at contacting me that you appeared not so far from here… along with our whole building.
-I wouldn’t say whole…
-Right. It got pretty destroyed… Mor… If this building got that much damage… the rest of the city…
She went silent.
-I don’t want to talk about it.
-Let’s better talk about some lighter topics! What happened to you after you appeared here? You managed to read my memories, but I didn’t have that much luck.
-It’s not like you didn’t try… I felt that, you know.
-I didn’t know what I was dealing with then!
-Yes, yes, excuses. But that worked in my favor actually.
-Yes. To be honest, I don’t really remember much from when I first appeared in this place… under that village…
-Ah, so you appeared there?!
-I am actually not sure… - she said after a moment of consideration. - At first, I thought so… but now… I am not anymore.
-I guess the underground looks mostly the same everywhere.
-Well, the thing is… I don’t remember when I first woke up. I remember only bits and pieces… It’s like I’ve been constantly in a state of sleep.
-Well, you definitely sounded pretty awake to me when we first met. You did sound a lot different though.
-Different how?
-Em… I can’t really say, but you didn’t exactly “talk”...
-What’s that supposed to mean?
-You were… more artificial? - I replied after a second of thought. - Like you were not present completely… I guess that tracks with that “sleep state” you mentioned. You also didn’t “speak” so to say… it was more like words were pouring into my mind. Sort of like you were after you merged with me. Also, what was that spell?
-I don’t know… It’s just something I came up with on the spot. I guess my survival instincts kicked in. After all, that guy did almost destroy me… I just attempted to transfer myself to something that was free and compatible nearby… and you were the perfect target. I didn’t expect that it would actually be you…
-Yeah, funny how that ended up… But that brings a different question. What did you want with that woman and the girl?
-Woman…? Girl…?
-Melle and Il. Well, besides name similarities…
-Ha ha. Funny.
-I am serious. Since I’ve been here, the names similar to yours keep constantly appearing near me and creating more problems than I would like…
-Yeah… I noticed….
She went silent for a while.
Meanwhile, Kon was just staring at me, apparently giving up on trying to ask questions and just let us talk, trying to somehow wrap his head around this new bunch of info that we were bombarding him with.
-But really… I do mean it. I have no idea who you are talking about. Sure, I have memories of the two being near me… near us…
-So you mean you weren’t the one who lured them there? Used the plant-creatures?
-I used what?
-Oh great. Back then… I followed the two to your hideout… or cave rather, trying to recover them. I assumed that they were either captured by some vine-monsters or something along those lines. I thought they worked for you?
-But now when I think about it, they were apparently being used by elves… So was that them? Still, why the hell would they be with you?
-I… huh… it’s really strange… I sort of am remembering something… the two… I wanted to get them to safety… But why? Mor, who were those people? You know them?
-Sort of. It seemed like you knew them as well… or at least you sounded like that. The older one called herself Melle. For some reason she’s been so popular lately, a literal war is waged to get her.
-You kidding?
-Sadly, no. We are at her house by the way.
I felt a spike of mana both from me and Kon. He flinched, not expecting this, and to be honest, me too. It was not a very pleasant feeling.
-The hell are you doing?
-Taking a look.
I looked at Kon, who suddenly pointed towards my head.
-Mor… your eyes…
-Huh… yours too.
Yes, apparently both of our eyes were now glowing like small embers, mine apparently more than usual… although I assume that mine looked a lot more haunting, thanks to my body. Kon on the other hand just looked like a very, very startled cat, funnily enough…
-Huh… nice place.
-Maybe it is when it’s not trying to kill you.
-Like something like that would be able to hurt you.
-Yeah, but still…
-Yes, I know you have a junior to protect now… although he seems more sturdy than he looks… I mean, you seem. Sorry, I keep forgetting that you can hear me as well…
-A-ah… No, it’s alright… I am still trying to get used to all this, too…
-Right. You were lucky. Not often you have an opportunity to be revived.
-Eh… T-Thank you…
-There is nothing to thank for. But I guess it’s good to know that you are not blaming me for nothing at least - I replied.
-Why? You saved my life. Both of you…
-Sure, I guess… Well, whatever.
-Let’s get to the matter at hand. While I am happy that you are back in business, we still have a job to do.
-Right… you want to get out of here, is that correct?
-Sure. I already know the answer, but still I am going to ask: do you have any more info about portal magic?
-Sadly, what I learned is more or less the same as what you already know.
-Eh… great. So we still need to look for an anchor…
-Yes… although I think now I can help with that… I was… well, I still am very well attuned to the Origin Crystal, so I can feel the mana pretty well. It shouldn’t be a problem if you lend me your eyes…
-Aren’t you doing that already?
-Sure. But I can’t really move them, right?
-Ah… Okay, right, my bad. Kon?
-A-ah! Me too?
-Of course. The more the better.
And we started digging through Melle’s house.
At first, we were being a bit considerate. I thought that between Kon’s, mine and Iloa’s enhanced sight, we’d be done in a minute, but nope. First off, we had to find any potential magical items or any infused trinkets that we could find. Then we would have to compare them and check if they actually were usable as an anchor.
-Mor, you mentioned two people - Iloa asked during our search. - Who was the second one?
-Ah, true, I almost forgot - I replied, putting a small ring onto a pile that we were gathering on the bed. - Her name was Ilma.
-Il? You kidding me?
-Right? I thought the same. But I don’t think it’s her… although after seeing what happened to us, you can never be sure…
-How did she look?! Was she fine?!
She was suddenly on edge. No wonder.
-Calm down, you are overreacting. She’s not like your daughter. But she’s an awkward bundle of anxiousness, that for sure… but that’s most of the kids.
-You can’t be serious… I thought… I thought…
-I said, calm down.
-But well, that would’ve explained why I’d be so interested in her… - she continued, not paying attention to me. - If I was to hear that name… In my right mind or not, I would definitely…
-Would what? Start a war over her?
-I can’t deny that possibility.
-Damn, parents are scary.
But I wasn’t able to disagree with her. Even more, I started believing that she might’ve been right. Especially after remembering how exactly I managed to awaken her in the first place…
-I know what you’re thinking. And I can’t tell you that I am worried too.
-Yeah… if this is how we ended up, what the hell happened to Mike…
-Mh… I don’t even… What in the hell is he…
-Let’s not jump to conclusions. We have other things to do - I cut her off. - We first need to get out of here.
-Mhm. Right.
-Do you have any idea where we are?
-I was stuck in a cave. Can’t really tell you much about this place… I can only see and know as much as you do…
-Strange… Weren’t you a person, like me, for a while? Or at least mobile?
-If I was, I don’t remember that. Why would you think so?
-Well, after we merged, I had some flashes of memories that definitely did not belong to me.
-Yeah, I know. You mentioned that. So what?
-Some of them were definitely about the outside world.
-Oh… Well, that’s interesting… I am not sure… It’s true, I’ve been stuck in that cave for a long, long time, but I honestly don’t remember much before you found me… Just some scraps that don’t really make sense. Most of my memory is from before the whole fiasco of an experiment that destroyed MIRE…
-Hmm… Strange. Maybe we can somehow poke your memory a bit? Just like I did before?
-You’re welcome to, but how? If I remember correctly it was your memories or overall experiences that managed to wake me up. Since now I am fully awake, I essentially am hearing and seeing everything and nothing so far has worked.
-Maybe I just need to recall some memories again? Want me to tell you about what happened to me or the people I met? Maybe that would help?
-I can do it myself, although it is a bit straining. - she admitted after a long moment of silence.
Was it me or did she sound a bit out of breath? Can she even be out of breath?
I shuddered, a bit awkward with that thought.
-That’s a bit…
-Oh, you don’t need to tell me - she sounded a bit… Disgusted? Curious? Uncomfortable? Something along those lines. - I am very aware that some thoughts are not meant to be known for other people… too bad we are sharing them.
-It’s more like you’re reading mine… - I retorted. - I still only can hear what you want me to.
-I am pretty sure you are able to dig into my head as well…
-How much? - I simply asked.
-A good chunk - she replied. - Enough to know most of what happened… I… I didn’t do it on purpose… - she was now definitely more ashamed than anything. - When you asked… my mind was just wandering aimlessly… and you were so open… I just went in.
-But don’t worry, I can control it! As long as I am awake, I am not going to dig. And that also extends to you as well, Kon.
Ah, right, he was here too…
-I probably shouldn’t do that too… privacy aside, shit’s just plain weird.
-You have no idea.
What the hell did she even see?
-Oh! I… I am just a boring person, I don't really have secrets to hide…
-We all know that’s a lie.
But even then, I definitely would not like to dig in his head too deep if I didn’t have to. After hearing his stories and about his owner… I’ve seen some shit in my time, but I am no masochist, I don’t need to experience that first hand.
-Anyway… - I said aloud. - I think that’s all…
We managed to collect quite a large chunk of magical items… or at least that was what it seemed like. During our talk both me and Kon scoured the whole house and brought anything that had any amounts of mana inside. Small trinkets, even pieces of wood, anything.
-Right… let me take a look.
I felt a strange itch in my head that I now knew was Iloa.
-Why did you even disengage this thing in the first place? - I asked. - Weren’t you just a second ago helping me find this crap?
-Sure, but this is a bit different. I need to pour a bit of mana into this, not just look passively.
Ah. So like what Jack and Kon were doing… Probably a lot more effective and efficient though.
-Can you gather a bit of mana for me from the environment?
-Can’t you do it yourself? - I asked, a bit surprised with the request. - You can control my body freely, you already proved that.
-I can, but besides it being rude, it’s not without risks. And it’s always easier for you.
-Hm. Well, sure.
Like she asked, I grabbed some loose mana that the environment here was full of, even far away from the broken leyline.
-Place it next to the bed so I can compare…
Ah, so that’s what this was about. Seeing the items we found, or rather mana infused in them and the orb at once, she wanted to first filter out anything that belonged here.
I wasn’t able to see any difference between any of them, every single thing looked the same for me… Besides Kon, that is, but he was a person, so it didn’t count. I just was hoping that it was just me being not familiar with this technique and not an indicator that every single item was from this place and useless in this scenario.
-Most of this is useless. But we have something… the ring.
-Which one?
-Actually… both of them.
-Eh… well, let’s put all this crap away first… Kon, would you be so kind?
-Of course.
He didn’t even argue and started quickly moving between the rooms, putting every item back where they belonged. It wasn’t really hard of a task, because most of it was just taken from a set of shelves in the room we were in.
I instead focused on the rings.
On a closer inspection, they actually looked familiar. Pretty much identical, made of silver, without any visible embellishments or markings.
-Wedding rings…?
-Looks like it… - she confirmed. - And you’re right, they are familiar.
-To you or to me?
-I mean, it’s now us…
-You know damn well what I mean - I replied, slightly annoyed.
-Right, right, my bad. You. I’ve seen those in your memories.
-Mind giving me a refresher?
-Those were among the things that Melle wanted to give you, but you chose that necklace.
-Riiight… I knew I found it familiar. So, any idea where this thing is going to take us?
-Who knows. I have nothing to compare it to, but it’s for sure not from this place. Well, besides each other.
-That’s a good point. Are both of them from the same place?
-Seems like that to me… But wait, can’t you tell as well?
-Not really. They both look the same to me, as every other thing we gathered.
-Hmm… strange… Well, no matter.
-Okay. Let’s wake up the two lazy asses over there - I announced out loud, opening the door to the other room.
Unsurprisingly, both of them were still asleep, slumped in their chairs in even weirder positions than before. If not for their obvious mana, someone would say that we propped two corpses up.
-Wake up! Time to move.
I was not going to even try to be gentle, straight up kicking Jack in the leg.
He almost fell out of the chair, immediately waking up both himself and Vendi.
-What…?! Who…?!
A minute later, both of them were well awake. While maybe not fully rested, they at least managed to regain most of their mana they lost from the plant-security.
-So those things are supposed to be from somewhere else?
-Yeah - I nodded. - I managed to find them with Kon, and from what I can tell they have different mana than everything else in this place.
I decided to not tell them about Iloa in our heads. She didn’t really care about her presence being known, but both me and Kon were not exactly keen on explaining that to them.
It wasn’t really their business anyway. For now at least.
-Hm. Well, I am going to believe you. I’d rather not use even more mana on checking them myself.
-Yeah, speaking of wasting mana… Kon, you think you can be the one opening the portal?
-Are you sure it’s alright? - asked Vendi. - Isn’t he a bit… unstable after the… reawakening?
-Unstable? Why would that be the case?
He pointed towards his head.
His eyes were still glowing with a dull green hue.
-Ah. Kon, you forgot to stop your spell - I pointed out out loud.
-Your eyes are still glowing Kon. Don’t worry, not your fault. Can you stop looking through his eyes, Iloa? - I quickly thought. - You’re making them suspicious.
-And be blind again…. eh… sure…
-You can still look through me if you want to.
-Won’t they be suspicious of you, too?
-Like I care about that. Besides, I already am as suspicious as it gets.
-Uh… okay.
The glow immediately dissipated from his eyes and he went back to his regular self.
-It’s just still new to him.