Chapter 2: Blowing Up
Nephis was in shambles. There were so many unnamed emotions and so many overcomplicated thoughts. She felt like she would fall apart by the slightest push.
She remembered now. Although her memories were still in pieces, she knew.
How could I ever forget him?
He was her comrade. Her friend. Her lover. Her student. Her teacher.
He meant the world to her.
He was...
He covered her back when she stood against the hordes of nightmare creatures on the Forgotten Shore. He kept her sane when she was slowly turning mad from no human touch on the Nightmare Desert. He went through the thousands years of hell, just to see the end of their nightmare together. He stood by her side, even when everything was going to end.
Wait what? When was anything going to end? There is something wrong with my mind. The further into the future I try to look, the more my memories are dizzier.
Despite her best efforts, Nephis could not remember any details about the so-called end. She could just vaguely make out a terrible catastrophe, in which there would be no survivors.
Seriously, the more I think about this whole situation, the more shadier everything gets. If this isn't a dream and I truly moved back in time, somebody had to bring me here. But there is no way that somebody below divine could achieve such feat. Was it the Spell? Has a god or a daemon cursed me from theirs grave?
"Um, hi there, ehm, Miss? I know it might sound a little inappropriate, but... could I ask why are you staring at me?" an anxious voice brough Nephis back into the present.
Is he speaking to me? Why?! Did I stare at him for this whole time? Oh no! What should I say? We never interacted in the Academy.
Although Sunny was one of the few people around which Nephis could feel at ease, this version of him made her agitated.
She had opened her mouth to say something, but then quickly closed it again. It is not like that she could say that she is his wife to-be who has memories of the future.
Before she had managed to think of a proper response, Sunny hurriedly started talking again.
"Nevermind, it's OK if you don't want to talk. I understand," he hastily apologized and immediately made a distance between them.
Oh great, now he thinks I am a creep.
She missed her old Sunny, who could tell by glance what she had on her mind. No need for any difficult explanations.
But why does he act so tensely? He was never this way on the Forgotten Shore. Although his actions were sometimes questionable, he always appeared so self-assured when talking with others. I had always envied him this trait.
She stole a glance at him, only to find out that he was looking at her too. Sunny tensed and quickly looked away.
But seriously, what's up with him?
She didn't have time to ruminate over the problem, since the gates were slowly starting to open.
She sighed and took a step towards the Academy. Although she didn't turn around, she could tell that Sunny was quietly following her behind.
Nephis was currently contemplating how much she would get into trouble if she burned something. Or rather someone.
It turned out to be a big mistake not to bring her headphones with her. But with how much matters had been going on around, she didn't manage to think about it.
The fact was she had forgotten to take into consideration one small but important detail.
And that was Sunny's flaw.
She still subconsciously viewed Sunny as the older version of himself, who was almost perfectly accustomed to his flaw. In fact, firstly when she had seen him acting impudently, after being asked a completely normal question, she thought he was doing it on purpose.
Only later on, had she realized that it was his flaw acting up.
And now she had to listen to such sparkles as:
"Would you even believe that they killed them, without confirming that they were truly monsters?"
"Yes, since every rational person would do the same. You are the fool for believing them."
"My girlfriend told me that after I come back, she'll move out from her parent's house, and we'll live together. Isn't it sweet?"
"I see nothing sweet on living in a cemetery."
"I even received an armor-type Memory in my Nightmare. It's an enchanted robe. Would you like to see?"
"Actually, I would prefer to see you without a robe..."
Nephis vaguely remembered Sunny's reputation of a pervert, which she wrote off as a gossip, after getting more familiar with him. But now she could see that his renown was earned completely rightfully.
She was trying to rationalize that those feelings were completely normal for teenagers, and he didn't even know Nephis yet, but emotions were taking over.
Luckily, she heard only few of those interactions, since the hall was big and noisy.
If I had followed him around the hall, he would think I'm a creep definitely. Though I'm a little curious about what kind of reaction he would show.
Alongside listening to how poorly Sunny was managing his flaw, she had to deal with her own share of curious teenagers. Whether it was caused by the absence of her headphones or by something entirely different, the students didn't shy away from approaching her as they did last time. It made Nephis really uncomfortable.
Her communication skills were much better than before, but she still had big trouble idly chatting with complete strangers.
So now she was deciding if she should blow up Sunny, insolent students, or the whole Academy with everyone in it, including herself.
Overcoming all the social interactions (most of the Sleepers lost interest in her after realizing she can give only one-word answers) Nephis was standing exhausted in the less crowded part of the room, calmly observing it from a distance. She had already found Cassie, but after the incident with Sunny, she was quite reluctant to approach her.
What if she managed to say or do something inappropriate, destroying her first impression once again? Nephis wouldn't care if it was with someone like Caster, who didn't matter to her in any regard, but Cassie was one of her two best friends. She couldn't just go and introduce herself to her without any thoughtful preparation.
And speaking of Caster... He and some other legacies were now participating in an intense argument with a smug-looking brat.
Wait! What are you doing there Sunny?
Has this happened last time too, or was it a consequence of one of her actions? If so, should she intervene? Although there was a blood dripping from Sunny's nose, it didn't look like they got into fist confrontation yet. She knew Caster wouldn't hurt him for no good reason, but it didn't lessen her worries.
To hell with it.
She resigned her attempts to try acting the same as she did in the past. If she wanted to change the future, she would have to make some difference anyway, so why don't start now?
She took a step towards Caster's group.
"Hello, may I know what is going on here?" she asked respectfully.
Sunny surprisedly blinked in recognition. Unfortunately, it looked like he didn't forget their first meeting.
It was a misunderstanding! If you knew me better, you would see that I'm normal as one can get!
Caster smiled embarrassedly. "Oh, our friend right here," gesticulated towards Sunny, "was just describing to us his glorious deeds in the first nightmare."
The Sleepers around him coughed, while Sunny, regaining his confidence, just grinned.
"I was just lecturing them about how I killed a tyrant by a spat. Would you believe that after training their whole life, those simpletons got only an ascended aspect at best? Tsk, the world is truly coming to its doom. Luckily, there is still me. I had managed to get a divine aspect, without setting foot to a school for the last ten years. Legacies my ass. They are just bunch of clowns," while Sunny was talking, Caster had to hold one of his friends who looked especially flattered by the speech.
Nephis smiled. "Yes, then let's save the world together."
Scions frowned, while Sunny just stared at her, as if she was a complete idiot.
"Hey, you're sarcastic, right? That shorty over here is from the outskirts. It's miracle even that he survived the first trial," the teen who had just spoken felt slightly familiar to Nephis, but she couldn't put the finger on why.
"No, I am completely serious. I believe that he will be a tremendous help in conquering the Dream Realm and destroying the Spell."
Sunny had made a grimace. "H-heh, yeah... Yes! Let's save the world! One would assume that person with a divine aspect would be the savior of the world. You can now throw all your worries away because I'm here!"
All the listeners clenched their fists, except Caster who was just feigning smile.
Sunny, you don't have to try, you know? You won't fool me. I know you better than anybody in the two worlds.
Nephis was having a good time inwardly, while she watched everyone being at loss of words.
"They are both mad, there is no use in dealing with them," the Legacies had finally seemed to lose their patience with them.
Only Caster had enough courtesy to at least smile at them apologetically. Nephis had returned him an insincere smile, waved at Sunny and them turned around and left.
It seems that if I wanted Sunny to be truly free of trouble, I would have to watch him the whole time at the Academy. But it's alright. I'm still forgetting that if there is something he excels in, then it's survival. And if I want him to grow into the man I used to know, I cannot constantly babysit him.
Nephis sighed. She had already realized the reason Sunny did all of this was to hide the existence of his true name.
What an irony.
But I will change it. I will fight against Fate itself, if it is what it takes to lead me and my closest ones to a better future. If Sunny is bound to be my slave, or being forgotten forever, I will find the third way. And I won't compromise.
Because if that is my will, who dares to stop me?