Chapter 53: Jounrey to the Volantis (3)
In his opinion, there was no need to have a talk with the bandits if he could easily kill them; they were the enemies that were not really worth talking to. Most of them were the worst of the worst and just another scum that walked through the earth.
Some were more unlikely than others, and rather often, circumstances brought them to the banditry. Sometimes, sometimes, it was understandable, and sometimes, it wasn't, but Valkorion didn't really care about such a thing.
When he saw bandits and brigadiers, there was only one solution for them.
And that was what he was doing right now, killing those who should have been killed long ago. Valkorion really, really hated bandits, brigadiers, pirates, and other people like them; he even held a very strong distaste for the adventurers as well because most of them were no better than the bandits.
Sellswords and mercanries were no better, most of them were scum who only had vision of money in their minds and wouldn't hesitate to abandon their quest if it was dangerous as well.
There were many occasions when the sellswords and mercenaries abandoned entire towns and cities either to the bandits or monsters when the situation became too dangerous, as most of them were cowards with no sense of honor.
Though not like Valkorion had enough of honor himself, he still lived by his own code that his word was absolute, and if he promised something and gave an oath, he would do everything in his power to fulfill it.
For him, who was Beyonder and a prodigy genius in the art of the sword, not to mention the fact that he was armed with a superior sword and knew very advanced Swordsmanship Style, dealing with a few barely trained bandits wasn't much of a problem.
Especially when he ambushed them and managed to kill two of the strongest of the group by using the element of surprise, the rest of them fell down pretty quickly.
In the end, they were no match for him, and before they realized what was happening, Valkorion had already drawn the dagger strapped to his leg and threw it at the escaping man who was last of the group as the dagger buried deep inside his back, in the spinal cord.
Instantly killing the last unlucky bandit who thought that he might escape.
Unfortunately for him, Valkorion was also prepared for the people or enemies attempting to escape from him. Thus, he had several exquisitely crafted daggers for such occasions.
While he was the best person with throwing daggers around, he could hit his target, and he had enough physical force due to his Pathway to compensate for the missing things in this area.
"Hopefully, they will have at least some Gold Coins."
When Valkorion was done with the bandits, he started searching through their corpses, as scavenging the things was one of the main things and activities that the adventurers were doing.
However, this time, Valkorion was relatively unlucky, because the he managed to find only a few tens of Gold Dragon Coins. Certainly, it wasn't a lot, but it was, in fact, better than nothing, and from the bandits, it was certainly better than he could have hoped for.
"Poor bastards..."
Bandits and other unsavory elements were not really good with money; most of their loot was always squandered on alcohol and whores. Nothing new to Valkorion, but he was still mildly disappointed that he couldn't obtain more Gold Dragon Coins.
Not to mention, all of their possessions were essentially worthless to him because their weapons and armors were scraps, together with the other pieces of equipment that they possessed.
Noting had any real value as it was easier rusty, half-destroyed, or in overall terrible condition.
This was a rather common reality for the small-time bandits that were operating in the territory of the Valyrian Freehold, as the Legions were doing their best to hunt down any dangerous and bit bigger bandit group that was reported to the Amry.
Valkorion noticed that this should be some newly created, and because it was rather far from the core territories of the Freehold, they were not really discovered. Most bandits nowadays, at least within the territory of the Valyrian Freehold, knew how to choose their targets in a smart way.
"We should be going; scavenging those corpses any further won't make gold magically appear."
As he was finished with the last corpse of the bandit that was killed by his throwing dagger, he heard Melisandre's voice as the red witch exited the wagon carriage some time ago and was observing his fight with the bandits.
If it could even be called a fight, as it was a totally one-sided slaughter.
Though such were the outcomes when Beyonders fought non-Beoynders.
In most cases.
Especially in the ones when the Beoynder in question was smart, not arrogant, and knew the extent of his capabilities and how to utilize them properly. Though sometimes the powerful Beyonder could be brought down low by the ordinary mortals, but those cases were beyond rare.
"Every coin is a good coin. While the bandits are not the richest kind around, even these few tens of Gold Dragon Coins are good. For average people, it is rather a sizeable amount."
Because Beyonders were exclusively using only the Gold Dragon Coins as currency, because everything related to the Beyonder World was priced in many Gold Dragon Coins, it didn't mean that a few tens of Gold Dragon Coins were a low amount of money.
Average peasants would be able to live luxuriously and without any care in the world for anything for many years with just loot that they obtained from the corpses of the bandits and brigadiers that they killed today.
It was clear that the bandit group that he killed today was primarily targeting the ordinary people that were traveling and some small merchants that didn't have enough money to hire protection.
Most bigger merchants and Chambers of Commerce would employ some trained mercenaries as their protection detail, or those richer would employ some Beyonders, but that wasn't the case for everyone.
The, majority of the merchants needed to depend on themselves and a few rag-tag sellswords that could be easily killed by ambush.
"You are rather obsessed with the concept of money? It is rather fascinating how greedy people could be for just a bunch of shiny coins of metal."
Valkorion certainly understood the part of her viewpoint, because the entire concept of money was rather useless... However, most currencies were useless as they virtually didn't have any other use, and their value was entirely imaginary.
Gold Dragon Coins of the Valyrian Freehold were different because there were several Spells placed on every single coin that basically prevented someone from replicating the coins and creating infinite copies of the said coins.
Even in the Westeros Pantheon or Church of the Seven oversew the mintage of the coins within their respective Kingdoms, which was making them unreplicatable and thus they had higher value.
In the world of Magic and Beyonders, it was a constant problem, far bigger than in the world of mortals.