Chapter 49: Red Witch (3)
After the discussion with Melisandre, Valkorion offered her the room within his manor so she didn't need to find the dwelling within the Cartharys; aside from that, he wanted to observe the Red Witch for the time being.
He was aware that, for the time being, she was someone who couldn't be trusted at all, though that remained to be seen.
Valkorion knew that they wouldn't be going to the Orange Shores right away, and they would spend some time within the Cartharys, as it seemed that the Red Witch needed some time for preparations.
Due to that, he offered her a room to remain in instead of going to the inn or somewhere because his manor was rather large, and there were several, many empty rooms that were not used at all.
It would also provide more privacy for her than going somewhere else within the Cartharys, and as red priestess of the Temple of the Lord of Light, it was only for the best. Melisandre herself was really keen on traversing through the territories of the Valyrian Freehold too much, as it could be dangerous for the followers of the Lord of Light.
Especially if they came across the clergy of the Church of the Dragon Gods, which would be really troublesome and often resulted in death.
Shadows fall
And hope has fled
Steel your heart
The dawn will come
In the night, he suddenly woke up because he couldn't sleep as he heard a very soft, enchanting female voice singing a song.
The night is long
And the path is dark
Look to the sky
For one day soon
The dawn will come
He looked through the window but didn't see anyone, so he started going around the manor, looking for its origin. For some odd reason, the song was familiar to him, especially the tunes and text, not to mention its clear religious context.
The shepherd's lost
And his home is far
Keep to the stars
The dawn will come
There was still a possibility that this was sung by some Extraordinary Creature or Beyonder who lost control, or just by someone who is crazy, and it was just being heard on his property, but such a scenario was unlikely.
At first, it was too loud to be sung outside of his property; thus, the logical explanation was that the source of the song was his property.
The night is long
And the path is dark
Look to the sky
For one day soon
The dawn will come
As he came around, the voice got a bit louder and clearer.
Which confirmed that it was originating from his manor and that there was only one explanation.
Bare your blade
And raise it high
Stand your ground
The dawn will come
The manor was protected by extremely potent spells and wards that were defending the entire place, especially during the night, so it was impossible for one to sneak into this place, and even Saints would need to put a lot of effort into sneaking into this manor without alerting the defense mechanism.
At least one good thing came from his lineage that: he had a safe and defended place to live.
The night is long
And the path is dark
Look to the sky
For one day soon
The dawn will come
When Valkorion arrived at the roof of his manor, a cold breeze blew past him several him, as it was rather cold during the nights in here.
Even though the Valyrian Peninsula as a whole was rather a warm place, mainly due to the presence of the Fourteen Flames that were warming the entire peninsula up.
Making it a literal paradise and often, the warm air was warming up the surrounding regions, but Cartharys was far from the peninsula and closer to the mountain ranges that were very cold during the night.
"I didn't know that you can sing..."
Valkorion said as he saw the woman turning to take a look at him, somewhat surprised that he was here right now.
"I was a nice song, even though too much religious undertone hidden, but that's okey; I think, it was well suited for the theme."
He put the most honest praise he could over her singing skills, and he received a slight smile in return.
"The Dawn Will Come is the name of the song."
Valkorion nodded as he came to her as they were both looking at the stars in the sky.
Observing the stars was a nice pastime for the Valkorion as they stood there in silence and nothing more. Neither he nor Melisandre said anything as they were observing the starry sky night.
"Hopefully, the Dawn Will watch over us also in the Orange Shores, my dear priestess. As you very well know, there are dangers awaiting us on the journey to that place, not to mention within the Undead Asylum Catacombs themselves. Hopefully, it would be worthwhile..."
Valkorion said as he sat down on the rooftop of his manor, sitting on the cold stone and observing the moon that was shining with a mild blue color.
"Of course, the Lord of watching over every single of its subjects, my dear noble adventurer."
Melisandre stated as she, too, sat down next to the Valkorion with grace and elegance as she too observed the stars, while he tried his best to ignore her calling him "noble adventurer" because he knew that she was once again using his lineage against him to rile him up.
This was a rather common method of the priestess, as she constantly used subtle methods to gauge his reactions, etc. He already and rather easily saw through it, so he tended to ignore her remarks and everything because it wasn't really that worth entertaining.
In the end, if he would be doing so, he would be just playing into her cards and would be doing exactly what she wanted. She was rather smart about it, and already, a few times, he fell into her trap before he observed her thought pattern and managed to avoid falling into her trap entirely.
Still, she was rather a worthy opponent on the intellectual scale because even though Melisandre seemed like a fanatical religious zealot, that was one for sure, because she was a fanatical religious zealot, but at the same time, she was also highly intelligent.
Even though she was a religious zealot, it didn't obstruct her from looking at things and matters from different points of view, and she was a rather smart and very intelligent person.
"Everything will end as it is predicted. The Lord will oversee and guide our steps, and the information from the Red Temple tells about the state of the Undead within the Catacombs. I also managed to obtain the complete and detailed map of the Firelink Shrine, though the problem is that many of them would be collapsed already."
Even though she had almost blind faith in her God, or rather as Valkorion knew the future God, she was also logically thinking enough to prepare everything for the mission within the Orange Shores.
Melisandre was someone who prepared for every single possibility during their mission and also managed to get her hands on the map of the original Firelink Shrine, which would help them tremendously during the quest.
The thing that her God asked her to obtain was located in the very hard of the Firelink Shrine.