Chapter 271: Dragon Princess
Two days later.
Dragon Kingdom.
There was no clarity whatsoever on whether Aaron would be released or punished. Currently, Aaron was still imprisoned in the dungeon of the dragon castle.
Guards took turns in charge of watching over the most priority prisoners in the entire area of the Dragon Kingdom.
The Dragon Prince came to the place once, but he only asked basic questions, such as name, level, and knowledge of the race that Aaron knew.
Aaron was quite familiar with how the Dragon race was, such as how they mingled and socialized. The dragon race reminded Aaron of Sokia.
After asking so, the Dragon Prince left with the information he might need. However, it was not yet clear whether Aaron would be released or not.
Aaron got up, stood up while clutching the iron bars of the prison cell that locked him away from freedom. He asked the prison guards about his status. Again, they said they didn't know.
Aaron's status would be decided after the royal family meeting, precisely after the Dragon King returned from his trip and the Dragon Queen recovered from her illness.
"When is he coming back?" Aaron asked.
"He just left a few months ago. Chances are, he'll be back in 5 years," replied the warden.
'Five years? Is he crazy? I can't keep rotting here. I have to get out!' Aaron complained.
Aaron took another step back, sitting on the metal chair available in his cell room. Every now and then, he took a deep breath to ease the restlessness in his heart.
The man realized that this place was the only place that had strong anti-magic capabilities.
When Aaron asked Aerith to open a dimensional portal here, the woman said that she could not enter the city dimension.
Aaron suspected that the power of the city dimension was able to keep foreign forces from sneaking in. Aerith even had trouble reaching her current position.
"If it weren't for the missing Princess, the Dragon King and Queen wouldn't be in this much pain," explained the prison warden, trying to make conversation with Aaron.
"You guys keep talking about the missing princess. Who exactly is she? And why did she go missing?" asked Aaron, annoyed.
"She is Princess Sokia. She disappeared while we were evacuating each floor. She was caught by humans," replied the prison warden.
Hearing Sokia's name uttered from the prison warden's mouth, Aaron immediately rose to his feet and held the iron bars of his cell. Aaron's sudden attitude surprised the prison warden.
"Oh, you surprised me. What's wrong with you?" asked the prison warden.
"Tell the Dragon Prince. I know the location of the Dragon Princess," Aaron replied, firmly.
"Huh? You know the location of Princess Sokia? Don't joke around. Are you trying to set me up?!" said the jailer.
"I'm serious. I know where she is," Aaron explained.
The prison warden looked sharply at Aaron's face, there was no visible line of lying with every word he said. His eyes also felt sharp looking at him, as if he was convincing someone.
"Tell me quickly or I lose track of Sokia!" said Aaron.
"Okay. All right. You're an impatient man!" complained the prison warden.
The man did. He left the place and stepped closer to the throne hall. Aaron was still standing, sometimes walking back and forth as if he was relieving the anxiety in his heart.
For a long time the warden left and did not return. Aaron already knew it, they couldn't possibly believe what Aaron said.
Even so, Aaron will continue to force the prison warden so that he and the Dragon Prince will believe him.
The prison warden came back. Now, he came not alone, but with the Dragon Prince. It seemed that Aaron's guess was wrong, they were willing to listen to Aaron's explanation.
"I heard you know where my brother is. Tell me, where is he?" asked the Dragon Prince.
"He is in a safe place. My clone is standing guard with her," Aaron replied.
He began to tell the Dragon Prince about the beginning of his meeting with Sokia.
The Dragon Prince seemed to look at Aaron with great seriousness, considering that only this time since decades passed, there was definite information about Sokia's trail.
The prison warden listened to the story. Suddenly, the Dragon Prince ordered the man to open the cell and let Aaron go.
"Are you sure, Prince? He could be lying," said the prison warden.
"Don't worry. I'm stronger than him. If he tries to lie, let me kill him right away," replied the Dragon Prince.
Aaron again confirmed that he had no bad intentions towards the Dragon Prince.
The two agreed, Aaron was released from prison and the Dragon Prince ordered Aaron to show the location of Sokia's whereabouts.
They walked away from that place until they arrived at the throne hall. There, the Dragon Prince firmly ordered everyone to leave, including the castle officials.
The soldiers and officials left the throne hall, leaving Aaron alone with the Dragon Prince.
At first they were worried about leaving the Dragon Prince with Aaron, but after being reassured, they were able to leave with some relief.
"No one will hear us. Tell me, where is Sokia?" asked the Dragon Prince.
"She's on the 10th floor, she's with the Sky Sword 10th group," Aaron explained.
"Joined the Sky Sword 10th group? I never expected that before," replied the Dragon Prince.
"I've asked the group leader for a safety guarantee for Sokia. He said yes. He will look after Sokia for me," Aaron replied.
"Why do you speak as if you are close to my sister?" asked the Dragon Prince.
"Because we are friends. She helped me a lot when I was confused on the first floor."
"That's why I'll protect her, whatever it takes."
The Dragon Prince nodded. He knew that if Aaron wasn't lying, Sokia could have been there and never knew that her family was still alive.
He stepped closer to Aaron, then patted Aaron lightly on the shoulder with an excited expression plastered on his face.
"Alright. If you manage to find Sokia, I will release you and give you a satisfying reward," explained the Dragon Prince.
"If we have decided to go. We'd better get going," Aaron explained.
"But cross-floor travel will open tomorrow. We have to—"
"We don't need light stones for cross-floor travel."