Rising Shards

Side Fangs #128: “Homework and a Challenge”

Ko had been staring at Lillia’s bookshelves for quite some time.

“Is something wrong?” Lillia asked.

“No, just wondering,” Ko said. “How come you have two sets of encyclopedias here?”

“It’s more like one is an elongated table of contents documenting the contents of the other set.” Lillia explained.

“Huh…” Ko said, clearly not understanding. She instead looked at the other books on the shelves, pulling one out titled Under Many Tides. “You got a way nicer cover than me.”

“Did you finish reading it?” Lillia asked.

“I…er.” Ko said. “I skimmed it. And I watched a summary video online.”

“Well…that’s something.” Lillia said.

“Even just skimming is pretty good for me!”

Lillia didn’t like to have anyone interfere in her homework time. But she made an exception for Ko. And since Ko was woefully behind in her homework, Lillia offered to pull double duty and help her out in their impromptu study session after the video club meeting.

“And what do you think the moral of the book was?” Lillia asked.

“That…don’t be a Cani when the waves come in? Or something?” Ko asked. “And don’t put the ocean into space? That part was weird.”

Lillia chuckled. “That was rather strange. In the discussion articles in the back of the book, they suggest that the author might have been projecting their fears of drowning into the novel."

“Damn, that’s wild,” Ko said. She paged through her copy of the book, already very worn from a month or so in her locker, “The book has like bonus homework in it that isn’t just the book? And you read it?”

Normally she would be chastising whoever she was tutoring for working so little. But again, exceptions were made for Ko. Especially after her classwork had improved so much already. Ko had told Lillia that prior to the two growing closer, she had put significantly less effort into her studies. Knowing that Ko was trying at all for her made her feel very fuzzy.

After Lillia had finished her homework and somehow gotten Ko caught up on hers, Lillia wasn’t sure what they’d do next.

“I assume you have beam chasers practice, then?” Lillia asked.

“In a bit,” Ko said. “I could hang with you a bit longer.”

“Alright,” Lillia said. She bit the inside of her cheek.

“I have maybe a question you won’t like,” Ko said. “But you maybe also might like it very much.”

“What is it?” Lillia asked.

Lillia’s mind went into panic mode instantly. Was I too harsh on her for her studies? Was I not harsh enough? Is she going to say she doesn’t want to spend time with me anymore? Is she—"

“What would it take to get a kiss from you?” Ko asked.

Lillia’s heart did a flip in her chest, wholly unprepared for that answer. Her eyes darted around. They were in her room, which was somewhat private. But Oka could be back soon.

“I…” Lillia blushed. “From you?”

“Yeah.” Ko said. “You’re really cute, and I really want to.”

“That’s…” Lillia said. Her head was spinning. Things were moving too fast. Was she about to have her first kiss? Was she ready for that?

I’m not. That thought rang through clearly. She cared a great deal for Ko, and really enjoyed the time together, but they weren’t dating (yet?). Lillia knew she needed more time to be comfortable about this.

“I won’t push it, don’t worry,” Ko said. Her voice was smooth, but there was some disappointment ringing within it.

“I’m sorry, I’m just not ready yet,” Lillia said.

“Nothing wrong with that,” Ko said. She stretched. “Figured I’d ask.”

“I’m sorry…” Lillia repeated.

“You don’t have to be,” Ko said. “Usually I’ve gotten a kiss by now.”

“Usually…” Lillia said.

Ko winced. “My bad, that makes me sound like a jerk. I’m not judging you for it, just usually…”

“How many girls have you kissed?” Lillia asked.

“Not that many. But it’s different with you. Everything’s different this time. Usually I just flirt and make out a bit, but there’s nothing deeper than that.”

Lillia felt a bit jealous that Ko had kissed other people. That she’d even flirted. “But it’s deeper between us?”

“Uh huh,” Ko said. “I like that I don’t just get what I want right away. So you just need time?”

“Time and…yes, time would be good.” Lillia said.

Ko nodded. “If there’s anything else you need, just say so, OK?”

“Do you want some kind of challenge to earn a kiss?” Lillia asked.

“That’d be kinda awesome, yeah,” Ko said.

“How about…you continue to keep up with your studies,” Lillia said. “And pass all your classes with at least C grades, but preferably in the B range.”

“Oh, damn,” Ko said. “That is a challenge. And I get a kiss from you if I do?”

“I…” Lillia thought it over. Her face was burning now, but she felt a lot more confident answering this one. “Yes.”

“Hell yes,” Ko said.

“I might get scared so even if you succeed, just give me time if I get nervous. But…”

“I’ll wait as long as you need,” Ko said, grinning. Lillia found her smile so charming. “And I’m so gonna pass all my classes. But I might need some more homework time with you if I’m gonna win this.”

“Of course,” Lillia said. “We’ll win this one together.”

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