Remnants anomaly

Poor leon

A week had passed during this time and leon felt like pulling his hair out during most of this time as he had a series of straight up crazy events go off back to back. the first was that the being that sent him to this world originally just randomly spawned a bright shining golden letter between opal and him as they were walking. as a result leon was forced to explain the letters source which opened a whole can of worms with opal who was stunned at the realization that leon had actually met a god and was now even getting letters from them.

Opal wasn't religious by any means but she knew it would be a good idea not to keep a literal god waiting and hurried him into reading the letter , out loud of course. The fact that when he did the necklace got sucked into the letter followed by two bottles labeled with his and opals names on them replaced it happened left leon dumbfounded. there was no explanation or even warning before they were effectively forced to trade the necklace for whatever was in these two bottles.

leon wasted no time downing the contents of the bottle with his name on it since he doubted the god wanted to kill him much to opals horror. she may have gotten used to leon interacting with the poisons on the island but to suck down something supposedly sent by a literal god was beyond reckless. she was sure that her caution was warranted when leon groaned before secreting a foul smelling oily black substance from all over his body while also throwing the same stuff up. unlike opal however leon knew exactly what was happening since he had experienced it once before.

After an hour of just constant "purification" leon directly discarded his modesty to incinerate all the foul smelling stuff on him along with his clothes. opal was left speechless when he did this since he was completely naked until he dug out and put on a set of clothes from his magical bag of bullshit. leon ignored opal to update his falna which explained to him what had just happened when he looked it over carefully. opal couldn't know but the reason for this xianxia episode was the same as last time as after he drank the liquid in the bottle the tiny grain of life force sucked up the rest of his stores growing into a tiny golden pebble.

This triggered the purging of the impurities that opal had seen but leon was more interested in why he didn't feel like he was going to explode despite him being clearly unable to handle solid life force before.

Name: vermilion drake

Race: Faunus(horned ape/tailed bat)







Developmental skills: lancer , scyther , artillerist

Magics: Mangekyou Sharingan(Left: kami no keshin , Right: Rakurai) , semblance(greater vampire) , hell fire , Infernal script

Skills: Devil's due , Infernal script

It was clear to leon that despite his stats not actually increasing the liquid that was in the bottle directly evolved his semblance into the next stage. this explained why he was suddenly able to safely house solid life force. but the most exasperating thing for him was that now his aura reserves that had just barely managed to start working normally now were back to barely being able to maintain a shield. having an aura that was not strong enough to work as a shield while also controlling your semblance was a huge pain to deal with for leon but at least he was used to it at this point.

Leon had to test the new abilities of his evolved semblance as soon as possible but had to hold off on that when a huge orb of chaotic colors appeared in the sky at the edge of the island above the sea before vanishing and dropping ten people into the sea out of nowhere. "i'll answer your questions later but first we need to go see who the hell just teleported to the island , also i suggest drinking that bottle as soon as possible it's some good stuff." leon said before taking off into the sky with his wings.


my patrons can read an extra two chapters ahead along with using the site as a way to directly contact myself rather than needing to hope i respond to your comments.


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