Remnants anomaly

How to grow

The defenses weren't anything special for leon , just a wide ignorance circle that made grim subconsciously ignore and go around that particular area. leon set up this circle by literally walking in a circle around the area with his aura stamping the ground below him him the infernal script as he went. once that was done he began to pull out a large tent and other camping supplies like a bunsen burner and portable shower. the reason he could store such a ridiculous amount of things in his bag had to do with where he got it from.

When planning for this trip leon had noticed that he would need a stupidly large bag for all of his things unless he wanted to rough it out in the wilds which was unacceptable. much like when he summoned other items from other worlds such as the berries from pokemon or the meat from zorah magdaros the bag he was using was "borrowed" from another world. to be specific the harry potter world since he didn't want to risk a scientific product doing something crazy like imploding into a black hole if he were to take say a silph bag from pokemon.

Magic was found to surprisingly be nearly identical between this world and the world of harry potter so a space extended enchanted bag from that world still worked without any problem at all. leon theorized that this was the reason magical familiars from that world had little trouble surviving in this one. speaking of familiars it looked like opal had gotten caught up to that point in time already if the look she gave genesis and then leon was anything to go by. it was the kind of look you would expect an explorer to have when they discovered something interesting.

Excitement , curiosity , and caution were the emotions contained in that look , leon knew them well since he had seen them on many of his titan corp scientist who were effectively given free rein in the research. as much as most people would like to think hard work always triumphs over passion the truth of the matter was that you needed both in order to succeed. if a scientist was given a topic they didn't like even a little to work on even if they worked hard on it they wouldn't make quick progress thanks to their own attitude about the matter holding them back.

On the other hand when given a topic they were passionate about the progress would skyrocket as they poured their heart and soul into the research. for most companies this was simply not a feasible thing to do if they sought to make a profit but that was were leons corporation was different. rather than profit what leon wanted and created the company for was innovation on any and every thing possible. as advanced as the technology of this world seemed the fact of the matter was that most of it happened in the last four centuries when tech genius's popped up like mushrooms and rapidly improved the world.

What this meant was that if those genius's stopped appearing then while the world wouldn't stagnate it would slow to a crawl as far as advancement was concerned. this was obviously not a good thing for humanity if they relied on genius's for their growth in their entirety. this was were leon corporation that had no concerns about profit came in with their open research policy that allowed the constant albeit usually small advancements in multiple fields at once. 'got rather side tracked there for a minute.' leon thought after leaving his introspection.

Opal walked over to him a few moments later with conflicted appearance and an image on the scroll in her hand. "is that you?" she asked holding up the scroll to show leon an image of his susanoo slaughtering the horde of grim. leon nodded while rubbing his chin with a disapproving look. "yeah but man whoever took this only got my bad side , honestly i'm rather offended." he said with a serious expression. "that's not the point! something is wrong with you , you have too many abilities!" opal said angrily at his nonchalance.


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