Remnants anomaly

Global development

Two and a half months have passed since then and in this time menagerie and atlas have undergone starling changes. menagerie definitely had the greatest changes since it was much less advanced compared to atlas. while it was true that it was only a few million lien circulated into the economy of the kingdom every month , it caused a huge boost in many fields as the now very well paid and treated faunus workers started to buy luxuries from the titan corp. the most commonly purchased luxury was of course the special ivory and gold buildings that now covered all but the most stubborn parts of vale.

Thanks to the fact leon had no competition for the materials needed to make the primary components he could basically charge extremely low prices for these buildings. honestly speaking none of the workers could actually afford the buildings by themselves since they weren't paid THAT well , but if say fifteen or twenty of the workers pooled their resources? totally affordable at that point. the biggest change however was that the public free education leon had set up he had in an unbelievably lucky occurrence actually found several hidden genius's.

Most of them were older than someone should be for the level of education they had but leon had expected that such a thing may happen since tutors were the main for of education in menagerie. leons personal favorite had been a small girl with lemur faunus features that had what would be called "the hag's gift" in the harry potter world. this was to say she had a frightening level of talent in regards to all facets of medicine from herbs to ratios and even a sort of sixth sense in regards to the outcome of experiments and what is useful or not from animals.

Leon had to be restrained by both ghira and the close to date glenda verbally in order to stop him from directly snatching the girl up with insanely high and generous offers for education and employment. while leon knew that the rest of the industries could be slowly improved by averagely talented people over time , a genius in medicine was thousands of times more precious especially if it was one like this girl. atlas instead had made great strides away from militarization even though there was quite a bit of backlash from the higher ups at this decision on ironwoods part.

Much like leon had pointed out however ironwood forcefully seized control of the entire kingdom nearly effortlessly thanks to him having the loyalty of basically everyone there already. as promised leon took care of a massive amount of the problems that ironwood needed to deal with to really start this transition by basically throwing money and resources at them until the voices of discontent were silenced. leon ended up losing about half his total wealth doing so but considering he was literally richer than pretty much the entire world minus maybe the gods themselves he was not bothered by it at all.

The rest of the work was left to ironwood however once leon wiped the slate clean as it were for him to build up from. an interesting thing to note was that ironwood had actually insisted on a deal with leon to prevent him from knowingly relapsing into his bad habits fully. glenda was uncomfortable with this since leon had explained how devil's due worked to ironwood with her present and as such she knew that if ironwood or leon fell threw on their side of the deal a very painful death awaited them.

Leon had to begrudgingly admit that ironwood had a firm will as he didn't even hesitate for an instant before pressing for a deal again. leon was lenient on the details of the deal in order to give ironwood a little bit of wiggle room thanks to glenda's stern glare. The biggest event however as far as leon was concerned was that about half a month ago glenda gave birth to the baby. much to everyone's horror however the little girl had a small pair of horns on her head much like leon and had her aura already activated. no one had to guess her semblance however as she seemed to have an offshoot of leons own that involved blood rather than pure life force which went out of control almost immediately.


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