Remnants anomaly

Anger of limits

"Yeah , that's fair i suppose. honestly the thousand years had more to do with that old man than anything , he just insisted on taking his sweet time teaching me the ropes." the man said with a sigh. "besides i doubt you two even care about that so much as the fact i refused to join your little game with this world. as you may recall i wasn't much for patience even when i was mortal and divinity just made it so much worse." the man said honestly. "still you could at least try and join us for a short while , a couple decades at a time at the very least." the dark god said smoothly.

The man was left speechless "this whole thing was just a charade to get me to agree to visit more often wasn't it?" he asked not actually expecting an answer. "it was as the mortals say "all an act" , yes." the god of light said smugly. meanwhile leon was mentally deciding whether or not he should tell opal about why he needed so much life force or not. on one hand there was literally nothing she could do about the information but on the other he would actually need to explain his semblance and it's implications in the process.

This internal debate lasted up until the time he felt an agonizing twitch in his life force storage area as a single tiny speck of gold appeared there. leon could instinctually tell that this was the tiniest piece of solid lifeforce but rather than being a joyous thing it left an ugly expression on his face. the reason for this was because he could feel the oppressive power contained in that minuscule grain threatening to tear the storage area apart.

Leon had an idea as to why this was the case as well since he had a theory in the works that explained this perfectly. to be specific the theory of semblance evolution and boundaries he had started working on after his own semblance evolved as a result of his falna leveling him up. there had been records of the past of what happened if someone pushed their semblance too far. if that persons semblance had matured enough or they were in a situation were they either had it evolve or they died , the semblance could safely evolve into a higher tier.

However in the case where neither of those situations were true and someone forcefully broke their semblances limits for whatever reason , well only one person was recorded evolving their semblance safely while the rest were either killed or crippled due to their bodies and/or souls not being able to bear the new weight of them. leon was sure that the reason for the pain he was feeling from the tiniest grain of lifeforce was because his semblance simply wasn't capable of handling solid lifeforce at the moment. this was obviously not something he was happy to discover and unfortunately for the spiders he felt the need to vent his anger.

Opal was caught off guard as a massive wave of hell fire exploded from leon before rushing past her to the horde of spiders. the part that made her skin crawl however was how silent it was that the chittering massive spiders were incinerated in an instant. one moment the droning cacophony of sounds from the spiders filled her ears and the next was a deafening silence. this silence only lasted a moment before more spiders rushed out of the forest ahead towards them to fill the huge emptiness leon had made.

Opal remained completely still as leon walked past her as all of her instincts told her not to move a muscle. he wasn't aware of it but the aura leon was releasing was so filled with his irritation and power that for someone with much less strength like opal it felt like she was standing next to an angry dragon. leon's every step was accompanied by waves of hell fire and to opal who was watching from behind him it was like the devil had appeared on earth bringing destruction with his mere presence.


my patrons can read an extra two chapters ahead along with using the site as a way to directly contact myself rather than needing to hope i respond to your comments.


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