Rejected by the shadow god

Chapter 56: Olivia and Flynn secret

Chapter 53: "Olivia and Flynn's Secret"

Olivia and Flynn's kiss on the beach had sparked a secret romance between them. They would steal glances at each other, exchange flirtatious texts, and sneak away to spend time together.

Their friends had no idea about their blossoming relationship, and they wanted to keep it that way for now. They were enjoying the thrill of having a secret, and they didn't want to ruin it by sharing it with others.

As they sat together on the beach, watching the sunset, Flynn turned to Olivia and whispered, "I'm so glad we're doing this. I feel like I can be myself around you."

Olivia smiled and leaned in close. "I feel the same way, Flynn. I'm so happy we're taking a chance on each other."

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