Rejected by the shadow god

Chapter 19: nightmare and memories

Chapter 19: Nightmare and Memories

Lady Ayra had been living in the human world for three years, but the memories she had tried to suppress began to resurface. Her nightmares intensified, and glimpses of her past flickered like a candle in the wind.

In her dreams, she saw herself and Ryder playing together, their laughter echoing through the halls. She saw Ryder's marriage to Adriana, but the faces were hazy, and she couldn't quite place them. And then, there was the image of a woman in black, marrying a handsome stranger. Ayra's mind recoiled from the memory, but she couldn't shake the feeling that it was somehow connected to her.

As the nightmares worsened, Ayra's screams echoed through the hospital corridors, drawing the attention of Doc Mac and Nurse Vanessa. They rushed to her side, concern etched on their faces.

Meanwhile, Lady Adriana had given birth to a beautiful baby boy named Adrian, who was now three years old. The young siren was intelligent and charming, with a mop of curly hair and bright, inquisitive eyes.

But on this fateful day, Ayra's memories came flooding back. She recalled her marriage celebration and honeymoon in Shadow Falls. The memories were bittersweet, tainted by the pain and humiliation Roham had inflicted upon her.

As the memories assaulted her, Ayra broke down in sobs. Nurse Vanessa entered the room, a look of concern on her face.

"Ayra, dear, what's wrong?" Vanessa asked, her voice soft and soothing.

Ayra's words tumbled out in a rush. "I remember everything... how I got here... everything."

Vanessa's eyes widened in surprise. "Oh, Ayra! That's wonderful news!" She made a mental note to inform Doc Mac about the breakthrough.

But Ayra's tears continued to flow. "Mi amor doesn't love me," she whispered, her voice cracking with despair.

Vanessa's expression turned sympathetic. "I'm so sorry, Ayra. You deserve better."

As Ayra's sobs subsided, she drifted off to sleep, exhausted. Vanessa watched over her, a gentle smile on her face.

Later, Vanessa informed Doc Mac about Ayra's breakthrough. The doctor's eyes lit up with excitement as he made a mental note to inform Sir Roham about Ayra's recovered memories.

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