Chapter 205: CH.202: battle at the academy.
( Yuuki's POV )
On the day of our battle against Kokabiel and his forces, the young devils skipped their classes to concentrate on their training while I returned to my kingdom because I was called by Regina, one of the, prisoners I guess we could call them, from our battle at the mansion had woken up, The girl who was the core of the giant colony of gray-skinned zombies, when I entered the room where she was, I found her tied to the wall with chains.
The reason for that is that the moment we entered she tried to jump us, struggling and biting like a common zombie, The bright yellow lines had disappeared from her body and her skin regained some shine but was still an unnatural gray color, but she could pass for an extremely pale girl if only she would stop trying to bite.
Yuuki: I thought you said she was cured?
Regina: she is, The cure I created stabilized the virus that plagues their bodies, eliminated violent tendencies, and left all the advantages such as a resistant body and internal organs covered by iron cages but there is a small side effect.
Yuuki: and that's what?
Regina: She needs to drink blood or she will lose her mind like right now, and since your blood is the best quality, you should give her some.
Yuuki: yeah, you're right.
I made a deep cut in my palm and grabbed the girl's head, arching her back so that my blood fell directly into her throat, The girl quickly stopped struggling and when I let go of her head she looked me straight in the eyes, For a moment I could clearly see humanity and intelligence in her eyes before she lost consciousness.
Yuuki: Is she okay?
Regina: maybe you gave her too much blood?
Yuuki: well you didn't tell me how much I should give her.
Regina: Whatever, she should be fine, I'll have Flora watching her and I'll tell you when she wakes up again.
After giving her my blood, I loosened the girl's chains and laid her on her bed to let her rest, Regina and I left the room and then she placed a bright yellow ore in my hands.
Yuuki: what is this?
Regina: That is the heart of those creatures, if you put some blood in it, that can create molten or hardened iron, I thought that would interest you.
Yuuki: Definitely, by the way, how is the other one we rescued?
Regina: Her body is completely healed, but she hasn't woken up yet, she's just sleeping peacefully.
Yuuki: todo bien mientras ella no esté muerta.
Con eso resultó fui a mi lab para terminar mis preparaciónes de esta noche.
After hours of work, I was able to finish some new weapons and then I went to the Kuoh Academy where my students had already been waiting for me for some time.
Yuuki: Hi guys, sorry for the delay.
Rias: I can't believe you sensei, you should how important this is.
Yuuki: my bad, I have some gifts to compensate.
I finished the special sacred gear for Momo and also created a sword with the ore heart that Regina gave me, that plus a phrasium sword went to Tsubaki.
Tsubaki: sensei this means?
Yuuki: yes, you, Momo, and Akeno will be accompanying Kiba in this battle.
With our alignment decided we moved to the academy fields where we encountered Kokabiel and his forces, The fallen angel was sitting on an ostentatious floating throne literally looking down on us.
Yuuki: That's a bit exaggerated, don't you think?
Kokabiel: What happened? I thought we agreed on only five competitors.
I stomped the ground creating a stone throne with my transmutation then made it float with my gravity control, I got on the same level as Kokabiel and sat on the other side of the field.
Yuuki: The others are here to observe, what about you, do you think you can beat us with a fighter and a support?
On Kokabiel's side there were only Freed and the weasel priest, but when I questioned him about it, he smiled and three huge black three-headed dogs came out of the ground, Those seemed dangerous but I was still confident the devils could handle them.
Kokabiel: These are my little pets, Cerberus, they will be filling the available spots.
Yuuki: I think those are too big to continue for one but it doesn't matter my students can handle them.
Kokabiel: you are very confident, huh? Let's start this already, I'll give the signal.
When Kokabiel finished speaking he created a huge spear of light that he threw in my direction, I could sense that he was not serious with that attack so I created a ball of lightning to block his attack, The explosion of light that illuminated the sky served as a signal to begin our battle.
Yuuki: Momo, Tsubaki hold back those dogs! Akeno prepares a big attack! Kiba Xenovia you already have your objectives.
From my floating throne I could see the entire battlefield so giving orders was easier, while Kiba and Xenovia ran towards the weasel priest the Cerberus rushed towards them, but they crashed into the barriers created by Momo, The sacred gear I created for her could block, absorb and reflect attacks as long as she used a wavelength equal to that of the incoming attack but I knew she could do it that was her talent.
Akeno activated her sacred gear, the first type I had created, elemental crown, and began to gather her energy for a big attack and Tsubaki ran at high speed with her phrase sword in hand, The Cerberus now put their full attention on the girls, they prepared to use a fire breath attack but the girls were ready for them.
Momo covered the girls with her barriers and Tsubaki switched swords and bit her thumb, spreading her blood along the length of her sword and the blade stretched four times its length.
Yuuki: You see, I told you my students could handle them.