Reborn ghost seeing lady is pampered by her ex husband

Chapter 52: To earn forgiveness

Cynthia shook her head because it all sounded unreal. "He's dead and he came to you that makes no sense at all." She looked at David as if searching for an explanation.

"I am sort of a shaman, I see and help ghosts move on which is why I am here. Sylvester cannot move on because he is burdened by the guilt of what he did. He's here right now to return this money, do what's right and also request for your forgiveness.

He is deeply ashamed and remorseful. You may not be able to see him now but i can and he is on his knees in front of you. He wants you to know that he has lived in regret all his life after what he did." Phoebe explained the best way she could.

She spoke softly in voice that expressed Sylvester's remorse while also expressing understanding with her eyes for what the family had suffered.

Letting out a painful moan, Cynthia touched her chest and started wailing loudly. Bitter ears fell from her eyes continuously like a newly formed spring as she cursed Sylvester for what he did.

"Hell no! No one is forgiving anybody. That thief caused my father to take his life, we were thrown out of our home, we lost all our properties and ended up in this ramshackled place with no food. We have to beg for scraps on the streets. Recently mother had to borrow money to treat my sister who almost died and now the money lenders are harassing us and what! He wants forgiveness?

Where does he get the audacity? How can he ask for it? That shameless evil man. We don't need this money, take it back." The boy kicked the bag only for his sister to grab it.

"No! Father worked hard for this money. This is almost his entire fortune, we cannot reject it just like that. Just because we accept the money doesn't mean we will forgive him." She tightened the hold around the bag. "Where has he been all this while and why didn't he come sooner? If he was so regretful of his actions, he should have showed up before daddy died." She screamed.

Sylvester who was truly on his knees before the family, bawling his eyes out like a baby begged Phoebe to plead with the Ruptins on his behalf. The ghost was truly remorseful so she continued to do as it requested.

"I understand why you are angry and don't want to forgive him. Yes he was a terrible person that caused you a lot of grief however he is now dead and most importantly, he has returned the money. Forgiving him is not just for his sake but yours as well. This is an opportunity to untie the knots in your hearts and find peace.

I have to be honest and tell you that if you don't forgive him, he will wander for the rest of eternity. In fact worst case scenario he may turn into an evil ghost and cause harm to other innocent people. Please find it in your hearts to forgive him."

Phoebe was sure that these words would at least prompt them to forgive even if they didn't want to. All Sylvester needed was to hear the words, however perfunctory they may be.

"That's a well deserved punishment. Let him wander the entire universe if he likes, he should repent his sins forgiving him is not possible at all, please all of you should leave immediately." Cynthia responded coldly and pointed her index finger at the door.

David and Phoebe both read the situation, there was no room for negotiation, not right now. The family was still in pain as if their misfortune had only occurred the day before.

So, they humbly left but on their way out, David told Cynthia to contact him in case she needed anything.

He also told Polly to contact someone in the city to come and fix the door. They returned to the car, setting off for the airport to return to where they had come from.

Sylvester wailed all the way to Citrus city as he lamented that he didn't want to become an evil spirit.

"What they don't understand is that my resentment could be aimed at them. I understand their pain but I regret all that now and wish that I can atone for my sin and move on." He sniffled

Phoebe let out a frustrated sigh which gained David's attention.

"Is the ghost still crying? What happens to him next? Do you banish him to some dark place because he shouldn't stay here, there are enough evil humans in the world and we don't need to add evil spirits." He added a shrug to his thoughtless words.

"What? What is he talking about? Please Phoebe you cannot do that after all I haven't turned into an evil spirit yet." Sylvester threw David an icy glance.

"I don't know what to do with you, the problem is that you are too desperate and you could become an evil spirit much faster." Phoebe spoke through tight lips.

She had done a good deed for a ghost but was not rewarded with energy.

That's when the Saxon spirit jumped in with a solution. "There is a way for you to maybe avert your karma. You can do good for others and that way the regret will slowly go away. The more you do good the more you balance the scale of good and evil."

"I will do anything." Sylvester responded eagerly. "But how do I help anybody when i am a just ghost?" Sylvester looked at the Saxon spirit which was looking at Phoebe.

"Phoebe needs servants, you can help her as you repent for what you did to that man." Came the spirit's words that caused Phoebe to flinch.

"You want me to employ a thief! If it's about getting servants I will but not Sylvester, he may be sorry today but we don't know what he may do tomorrow." Phoebe was genuinely concerned.

It was with good reason because she occasionally collected relics and some had magical powers, others were cursed objects that needed to never return among humans, having a former thief snooping around was a bad idea.

Isn't that why they said once a thief always a thief?

"Phoebe please, I have learnt a big lesson from this. When the guilt goes away I will move on to the other side. Please give me a chance." Sylvester folded his hands and begged.

"Sister we will be watching him don't worry." Connie assured her. It was three against one, there was no way she was going to refuse at the moment so she agreed.

"Fine, you can work for me my friend are on probation. If I sense any thing foul coming from your end I personally will call a ghost catcher who will send you off to a very bad place." Phoebe warned.

David frowned his brows. "Pheebs! You cannot make that decision without involving me, am your partner remember? I vote no to you having a male ghost servant that was a criminal."

Shaking her head Phoebe laughed only because she was too tired to have an argument with him.

Sylvester squealed and thanked Phoebe for giving him a chance. He further threw David a cold stare because so far he didn't really like him.

By the time they got back at the Cerene Apartments, they were hungry so Phoebe invited David to the cafe because he had helped her a lot that day.

He accepted and followed her, as they walked discussing Sylvester's role at the cafe. David paused his movements however stared because there were two men that were suddenly approaching them.

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