Chapter 45: All romance, everywhere.
David stretched his arms as he watched her staring at him with wary eyes like a suspicious and untrusting cat. He chuckled as he walked around to the passenger side of the door and opened it.
"Get in, i am going towards the old river town for business. If you happen to be going in that direction as well then i am your man."
She scoffed silently.
[You are my man!, are you crazy? Do you think i cannot hear that double entendre in your voice? Seriously, this man is confusing me]
In her mind, Phoebe groaned. She just really couldn't understand what the man was up to. Was he actually trying to woo her for real? Why?
"We are losing daylight Phoebe, move." The Saxon spirit shoved her.
It shoved her using magic, and she forward herself moving against her will and that's how she found herself in David's car.
"This is not my will." she blurted out when she saw that smile of pleasure on his face.
She couldn't explain anything about the spirit of his ancestor which was doing some serious matchmaking but she felt the urge to say this to him.
He didn't react to her denial and instead, suddenly bent down and invaded the little space she had. He brought his face as close to hers as possible and looked into her eyes.
The unexpected move caused Phoebe's already unsettled heart to jump up and down. It was just like the previous night, he was looking at her as if he wanted to fill himself up on her lips. It was the look that Shark had described....hunger.
Just as her thoughts were preparing to run wild because his hands brushed against her stomach, something clicked and she looked down.
"Seat belt."
He smiled slyly, pecked her cheek out of the blue and moved back. Phoebe gasped and touched the place he had kissed, shock on her face.
She maintained that look when David entered the car and started it. He was still smiling, looking pretty proud of himself.
[This lecher!]
David chuckled. He didn't care if she thought of him as a lecher, as long as she let him into her life and world. Phoebe folded her arms across her chest and looked out of the window, refusing to face him.
In turn, David didn't attempt to talk to her. He didn't want to push her too far. He had already accomplished two major things today, the peck and the ride.
However, the Saxon spirit was not satisfied. If the two were playing hide and seek, she would speed things along by leaving crumbs and clues to ensure that they found each other. She snapped her fingers and the radio suddenly came on, filling the silence.
"I knew i loved you from the first day i saw you so baby say yes."
Phoebe gasped loudly, turned her head, frowned at David and scoffed.
[What is this? Is he trying to confess to me after knowing me for only a day? That's it, he is crazy.]
David read her thoughts and thought about defending himself but he was puzzled for a different reason. He had not touched the radio and he had no idea why it had been turned on. He smiled awkwardly and changed the station to the next one which also happened to be playing music.
"In the middle of the night, in my dreams. You should see the things we do, in my dreams."
Again, Phoebe scoffed. She turned away while blushing red feeling as if the song was speaking directly to her, after all, she did have spicy dreams about David often at night. If he saw the things they did in her dreams, he would be scandalized.
David tilted his head, puzzled and he changed to the next station. That one too happened to be playing music, and it was also a romantic song.
"Kiss me baby, kiss me."
He tried another radio station and it was the same thing.
"I just called to say, i love you."
David continued searching from station to station but somehow, all he was coming across was music, the romantic kind. At the last one, he gave up because even he tried to put the radio off, it didn't do as he wanted. In fact, one of the most popular songs in the country by no other group but Dear girls started playing.
"Dearest, darling, my universe."
In the back of the car, Connie squealed and started singing along loudly. At some point, the girls voice cracked and the Saxon spirit laughed. Somehow, Connie had ruined the romantic environment she had tried to build.
Phoebe made a small snorting noise, finding the situation very funny. In her mind she told the Saxon spirit that she deserved it for pulling silly tricks.
The spirit gave up on the tricks as well for the moment so when the song ended, the actual program with radio hosts talking resumed. Of course, they just happened to be discussing dear girls and the tragic death of Susie Isles.
Listening to them made Phoebe curious about the case and whether or not Shark had solved it. So far, there were no updates anywhere about the progress on the case.
She got her phone and dialled the detective's number. It took about seven rings for the detective to answer.
"Hey." he answered casually. "I was just about to call and tell you i have cracked the case. I have finished interrogating the suspect and i am sending you a video of myself in action."
"Isn't that against the rules?"
"You won't leak it and steal my thunder will you?"
She shook her head and sighed. One day, one day Shark would get unlucky and land himself in trouble if he continued throwing the police rule book out of the window.
"Any updates for me?" she asked.
"I have a list of all the women that gave birth in the hospital where you were born. This would go faster if i knew what i was looking for."
She clenched her phone a little more tightly and took a deep hopeful breath.
"Jenny Mayfair, find out if she gave birth in that same hospital or a nearby one. Also, find out if anybody quit or happened to be fired around that time, like a nurse a doctor or a cleaner, anyone. If anybody moved abroad or received any unexplained cash infusion at that time, find out."
She said a perfunctory farewell to the detective and hung up.
Even though she wanted this information, she kept in mind that there was also a possibility that she simply ended up with the Gabriel's through a simple mistake made by a nurse or doctor. Such stories were commonly seen in dramas or real life on television when a hospital was being sued.
However if there was a possibility that it wasn't an accident, she wanted to compile proof and then make the criminals pay.