Chapter 31: Visiting the dead again.
Phoebe raised her eyes and read the banner as she parked her car, it had been a while since she had been to the place. It was not far from the police station and it was where most corpses that needed investigation ended up.
The large five storied building was no different from a graveyard to Phoebe because ghosts were always roaming around. Aside from the ghosts, there were the loud and sad family members of the dead who were usually in tears. It was a place that smelled of disinfectant and death.
"I like it here if anything maybe you will meet some wandering lost ghosts searching for the light, show them the way and gain energy." Connie placed her hands in her crop leather jacket.
The reason why the girl was harping on about energy now was because she wanted to live inside the pendant.
The Saxon spirit agreed. "If this case has nothing to do with helping a ghost then let it go but am excited that it's a murder case." Came it's words that caused Phoebe to pause midway her step.
"Your excited that someone was murdered? That's cruel even for you." She continued moving forward.
The Saxon spirit gasped because it had been misunderstood. "What I mean is that if it's a big case, then you will get a lot of energy after solving it."
Phoebe gave it a quick glance. "If you say so." She shrugged and pushed the door that led to the morgue.
Security didn't stop her because she was a familiar face because detective Shark had introduced her as his partner. He even gave her a consultants badge in case she run into other police officers that had questions about her presence in the morgue.
The medical examiner stood up the moment she saw Phoebe, a slow smile formed on her face. The woman who was in her mid twenties expressed her joy as she went in for a hug.
"My ghost seeing friend, finally you have decided to visit us." Claire beamed. She said us because Phoebe had informed that the place was always filled with ghosts.
It was surprising that Claire wasn't afraid of them, not that they were the evil kind. Most of the ghosts at the mortuary were confused souls that didn't know that they were dead yet.
"Am a busy woman Claire and as you know I only come here when Shark needs my help. Where is he anyway?" Phoebe's eyes moved around, she spotted two ghosts one a kid about five years and a woman in her late thirties.
"He's not here yet but he must be on his way....." Claire's eyes followed Phoebe's. She recognized the look in her eyes because she was familiar with it.
"It's a ghost isn't it?" She continued to ask
"Two actually." Phoebe shrugged and moved close to the ghosts. They both looked confused, they seemed to have no way where to go.
Connie smiled at the kid. "You don't have to be scared, we all must leave this place to go to a better one."
"So why are you still here?" Asked the woman.
As a ghost, she could recognize a fellow ghost.
"Because I have a job, I help ghosts like you to move on. Lady am not an ordinary ghost" Connie spoke with indifference.
It wasn't a good idea for confused ghosts to wander around for so long. Usually they became bitter and eventually evil.
Phoebe directed them on how to see the light. "Place a hand over your heart and think about the happiest place you have ever been to."
They both did as asked and with a whoosh, they were gone. Phoebe felt the energy get funneled into her body as they left.
"Easy peasy." Connie flipped her hair causing Phoebe and the Saxon spirit to shake their heads.
Claire who had been watching Phoebe talk to an empty space sighed. "Fascinating, I'll never get used to that, so which case is it this time anyway?"
"Susie Isles." Phoebe spoke casually because who didn't know the pop star.
Her girl group had sold out stadiums. They had over thirty songs as number one on the bill board charts through the years and endorsements with the biggest companies.
"Yeah, it's terrible, that poor girl's life was cut short so unexpectedly and its odd that we couldn't find a cause of death. Is she here?" Claire's face lit up which confused Phoebe because it's not like she was about to get an autograph. "Tell her am a big fan."
Phoebe chortled. "Your insane." She told Claire. The young woman was on a different level of weird even for her.
Connie moved closer to Claire and whispered "Thank you." Spooking Claire who bobbed her head in search of the owner of the voice.
She run out screaming when she saw no one.
"I thought she wasn't afraid of ghosts." Connie laughed
"And I thought I warned you about spooking people." Phoebe spoke curtly because she wasn't amused by Connie's silly act.
Detective Shark barged in with two cups of coffee. "Sorry am late but since am a cop, I can get away with it." He handed Phoebe a cup which she took.
He was a very tall man about 6'7 and slim but powerful. Shark was arrogant but clever and he loved fancy clothes especially flashy watches. He was widely known as a celebrity detective who often took on high profile cases, even going so far as to steal them from other detectives.
He earned himself the name Shark because like a shark smelling blood in the water and going in for the kill, he could smell big cases and ask the superiors to assign them to him.
"Is she here? Can she just tell you which of the suspects murdered her?" Shark used his tongue to twist the wooden toothpick that was always present in his mouth.
Shaking her head, Phoebe asked him to brief her on the suspects he had. Shark reached inside his Jean jacket pocket and pulled out his phone.
"There are a lot of people that wanted the pop princess dead, so far I have over sixteen suspects starting with the members of the singing group, Dear girls." He showed her picture of the girls together.
"What impossible! They could never." Connie vouched for the three remaining girls like she knew them personally.
Detective Shark was familiar with Connie's voice because it was not his first time working with Phoebe. He was quite well acquainted with the rude teenage girl who had called him a lazy glory hound.
"You brought the annoying one i see." he said unhappily.
"Hey, lazy shark, who is annoying?" Connie screeched.
Claire returned and again, she heard Connie's voice.
"Holy crap, i heard it again." she exclaimed.
She looked around widely, in search of the owner of the voice. "Is it a ghost? Is it her, Susie Isles."
For someone that had been frightened less than a minute a go, she was looking a little too excited.
"No, it's the annoying one." Detective Shark shared with Claire.
Before Connie could make another fuss, Phoebe waved her hand and sent her into the pendant. She had work to do and she was not going to play referee between these two for the rest of their time together as usual.
"Tell me about your suspects and Susie's favorite places."