Reborn As A Squib In Harry potter

Chapter 78: The Price of Curiosity

'Thank whatever gods exist Occlumency helped with controlling my freaking emotions and hormones,' I thought to myself. Being attracted to younger women was still weird, as I felt mentally older than I actually was physically, but I could deal with it like a mature adult that I technical both was, and wasn't.

"Come along, then, you best return to your gentlemanly duties of escorting Delilah about," Josephine snickered, before leading me back to the group and passing me back to the silver-haired young woman.

After that meeting with the Finch-Fletchleys – and promising Justin I'd be seeing him this summer for extra lessons – the event started to wind down. Delilah held back the urge to yawn, and I snickered a bit at the sight.

"It's getting late," I pointed out, pretending to be completely innocent when she shot a suspicious glare my way.

"It is. I best be preparing to leave. My ride was going to be here at half past ten, and that only a few minutes away," Delilah hummed as she glanced over at a wall mounted clock.

"Shall I escort you out?" I offered, and she smiled at me, this time showing a genuine one, before a teasing one quickly replaced it.

"How properly gentlemanly of you," she said, but she didn't let go, and so I took her to the coat room so she could grab her warm jacket to protect against the dismal December chill. Then we both walked outside, where her car would pick her up.

As we waited, we chatted a bit more to keep our minds off the cold. It wasn't snowing yet, but I had the feeling it wouldn't be long before London had itself a White Christmas.

"I cannot believe it," she murmured, looking at her finger. The cut she'd gotten had been small, but thanks to my medicine, there was already no trace of so much as a scratch on her.

"An old family recipe," I claimed proudly. "It's quite fascinating what old knowledge just might be applicable to modern day problems."

"My father would definitely be interested in these products of yours if they're all as incredible as this one," Delilah claimed, marveling at how quickly the cut had healed. "It's almost magical!"

"I know right?" I said with a chuckle.

"I will see about setting up a meeting with him," she declared, giving me a nod. "If nothing else, he will desire to have you on his side before his opponents on the board can steal you away for themselves."

"That's the way business works," I said with a shake of my head. "Ruthless."

"It can be," she said, then perked up as a car drew up to the hotel's curb. "There's my ride."

Delilah walked up to it, and was about to open the door, when she paused, a frown slipping onto her face as she stared into the tinted windows at the driver.

"You're not…" she began, but was cut off as the window was rolled down and a pair of hands lashed out and pulled her inside the vehicle.

"What the hell?!" I exclaimed, and immediately started to run over to her, but froze as I found a gun pointing right at my chest. I blinked, and then staggered back as a loud "Bang!" tore through the still night air.

I fell onto my ass as Delilah began shouting for someone to save her. Or maybe she was shouting for someone to help me? I couldn't tell as the car immediately drove off, escaping from the hotel parking lot with a squeal of tires.

'Kidnappers?' I thought in disbelief while clutching my chest and lying on the side of the road. Even if my suit protected me from bullets, being shot still hurt like a bitch.

I pushed my incredulity aside and staggered to my feet, a scowl slipping onto my face. Delilah had just been abducted right in front of me, and someone had tried to murder me to cover it up!

Well, joke was on them! They weren't dealing with the average schmuck! I was a teenager with the mind of an adult and a house full of magical stuff at my disposal.

"You won't get away this!" I vowed darkly, before staggering to the nearby alleyway, the bullet that'd hit me clinking to the ground. I could hear shouting and screams from the people back at the hotel, and they were no doubt already calling the police.

'Like hell I'm going to let anybody but me find those bastards!' I declared to myself.

"Inky!" I snarled out, and he popped up in front of me. His already wide eyes widened further, before a dark expression crossed over his face.

"Young Master Eddy! What happened?!"

"Can you trace something back to its owner?" I demanded, and he blinked.

"Inky can, under certain circumstances."

"There's a bullet back there," I said, jerking my thumb towards the spot I'd been shot. "Can you use magic to find the person who use it to shoot me?"

"Inky can try," the House Elf replied, scrunching his eyes up.

"If you can't, then go into the hotel and find some hair from a silver-haired woman named Delilah Hunt. Use that to find the girl they kidnapped," I requested. "Oh, and if you can modify memories, do so. Make it so that nobody remembers it was me who got shot tonight."

"Inky will obey," he said solemnly.

"Wait!" I said before he could pop away. "Take me back home, first."

He bobbed his head, and a second later I was back in my apartment, alone as Inky left to do as I'd asked. While he was gone, I began to load up on potions, runic equipment, and enchanted items.

I was not going to let anybody get away with shooting me, nor would I tolerate somebody kidnapping a woman right before my eyes. This? This was now personal.


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