Realm Wars

Chapter 153: Changing Sides 1

*DEDICATED to MikaelZero for the 2 Golden Tickets. Thank you ^^


Ryu and Seraphina were woken by the loud ruckus outside. Bolting to their feet, they thought that something had happened, and they rushed to where Marcus was.

Outside, Marcus, Clair, and Echbert were forming circles with the other halfbreeds. Their faces were grim, and an oppressive silence hung in the air.

"What's going on?" Seraphina asked.

Claire clicked her tongue. "The halfbreed and salves raid our supplies and gone AWOL. Those good for nothing spineless cowards."

Echbert was devastated as he pointed to the empty pool of water and storage. "It's all speck and clean. Not a single morsel remained."

Ryu frowned and checked the storage. It was just bare walls and barren specs of grass. So that means that the Queen's Horned Mackerel was gone! 

Ryu's eyes turned to slit, and his canines were itching from his mouth to rip someone's throat. If he had just checked yesterday night, then he might have spotted that something was not right.

Now what?

"There's something else too." Marcus sighed. His face was looking haggard than before. "We've attempted to chase after the halfbreeds this morning when we learned what happened but. . ."

Marcus closed his eyes tight for a second. "They're all dead near the border of the danger zone. We suspected that the other groups might have spotted them or that a beast killed them."

Ryu was stunned. All those little halfbreeds. .. dead? He didn't know what was disappointing, knowing that he didn't check yesterday night, or that the Queen's Horned Mackerel was within his grasp but suddenly disappeared, or the realization that he couldn't save another of his kin again.

Seraphina looked over at Ryu and shook her head a little. "Then all those stolen food and water?" 

"Gone," Claire answered. "All of the halfbreeds were slaves with no storage ring, so they either distributed the food and water to everyone and carried it on their enormous backpack."

"It must be the other groups," a halfbreed said. "They murdered them and stole our food!"

The rest of the abled halfbreeds agreed while another chimed in, "It must be Althord!"

"Yeah. That guy is not here! He must be the one behind this!"

"Are you looking for me?"

All eyes went to the newcomers. Not far from the entrance, three mortals made their way inside the camp, and one of them was Althord.

"You. You've got the guts to still show your face here!" Claire hissed. "Where's our food?"

Althord sneered. "Your incapability to secure your storage and your ignorance of what the halfbreeds were planning were your own mistake. Don't blame it on me."

"What did you say?!" Claire was about to storm Althord when Marcus stepped forward.

"Clyde," he said, voice serious as his face solemn. "What are you doing here?" Since the halfbreeds that guard the gates were dead, no one alerted them when Clyde's group entered their camp.

Ryu and Seraphina looked at each other. Clyde? Could he be the Clyde that Jane was talking about? Based on Marcus's tone and from the seriousness of his face, maybe it was Jane's ex-fiancé, Clyde Ludwig.

Though Clyde's appearance was indeed stunning and elegant and screamed nobility, Seraphina thought that the man was too arrogant and preferred Marcus's face more.

Jane had good eyes. Seraphina nodded to herself.

Instead of answering Marcus's question, Clyde took a swept of the remaining halfbreeds who could fight. Their builds were sturdy, and he had the assurance from Althord that they were able fighters. Though not much, they could become canon fodders for the others when they search the exit. It would suffice for now.

Clyde's eyes then settled on Seraphina. She was more beautiful up close and personal. Too bad that Althord already asked her in exchange for his services. Nevertheless, Clyde wasn't interested in the woman. He was more interested in her abilities than anything else.

"I'm here to offer you a chance to join our group," Clyde stated, "We accept anyone who is capable of fighting to search for the exit. You'll be provided with everything you need from food, water, and shelter."

Clyde's eyes then rested on Marcus. "And, of course, the offer also extends to you, Marcus. I am willing to set aside our personal differences just this once and offer you to become my subordinate."

"I'd rather die than join you," Marcus spat.

Clyde shrugged. "Suit yourself. Anyone else?"

There were murmurs in the camp, and Marcus stared at Althord. "And you're in on this?"

Althord smirked. "Sorry, Marcus. But a man gotta do what a man gotta do in order to stay alive."

Marcus gritted his teeth. "Traitor."

Althord's face warped in a horrid grin. "Call whatever you want to call me. I'm just doing it all to survive. I'm sure the others are the same. Look for yourself."

Marcus took a glimpse at the other's faces, and it took a single halfbreed to leave, and the rest followed. He couldn't exactly blame them. The Left Oasis was over. With no food nor water, nor members, how would they operate?

Then Marcus's eyes widened when Claire and Echbert went to Clyde's side.

"Claire. .. ," Marcus muttered in disbelief. He thought that at least they would accompany him to find the exit.

Claire looked to the other side, clutching her arm with one hand. "I'm sorry, Marcus. . ." she bit her lips before she faced Marcus. "Look around you. This group is over. And if you want to live, you best join the Right Oasis now."

"Master. . ." Echbert didn't want to go, but what could he do? Claire was his master. He followed wherever she went.

Althord and Clyde's eyes sparkled with glee as everyone joined their side. But soon, their expression dropped when Seraphina and Ryu remained on their spot as well as a halfbreed hugbear who didn't budge from his ground.

"Y-you guys. . ." Marcus was stunned too to find that Ryu, Seraphina, and Halfjack stayed with him.



Elo Guys,

Anyone interested to read an FL (R18) ^^ Check this out. Available to read in Web.

*Leanna (Reincarnation, Second Chance)

*I am the Queen (Villainess)

*Trinity the Last White Witch (Vampires, Werewolves, Witch and Warlocks)

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