Chapter 22: Chapter 21: I am Blue
[What the hell is wrong with you?] Quanny squealed, undoing the power-up slowly. The black circle and orange energy slowly disappeared in the air as the Hispanic man swung his arm around, yelling at Mon. [Why the fuck didn't you do anything?]
[Because I won't be fighting alongside a man that loses his cool so easily. To a teenager, may I add?] Mon dully answered, catching his arms, lowering them, and holding them together so they won't be moving anymore.
[Excuse me?]
[You're excused.] Mon's eyes already were looking everywhere instead of at the man in front of him. Most of his attention was directed into inspecting emerald walls around them. He would approach them, break a chunk of them the moment he knew that Quanny wouldn't jump on him like an annoying cat.
[Can you let me go?] His voice was a few decibels from shouting, with his arms twitching around trying to free himself. [This is getting tiring.] He muttered under his breath.
[Are you calm now?] Mon said, making his grip looser, close to letting him go but still holding him a little.
[Calm as a cucumber.] Quanny said, not for a moment moving his sight from the Mon, expecting him to move his head around to finally look him in the eyes.
[Fine.] He uttered, watching him to see what he would do next. Honestly, Mon didn't know what to expect him to do. To his surprise, he just walked away. The loud thuds along the hardened mana signaled how far he was. [Where are you going?] He said when the steps were barely heard.
[Find and kill the brats.] His voice echoed through the hall compared to the small steps that were barely heard.
[There's a first for everything.] Mon said, breaking off a small chunk of the mana gem, looking at his own reflection. Green surface made his black and white hair appear brownish, while his eyes stayed the same color, light green.
[Was there really a need to color my hair? Brown suits me more.] Mon said, grabbing all of the control of mana inside of the gem to alter it. A circle of golden cursive letters appeared around it. Enchanter's abilities were to alter the purpose and structure of an object to achieve the magical goal of a caster.
[What the hell am I doing with my life?] With his finger, he made the circles, instructing the same gem to map out all of the mess he got himself into. [Joined the cult and got stuck with a bunch of mentally disabled airheads.] After the green gem floated into the air, he instructed it into the small hole he broke it off from.
[It's a better call, Gallagher; forget about volleyball.] He mocked his teacher as the map of all the tunnels and rooms appeared in his head. As far as he could see, there is no end to wherever they are at.
He stopped any attempt at walking when he noticed that the closest person around except Quanny was 30 miles away from him. He was far from lazy, probably one of the fittest people in his team, with his buff build to back up that statement. The real problem was that The Green Maiden was constantly changing and shifting, and the moving around had next to no purpose.
[Maybe Wodern can do something.] He fidgeted with his bracelet, thinking over the contract that he made years ago. [Don't know if I have enough to pay for it.] He moved his sleeve, revealing multiple pink cuts on his forearms. Each time he would ask anything from his devil, he would request some of his cognitive functions and blood.
"You wanted magic, you got magic!" Izuku said, gaining the little strength he needed for more time than he liked to stand up.
"So you are disgusting and weird." Bakugo noted as he moved away with every step.
"And you are just an overgrown scaredy cat."
"What did you say?" Bakugo shouted, his eyes locked onto the green-haired boy in front, while his body was stiff and bound in place.
"And what are you going to do?" Izuku asked him, getting in close; his face was supposed to be right in front of his if Bakugo didn't put a hand in the way and move away. "Apparently nothing." Izuku noted.
"Nerd, you are getting cocky."Bakugo hissed, sparking his nitroglycerin sweat, preparing an explosion if Izuku dared to step any closer.
"What's the matter?"
"Fuck it." Bakugo said, sparkling the explosions, ready for Izuku's approach. The green boy stepped closer, with the snake-marked arm in front of him, preparing it to grab something, anything, in front. Once he was an inch away, Bakugo pounced to his right, attacking with his palm forward; his best course of defense was to attack.
Izuku didn't react as much as the blonde hoped; he just moved to the side and grabbed him by the wrist, stopping Bakugo from moving as much.
At the moment he didn't know if he was more offended or scared for the fact that a helpless nerd from his school was gripping him by the arm. Izuku didn't apply much pressure; however, his grip was firm as he moved Bakugo out of the way.
His somewhat gesture wasn't met with a nice response; Bakugo used his other hand to hook Izuku's elbow while he spartan kicked him in the stomach.
The reaction that was common and the one he was expecting was a picture of Izuku catching his breath, sliding on the floor from left to right in the pain. But right now he just shoots a look. No reaction at all, like nothing happened, like he wasn't hit with a boot.
"Are you done?" He asked, moving the leg stuck over his stomach to his right along as he pushed the teen's whole body to the same side. He continued moving forward with his arm still extended forward, but this whole time his only intention was to grab the emerald wall around them.
"Slowly," he told himself as a snake marking came to life from his arm, wrapping itself around his wrist in circles as its head made its way toward the wall as well, positioned above Izuku's knuckles.
In a quick moment, he buried his fingers in the wall of the gems, closed his eyes, and focused on the seemingly infinite mana around them.
"What is he doing?" Akito asked, his eyes glued to Izuku's back. He leaned his body towards Momo and Muramoto, correctly assuming that they are the only two people to know the answer to his question.
"I don't know." Momo stated, trying her best to look at him as little as possible. However, Muramoto's sight was only on Akito. "I don't know either."
"Maybe try and stop him?" Akito suggested to Izuna, who is a bit too confused with the whole situation. "I mean, you are his sister and all." He tried to use logic and common sense, one thing that was missing in the Midoriya household for a very long time.
"We are not that close." She thought about approaching him; she even made some steps towards him, stopping only next to Bakugo. "I don't know; can we call each other siblings at all?"
The whole room was chilly, both in a figurative and literal sense. The magic Izuku was using lowered the temperature of the room by ten degrees and froze many when they would look up on it. Izuna didn't dare to come close to him, and others didn't even look at him. Even Momo, who was looking at it for the second time, made the situation twice as bad.
It didn't help a bit when, from Izuku's palm, cracks started spreading around the room with some small gems breaking off and falling next to the spot where Momo, Muramoto, and Akito were sitting. This time a cold mist came from his nose and mouth.
"He is preparing to do something." Momo noted, as she watched him take control over his breathing while taking in more and more air into his lungs.
Her 'detailed' observation was confirmed when green energy started to spark from the wall. The space between sparks and electric-like patterns was wide, only becoming thinner around Izuku, indicating that he was to blame for it.
"Izuku, stop." A raspy voice called to him. The only person who was capable of putting a hand on the shoulder of this ungodly sight they were just looking at was Bakugo.
He tried multiple times in multiple ways to drag him backward by his shoulder but each time he failed. It was like he was a cement statue determined to stay there.
"Move away!" Izuku ordered, his body still stuck in the same position. "I am warning you."
Bakugo wasn't hesitant to listen; right away he moved his arm and took multiple steps backward.
And right as the blonde boy moved, the whole room started shaking with the wall in front of Izuku changing. It started to change into pure energy right under his palm. He managed to turn the mana gems into the pure life energy they were before.
It was easier to carve out the tunnel to walk through at the same time as he absorbed mana. A simple logical decision.
The mana he absorbed didn't go straight to his mana circulatory system; that was a hard and rare skill that Agatha is yet to teach him. The mana went to the snake, more precisely to the snake's head.
He was filling the dark mark with pure mana. It was something that only a few would do, since only magic that can be done via the mark is dark magic, but he didn't have much of a choice as he was groveling on the ground moments before from mana exhaustion.
The spark sizzled, disappearing while the solid walls turned into energy, making a way through the new terrain. While he was preparing to take in all the mana, he felt where his mother was, and he decided to move closer to her. It's tricky to orient through a four-dimensional shape with oddities but he found his way. Or his mother would.
Agatha was throwing spells left and right, up and down. Usually she has a great aim, but the concept of it is irrelevant when the targets don't stand still for a second.
She tried to predict where they were going to be, but that didn't have much success either.
Their movements were random to the point where she started to think that those two don't know what they are doing.
Except for crows, she created other various minions to assist her with fighting, like flying gargoyles and golems. They didn't pose much of a threat to the two women.
Elle's attacks were completely mixed. She would throw a boulder at you, then hit you with magical arrows, and for the end, she would make an energy blast directed at your face.
In terms of creativity and fighting style, Esna was the more limited one, as the mages could only use one element with its already determined offensive abilities.
But still, that didn't stop her from being a pain in Agatha's ass. She would guide her body with her flames and resort to multiple kicks and punches, which Agata can't absorb.
When it comes to absorbing attacks, that skill was getting more and more useless by the minute. Every time she would start the process, taking mostly Elle's magic, either Esna would stop her with a hit or Elle would spark something up like a rising spike underneath her, causing Agatha to move and start again.
[This is getting annoying.] Agatha commented. [Would you ladies mind surrendering and continuing this other time?]
[Agree on the first point.] Esna shouted, zooming past Agatha's face. Trying to leave a cut on her face.
[Disagree on the second one.] Elle finished aiming two pink energy blasts towards her, one from each hand.
[C'mon, we both know you can't win and you are only stalling for time.] Agatha said disbursing both of the blast and catching Esna's heel.
[And what makes you say that?] She tried multiple things to free her leg but simply heat and usual punches didn't do much against the student of the ballad.
[Honey, please. What can you two do against me?] She swung Esna's body a few times before she threw her violently at the floor.
[Big words for someone who barely threw a hit this whole time.] Elle tried to attack Agatha from her back with multiple small pink needles.
[Big words for someone who fights cowardly.] She blocked all of them with ease, and as a quick response, she decided to hasten toward Elle, gripping her by her throat, finally about to do some serious damage.
"Sirtxzi exezena et ignini." A burst of purple mana was released at Elle's face, the spell corroding Elle's face with burning sensation. Thankfully, Elle protected her body with a thin layer of mana so she didn't suffer as much damage as she was supposed to.
With most of the flesh missing from her face and bits of bones falling out of her face, Elle was able to start healing herself before the life-threatening injury. The consequences of the spell would be far worse if the healing spell didn't stop further corrosion of the body.
[You were saying?] Agatha asked, watching over the two women. The flaming mage was stuck in hardened mana emeralds, and the pink witch was returning her face slowly.
She didn't expect an answer or a response. She didn't expect anything. She just wanted to check if those two are ready to seal. She thought it over multiple times if killing them was a better option, but maybe questioning them and searching them over was a better option.
[Tenetur in scopum et eorum motus auferat.] She whispered, sending two purple energy chains from her hands as they flew towards the two women, circling around them. Once most of their body was covered in plasma chains, the ends merged together to finish up the spell.
More blood was coming to her mouth. Izuku's mana path she made him do left quite the damage. Thankfully her maiden form allowed her to channel mana not just through her body but also over her skin, so her left arm isn't defective as it was supposed to be.
This whole fight was an interesting experience for both of them. To fight midair while constantly falling and two of them matching against each other with completely different abilities.
Inko was constantly throwing energy blasts and orbs at him while also sometimes changing the area around them to make a pillar stick out for CC to crush into.
And to every attack, he responded with various different explosions, midair, her own spells, or hits at her body, trying to make her a dynamite ready to blow.
"This is starting to look like a dance." CC commented on throwing yet another light before it shook the air with a sudden burst of energy. Slowing down Inko's fall.
"A brute like you doesn't know what a real dance is." She said, making a few spells fall down before her. In their current situation, CC was falling first, then Inko right behind him.
"Then teach me." He commented, his face not turning a bit to look away from her this whole time. He was being ready. Whenever she would begin to fall faster and get closer to him, he would swing a punch or try to shoot her blank range. It never worked to his dismay but he wasn't a man to give up so easily.
"I must excuse myself; I am a faithful widow after all." She tried to decrease their distance so she would be capable of a spell enclosing his whole body; that way he couldn't escape using his complex or some other chicken shit trick.
Another swing of her wrist and multiple pillars came from the walls, connecting two opposite sides. Made with a sole purpose to look like Swiss cheese so CC would easily end up with his back fist into them.
The plan wasn't to hurt him; that kind of damage wouldn't help much with an opponent such as him. She was hoping to get as much mana around him that she could use for an omnidirectional spell of sorts.
The plan was great; it would've been great if the opponent she was facing was someone else. Somehow, without looking, he managed to slip through every crack and every hole she made purely for herself. And he did all of that while constantly throwing attacks at her.
"Why the surprised face?" He asked, gazing at Inko, engulfed with green mana head to toe, with a crystal crown and a few more crystals floating around her elbows.
One time he tried to catch her by her glowing green hair, which was styled into a wide ponytail with multiple tighter circles around it, making it look like the multiple long ovals were connected to each other.
He gave up on that idea soon after his failure; this time he connected his two hands to make a half sphere to build up his complex.
Not to make his shot stronger, actually to widen the range of it. Of course Inko was going to block it again with ease, but at least it would blind her for a little to give him an actual shot.
So he did execute his little plan. The shot took a cone-like shape with a tip being over his hand and base hurling towards the green woman.
She didn't block it; she spun around, creating barriers around her. Maybe she forgot that with a power-up, CC's complex can affect even the biological matter so her little mana-constructed barriers weren't going to be of a big help.
He waited.
Patiently, he prepared himself when the afterblast and smoke would disappear so he could hasten towards her.
Well, his body let him down. He pushed himself through the air to a wall so he could jump up towards her, even before all cleared up. His own body was far more excited for a good fight than his mind.
So the whole situation was a bigger suprise when he saw Inko flaying infront of him with a tin layer of mana around her, shaped like a shield all over her body.
She placed multiple layers of thin mana spheres around her, so when the outer ones would be destroyed, the inner ones would protect her. In theory she could've just used two layers but in her experience on the battlefield she knew that the safer, more costly option was a better choice. A lesson she was going to teach a crimson-haired man in this fight.
Before she started doing anything, a sharp sting flew through her head. The sting was a simple magical reflex when someone was messing with her own space. Someone reshaped or meddled with mana stones.
The same reflex doesn't offer the exact location, so she chose not to focus too much on it and returned to the fight. That is a matter that she will take care of shortly.
After quickly undoing the shield in front of her, he sends a shockwave to make CC fall again. This time he didn't have control over where he was going, and he was way out of his comfort zone to sense the area around him so the plan from before might work this time around.
She again did the same move with the pillars and he actually crashed into one. Sending bits and pieces flying around him while his body curved violently against the cold gems.
Instead of bruises and cuts against his body, he only got the stretch marks. But that was fine by Inko.
The small bits and pieces that were flying along him through the air slowly turned into vibrant energy that started sticking to his body.
Slowly the same energy made shackles on the wrists and ankles. From each shackle came a chain that spiraled around CC's body. His legs were connected together while his arms were forced to stand extended vertically. His whole body was stuck into the shape of a cross.
"Funny seeing you like this." Inko commented, stopping their descent until both of them floated in the same space. Right after, she moved her hand to create ground beneath them to stand on. She was getting tired and annoyed.
The usual geometry didn't apply to the situation she was in so she hoped that even though she was falling for an hour or so, others were close.
Bit by bit, as she was undoing her maiden form, slowly another sting came to her. She needs to hurry up and find all of the people stuck in the fighting arena she created.
"Mmmmm!" CC tried to speak, but his voice was muffled with an energy chain right over his body. Still, Inko liked to guess that he was cursing at her so she just imagined many things he would say in her head.
After she finally stopped paying attention to him, she started to focus. She didn't just tune out CC; she tuned out all of the noise, all the colors and things she was seeing, and the feeling of clothes over her body; she also tuned it out.
At the moment in her head, everything was nothing, black, without a single thought.
Concretely, she had full control over her physical and mental abilities. She could flex a specific muscle by just a thought or lead mana anywhere through her body.
A hard state to get into, but once in it, Inko's abilities were enhanced to the highest limits without using power that wasn't hers to begin with.
She didn't use a location spell to find anyone; those are too flashy and a bit specific while also being area-limited. Inko instead sent out a wave of mana that mapped where everyone was.
She already had a picture of all platforms and tunnels; she only needed to put where everyone is right now.
The logical thing right now would be to bring everyone together. Right? Well, Inko thought so when she witnessed Elle and Esna tied by Agatha and two men that were antagonizing her children moved from them, not that far, but far enough to make her feel safe.
The weird state of calmness and single-mindedness disappeared once there was no need for it. She quickly jumped to her feet, aggressively waving her hands through the air. CC, who was forced to look at it without commenting, could only make faces that would express weird associations he was imagining.
Her hand gestures bended space and shifted the area around them. Soon Left was up and right down, while front and back switched their places. Following that next change was a solid wall next to them that became another pit hole for them to fall through.
She didn't do this just for them; she did this for all of them. Making the tunnel and switching the appropriate directions. Just for Izuku's case, she only needed to bend the space a little as he started the passage on his own.