Chapter 6: The Island Takeover
3 Well-Planned Months Later....
Youden stared into the sea, looking at a big shadow from a distance in the rowboat. It's all coming along smoothly, he smiled to himself, once this is done then stuff gets serious from here. 3 months ago, her researcher and others developed a type of powder that worked the same as the black-powder but severely reduced the amount of smoke that appeared. With that completed, based on the amount and time it took to get certain materials, it was estimated that they could create 5 of the weapons from the cave in a week and training had already begun in a month of so. His recruiters were also secretly getting more people to join and fight for him. He remembered finding the cave with about 40 people and left it with over 1,000.
Breathing in the saltwater, he glanced behind, seeing hundreds of boats spread out around him in the dark to not be discovered. The stealthier this went, the quicker the annex.
"Sir, it's estimated that will we arrive to the main island in about 10 more minutes. Do you know what we shall do once it's completely under our control?" A rebel asked him.
"Don't worry about it yet. We have plenty of time to make decisions. Focus on the goal, which is to rush to the capital and take control of the government, then we go announce that we are now under control of the island." he told her calmly.
No words were said for a few minutes, but soon enough they could see the beach that they were going to land on. Many of the rebels could see the lights leading to the capital from their boats. Youden couldn't get too excited, but it was hard to continue. Once, the boats started to touch the sand he yelled, "Come on, we have a country to conquer! Let's go!"
People started to run and charged towards the lights, where they hoped they lead to the capital. Sure enough it did. People walking around hearing the commotion looked to see them running past them as the rebels told them to stay put. Some of them barraged into houses and took what supplies they needed or wanted. It was barbaric, but it was necessary for Youden to succeed. A few soliders of the island starting using powers to hold them off, but when one of the rebels fired a warning shot at them, they quickly surrendered. Within minutes, the entire capital was under Youden's control and he watched the leader attempt to slip away into the jungles of the island.
"Where do you think you're going?" Youden questioned the leader as he appeared in front of him. "You're going to hand over control or die."
"I-I-I'll do it. Just don't hurt anyone." the leader stuttered at him.
Youden already had a treaty prepared for him to sign and handed it to him. The leader looked up into Youden's calm but furious-looking eyes and quickly signed it without bothering to read.
"So any last words?" Youden asked him.
"What last words? I'm dying?" the leader said confusingly and scared.
"You didn't even read the treaty. Look, it says that you give up complete control, I and my rebellion are now the new government, the country is no longer a democracy or whatever terrible form of government this place had, and that it's leaders and positions of power must be deposed. So, you can tell those to the grave. To the firing squad!" he roared to him.
"No, please, I'll give you money! Food! More money! Women! Whatever you need! Plea...." the leader cried as he was being dragged away.
Youden stared into the sea as he heard multiple shots and screaming in the background minutes later. Then silence. If violence is needed in order for me to succeed, he inquired to himself, then so be it, no matter the cost. I will and must achieve my goal and to get some revenge on Boom too in the process.