Pirates Achievements System

Chapter 47 - conflict

Some island.

On the seemingly dilapidated street, a dozen or so people gathered together, and the one headed was sitting on a wooden barrel, holding a peculiar fruit in his hand. He was standing in front of his eyes, squinting his eyes to admire With.

“You said … just such a small thing, the Don Quixote family bid 200 million Bailey, is the value of this thing really so great, or what.”

“If there is no such value, the Don Quixote family should not give such a high price. After all, this is the legendary devil fruit. It is said that you can get special abilities by eating it, and you will also be cursed by the sea. . “

The person next to him looked at the demon fruit in Tamori’s hands, and some greedy words said: “Then, boss, if you eat this demon fruit, you may become very strong, maybe we don’t have to sell it to others.”


Tamori made a cut, glanced at the devil fruit in his hand, and said, “Even if you get a special ability, can you get 200 million Bailey? Unless you go out to be a pirate … But you also know that the East China Sea is now risking A pirate hunter came out, I do n’t know how many pirates died in his hands. “

Speaking of this, Tamori grinned and said, “With 200 million Bailey, I will be able to be a nobleman in a big city, and I need to take risks to do pirates!”

“Same thing, but you won’t leave us behind, boss …”

Several people next to them looked pitifully at Tamori.

Tamori smiled, holding the devil fruit, and said: “Of course not, I will take you with you to leave this broken town.”

A dozen of them are small gangsters in this town. They usually rely on cheating and stealing some passers-by or docked merchant ships to make a living. As a result, they unexpectedly discovered a devil fruit.

After the news spread, someone soon contacted them to buy the demon fruit at a price of 200 million Bailey. Tamori was also shocked at that time, because he almost couldn’t help eating it.

“Speaking of the time, they should arrive.”

The next few people were a little nervous and anxious. After all, it was about to design a 200 million Bailey transaction. This was a huge asset they had never seen before.

Tamori said that he was not in a hurry. In fact, he couldn’t wait a long time, and when everyone was looking around, footsteps were heard in front of the street.

Da da da.

I saw about Mo Shilai walking towards this side. The first one was wearing a weird, obese beer belly, shouting a strange pacifier in his mouth, and wearing a baby’s headgear.

When Tamori and others saw the image of the man, their faces were all weird, and some could not help but want to laugh, but when they saw that the dozen or so men in black behind the other party were all holding fire bridles and were not angry, they were all forbearing. Come down, dare not laugh out loud.

“Is it Tamoli’s group?”

The man who yelled at the baby ’s pacifier stepped forward and spoke to Tamori and others. He is the cadre of Don Quixote ’s family. Since this is an important thing such as the devil ’s fruit, this time it is in person. Bring the team over.

Tamori stood up from the barrel after resisting the strange appearance of Sainol, and said, “Yes, I am Tamori, are you Don Quixote?”

The underground powers of the Don Quixote family are all over the world. Although Tamori and others are just some little gangsters, they have also heard about Don Quixote’s name when they touch the edge of the underground world.

Seniol nodded, not caring about the eyes of Tamori and others, saying, “What about things?”

“it’s here……”

Tamori opened his palms, revealing the devil fruit clenched tightly in his palm.

Seniol reached out and took a look at it, said: “Well, it is indeed a devil fruit, it looks like it should be superhuman …”

Although I have n’t remembered the Devil Fruit Illustrations, the Devil Fruit is quite distinguishable between the Animal Department, Superman Department and the Nature Department. The Superman Department is the most complex and diverse, while the Nature Department is called the strongest series and will not use domineering people. There is almost no confrontation in the face of nature.

After seeing Seniole confirming the authenticity of the demon fruit, Tamori rubbed his hands slightly nervously and said, “That, the devil fruit is for you, that 200 million Bailey …”

“Oh, here.”

Seniol raised his head and glanced at Tamori, and gestured towards the men behind him.

Just as Tamori and others thought that the men in the black suits in the back were going to send money up, the other party lifted the firecrackers in their hands and aimed them at the crowd.


Tamori and others instantly widened their eyes, revealing a trace of terror.

But before they responded, the men behind Senior shot all the shots in full, and the bullets slammed down, covering Tamori and the others with a splash of blood.

Poof! Boom!

Tamori’s younger brother fell to the ground in unison. He was also shot in the body, kneeling down on the ground with blood, and gazing hard at Sainol, spitting blood foam in his mouth, angrily and desperately said: ” But … hateful … you Don Quixote … even if you don’t keep your word … “

Sainol held a pacifier, looked calmly at Tamori who was kneeling in front of him, took out a pistol, and pointed it at his head, saying: “There is no need to keep promises when dealing with bastards, who knows , You think you got the money and ran to become a nobleman in a big city. “

If it is a transaction with a country, or a transaction with a large power, it will naturally be completed in accordance with the credit of the transaction, but if the general gangster is a kidnapper, there is no such need, and it can be eliminated at will. It is considered to have cleaned up some garbage.

The voice fell, and Senior pulled the trigger.


Tamori looked back in a vicious manner. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

[Neither of you will end well]

The gaze of an ordinary little man in the East China Sea naturally cannot cause any fluctuations in Senior ’s heart. After killing Tamori, he withdrew his pistol and said, “Go.”

The dozens of people behind them also put away the guns.

Can be at this moment.

Seniol’s complexion changed suddenly, with a sense of danger, and then he heard several violent sounds of the sky suddenly coming from above the roof.

Although he didn’t know what was flying, the sense of danger made him leap forward without hesitation, mobilizing the ability to swim fruits, and the whole person dived into the ground at once.

However, Saniol evaded the attack, and the people behind Don Quixote were just ordinary people, and there was little time for reaction and avoidance.

In an instant, blood splattered.

The mass of Don Quixote’s men who had just killed a group of gangsters were lying dead.

“The Don Quixote family … really fate …”

Ron’s figure appeared on the roof on one side, holding an elf wand in his hand, looking at the street of blood and corpses below, and gave a soft whisper.

The group of pirates who happened to be met by him, and was killed, was planning to grab the devil fruit of this group of gangsters, but Ron did not expect that the group of gangsters had contacted Don Quixote.

But I think too.

The Don Quixote family had already collected the devil fruit. The news of the devil fruit could not be ignored by them. Without him, this devil fruit should fall into the hands of the Don Quixote family.

Now that he is here, there will probably be some ‘accidents’.

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