Chapter 84: R19
Chapter 19
So it begins
Edmure pOV
The day was beautiful without any clouds covering the sun. It was warm but not hot. It was a lovely afternoon until our house steward came to me to inform me of Jon Arryns passing. Souring my mood immediately. My father was too ill to do anything but stay in bed. So I didn't want to burden him anymore.
"Call Maester Vyman to my solar," I ordered the steward.
Taking one last look at the sky, I went to my solar. I need to go to the North before the king arrives. Ned and I have to talk before the shitstorm starts. So many things that need to be done, but there's no time for anything now. I have to contact my agents and see if they can bring any information.
"Have you called me, my lord?" Maester Vyman arrives after some time and asks me.
"Yes, I will be leaving for Winterfell soon. I want you to write a letter to announce my arrival," I tell the Maester.
"It will be done, is there something else?" Maester asks.
"Take care of father, remember don't overburden him with unimportant matters. Make sure that he drinks only boiled water and juices, and the visitors must be clean before coming to him," I order him.
"Very well, my lord. If that all I will be going," He agrees and leaves.
After checking on the papers on my table one last time, I left to check on my children. They should be playing in the courtyard, and Arianne is probably watching over them. I was right as I could hear them before I even got to the yard.
"My love, how are they doing?" I ask Arianne after coming to her.
"Elia is showing her little brothers how to play, Axel refuses to listen, and the youngest Gerald doesn't understand," She tells me with a smile.
"I see. Elia has a lot to do," I reply with my own smile.
It was entertaining to watch my daughter, who is only four years old, trying to teach how to play hide and seek to her unruly little brothers. Every child has my coloring of auburn hair and blue eyes. Axel is one year younger than Elia, and Gerald, who is only two, doesn't even listen to Elia as she teaches them to count to ten. Even if she misses some numbers before reaching ten, Elia still gets angry at them.
"I have to leave," I say to Arianne.
"What happened now?" She asks.
Over the years, we become close. I would not call it love, but there was affection for each other. I could rely on her to take care of things for me. She didn't hide anything from me. And we both trusted each other to have each other's back when needed. I didn't hide much but the most important secrets from her.
"Jon Arryn is dead. King Robert is going to Winterfell to make Ned his new hand," I inform her. "I plan to go there first and have a talk with Ned."
"How many men will you take?" She asks, concerned.
"A dozen, I want to go fast," I answer her and give her a kiss before going to say goodbye to the children.
Elia wanted to go too to see snow, as she only heard the stories of it. Axel and Gerald started to cry for me to not go. Elia knew better as I had left many times, and it was normal for her. With promises of cookies, I left to prepare.
Afterward, I found the vice-captain of our guard and ordered him to prepare to leave with me. Deciding it would be wise to take my hawk Styx, which was male of the pair that Patrek gifted me. Nyx, the female hawk, will be left for Arianne. If something happens, the hawks can easily find each other and deliver our messages.
Twelve best horsemen and fighters were with Samwell and me as we rode to the North. I had taken best horses for my companions, but Rain was still faster and more robust than others. Styx was flying above us, but never too far. I like to believe that we have some connection that he listens to me. But it is probably because I have snacks for him on me.
The neck region was damp, to say at least. The air was wet. The stone road was the only place where you wouldn't get wet. The most annoying thing about this place was the insects. I could tolerate grasshoppers, but mosquitos, flies, and other flying assholes that would not leave me alone. Flying in my face, getting stuck in my long hair, hitting my eyes.
Damn it all, we had to spend the night there too. It was the most miserable night in this lifetime. I couldn't sleep as mosquitos were buzzing near my ears. So I sat near the campfire and stared at the orange flames. The sky was dark, with no stars visible. It felt like someone was making it so I would be tortured.
As I stared at the flickering fire, I heard something. It was the sound of quiet steps. It would be hard to not make any sound in the wet grass. But it sounded like someone was gliding and not walking on the ground.
"Who's here?" I asked and unsheathed my sword.
A young boy emerged from darkness to the light of the fire. He was closer than I imagined. His deep green eyes watching me. He was too short and slim to be a man, and he wore all green. Somehow the thought of waking up everyone seemed unwise.
"Ser Edmure Tully, I am Jojen Reed," The boy introduced himself.
"You from the greywater watch," I reply. "What are you doing there in the middle of the night?"
"I came to talk with you," He answered.
"Then talk," I tell him, not putting my sword away. "The least I can do is to listen."
"Very well, I have dreamed about you," The boy tells me. "Glimpses of your future, but never of your past."
"So you are greenseer, and come to tell me how I will die?" I asked.
"Everone die, some way or another. I have seen you die and leave your legacy for the world to see," He tells me. "But no, I have not come to speak of your end. I have come to earn you."
"Of what?" I asked.
"Your decisions will have dire consequences," The boy tells me.
"Everyone's does. We are lords of the Seven Kingdoms. Our decisions will destroy this realm or save it," I reply, not impressed.
"But yours love for family will bring the realm to war," He says.
"The war? Don't be naïve boy, the war will always come to no matter watch you do," I reply to him. "Every man loves their family. If you can't even protect them, who can you protect?"
"I see. You won't stop on your path even if it kills you," The boy says.
"Every man dies, sooner or later," I respond.
"Very well, father has entrusted me to give you these documents if you stay on your path," He says and gives me a bundle of papers.
"Why would you give something like that to me?" After looking through the papers, I ask, but he was gone, and only flames kept me company.
We reached the Moat Cailin after that. The towers were enormous. Holding the only path to the north through the ground. When I agreed to sponsor the rebuilding of moat Cailin, I never expected to see something like that. They were more prominent than the towers in Harrenhal. Wich, I tried to rename Rivia, so when my son inherits it, he would be called Geralt of Rivia.
The only thing people are talking about is the king leaving the capital and coming to the north. I only needed to speak shortly with the castellan to pry information from him. As I was partly responsible for rebuilding this fortress, he had no need to hide how many men were here now.
The next day we left to the Winterfell traveling through the Borrowlands. On nights we set our camp, Samwell still training with his new sword. Every day he would ask other guards or me to spar with him.
He still could not use the sword fluently. The divider, people started to call the Khanda. It was easier on the tongue and described it well. The divider would divide most shields and armor if it hit any. It was better to not block the strike from this sword.
The Borrowlands were a lot nicer than the Neck. The fields were primarily empty, only filled with various animals. From sheep to cows. All kinds of horses were running in the areas, only restricted my vired fences. It was a lovely sight for travelers to enjoy while on the road.
I didn't rush to Winterfell. After receiving the documents from the Reeds, Ned won't be able to hide anything from me. So I enjoyed the stretch from there to the heart of the North. The weather was delightful as the sun gleamed on us, and a light wind was refreshing.
The Winterfell walls loomed over us as we neared it. Guards patrolling the walls and towers. The gate was fortified to the point that I saw no war engine penetrating it. Six guards stood at each side of the gates. Even Winter town was patrolled regularly with disciplined men.
Samwell looked at everything with owing in his eyes. He would see every detail with his eyes before moving to other parts. That is how he reacted to everything in the North so far. I couldn't blame him as everything looked beautiful there. People like to talk about how it was only an empty wasteland, but they had never seen its beauty before. The North had various unique places to explore and witness.
When I arrived inside the castle, I saw the wolves first and only then my family. My nephews and nieces each were holding their pups. After greeting everyone, I enjoyed the rest of the day with my family.
Letting Sansa be my tour to the castle. Listening to Bran's stories about legends long forgotten. Sparring with Robb and Jon while Patrek was watching. Playing with Arya and Rickon. And lastly, talking with my sister.
"I have thought you would have taught more to Jon," In the late evening, I remark to Patrek. "If I haven't asked your father to look after him, he wouldn't be able to read with your teachings."
"Don't be so hard on me. I knew my father would take care of the boy, and I had some stuff to look at," Patrek replies.
"How many times do I have to tell you girls aren't things," I tell him angrily.
"Enough, and my wife would kill me if she caught me looking at other girls," Patrek replies. "I was looking at the Ironborn of the late, I noticed some activities with them. Building more ships than ever before, I have sent many spies to look into it."
"Damn it, someone is probably supporting them. Otherwise, I don't believe the Ironborn could build a new fleet after all the restrictions I put on them," I respond, but who would support them and for what.
"It seems a war is coming," Patrek comments without any humor in his voice.
Ned was silent when I entered his solar. He didn't express any emotion on his face. The solar wasn't near luxurious enough to compete with most great lords solars. The walls were grey, with a massive map hanging on the back wall. The table and other furniture were simple but elegant.
"You wanted to speak with me," Ned states.
"Yes, it is about time you tell me about Jon," I reply.
"What there to know, he is my son and that the end of it," He grumbles.
"Is he?" I question him.
"What do you know?" Ned inquires me.
"I know he isn't your son," I confirm his suspicion.
"Sigh, this isn't the place to talk about it," He sighs and motions me to follow him.
Ned left first through the door, and I was following behind him. We climbed down the spiraling stairs. Walked through the grey walled halls and left the castle to the courtyard. From there, Ned led me to the crypt of Winterfell.
The crypt was a cold and dark place. You could only see as much as the lantern lets you and not an inch more. The floor was frigid as I felt my feet freeze just from stepping on it. The air was too damp to stay there for long and not get sick. The overarching hallways made it look like an underground labyrinth that you could easily get lost in. It was a death trap for anyone who didn't know the passageways.
"How did you find out?" Ned asks me when we arrive at the only woman statue in there.
"The Reeds give me this," I answer him and give the papers which document the marriage between Rhaegar and Lyanna.
"Why would they do something like this?" He wonders.
"Because the King is coming, we both know why he's coming to you," I reply to him. "They know how dangerous the capital is. If something would happen to you, will you let Cat live the rest of her lifetime resenting your choice to father a bastard? Will Jon never know of his true origins?"
"It wasn't decided that I would leave for the capital yet," He remarks.
"It isn't easy to refuse the King, especially Robert," I state. "And it isn't the only thing that I am concern with. I am afraid of what the future will bring to the Seven Kingdoms once Robert dies."
"His son will inherit the Iron Throne and keep the peace," Ned declared.
"There isn't any peace, there never been. The boy will listen to Lannisters and no one else. The florents will undermine the Tyrells in any way they can. The Martells won't give up on their revenge, and I am no friend of Lannisters. The Targaryen loyalists strike in the sight of weakness. But what if there was another Targaryen? The heir to the Iron Throne, how could they put Viserys before his nephew?" I hypothesize.
"You want Jon to be a tool?" He accuses me.
"We are all tools," I explain to him. "You were a tool bringing the Vale closer to the North. My sisters were tools getting closer ties with the Vale and the North to the Riverlands. In one or another way, we are tools that let us have better positions and future."
"There won't be any need for you to use Jon. I won't let any of those things happen," Ned promises me.
"You just one man," I reply with a neutral voice. "If Targaryens manage to have the throne, then it would be better if it is someone I would trust. Someone who would honor their words. Someone who would think of others before themselves."
"You have three kingdoms alliance with you. There's little chance that Viserys would take the Iron Throne," He says.
"Do I? Lysa won't listen to me. She didn't answer any of my letters, and without Jon Arryn, she will do as she wishes." I reply to him. "Even if I have some say with Dorne, it would be hard to control their anger for Lannisters and Baratheons. Face it, Ned, war is coming one way or another."
"Sigh, your words have some truth to it, but it is just speculation on your part," He tells me. "Nonetheless, you have a point."
After his words, he kneels down, removes a stone underneath Lyanna's statue, and then picks up a box from the hole. I look at Ned as he opens the box and reveals its contents. There was a red three-headed dragon banner in the box, and under that, it was letters and documents. Reading through them, I realized that it was all the proof I needed to legitimize Jon.
Ned looks at me for a silent moment and then gives the box to me.
Its been two weeks since the talk with Ned. Everything had become a routine, playing with Rickon and Arya. Telling horror stories to Bran and fairytales to Sansa. Teaching sword fighting to Jon and Robb with Samwell joining in too. Ned kept his distance from me, but at the same time, watched me closer than before.
Today was the day the King was arriving. The children assembled at the front of the Castle with Ned and Cat in front of them. I stood by their side with Samwell, waiting for the King to arrive. It was blindingly how much gold I saw. The King was fatter than I imagined he could possibly be. In the last five years, he gained a lot of weight.
The Queen was gorgeous, with her beautiful long golden hair. She looked at everything with hidden distaste. The smirk she wore on her face was the most annoying thing about her. Combine ser Jaime's constant smirk with her own, and you get Joffrey.
Joffrey didn't even try to hide his expression. While he wore a smile, I could easily see his frown and how his eyes dismissed everything and everyone as beneath him. Even though Myrcella and Tommen looked more innocent, I could spot the influence of Cercei for their distaste.
After Robert left with Ned, I could only think about how the game had begun.