Chapter 64: Chapter 64
[Third Person's PoV]
Thalia, Annabeth, and Lucian soon arrived in Chiron's office with Luke waiting for them with his arms crossed.
"Do you know why we're here?" Annabeth asked Luke, who shook his head.
"Your guess is as good as mine" Luke said, shrugging his shoulders.
Lucian just looked at him for a bit but didn't say anything before turning his attention towards Chiron who was seated in front of them.
"Good you're all here" Chiron said before sighing, "What I'm about to tell you is a secret you should keep to only the people inside this room, do I make myself clear?" Chiron said in a very serious and stern tone, a tone they never heard from him before making the others realize the gravity of the situation.
"Wait, if it's so serious, why are you telling us about it?" Annabeth asked in surprise.
Once more, Chiron sighed, which they doubt would be the only time they heard him do that in the following conversation.
"Because it involves both Thalia and Lucian, knowing how close the 4 of you guys are, there's no doubt in my mind that the two of you would be dragged along, so I'm telling you all so you could prepare for the future"
Thalia looked towards Lucian in surprise as she didn't expect that it would involve the both of them, making her quickly realize something, "Is it because we're both children of the big three?"
"I'm afraid so… Tell me, do you kids know why the pact between the three gods was made?"
"Because they were afraid their own kids would be able to overthrow them?" Luke asked with a smirk.
"Well you're not entirely wrong…"
Luke couldn't believe what he was hearing and turned towards the others making sure they heard what he did, but before he could inquire further Chiron continued
"But that isn't the main reason… It happened around 70 years ago, after World War 2, the Oracle foretold an event that would lead to the three gods making that pact. The prophecy went along like this…
"A Half-blood of a Royal line
At the age of Sixteen they will shine
Leading an army upon a mountain
For a soul many will bargain
A fight they must ultimately win
So the ending of time on Olympus begins""
Everyone had their mouths upon hearing the prophecy, especially Lucian. Meanwhile Annabeth snapped her head immediately towards Lucian.
Her eyes widened beyond belief as she remembered the talk they had two years ago on his cabin's rooftop.
Chiron didn't say anything further and gave them time to digest the information.
'He was right' Annabeth kept repeating over and over to herself, coming close to getting a panic attack until she felt a hand on her shoulder.
She looked over and saw Lucian giving her a smile which caused her to calm down slightly, 'Since he doesn't seem worried I shouldn't be either, right?'
'Keep calm, keep calm, keep calm, keep calm… let's analyze this carefully' Lucian thought in the middle of his panicking.
'I knew it was going to be different, my existence was going to change it obviously but I didn't expect it to be completely different, at least the premise is the same, but it's still so different' Lucian thought to himself.
"So one of us, between me and Lucian, will be the end of Olympus?" Thalia muttered, her worry evident.
"That's what I believe," Chiron confirmed, leaving Thalia still visibly concerned.
"It's going to be me, isn't it?" Thalia said in a low voice before hearing Lucian scoff.
"What?" She asked in annoyance.
"Main character syndrome much? Why are you sure it's you?" Lucian teased with a smirk.
"Why do you think it isn't?" Thalia retorted.
"Isn't it obvious? You're too weak. There's no way you could lead an army like the prophecy stated," Lucian replied.
"Seriously, at a time like this, you little..." Thalia growled, but then sighed. "Plus, the prophecy said it was of a Royal line. I'm the one who is most royalty here. Honestly, I don't want to be who the prophecy is talking about."
"Hey there, princess complex. You're not the only royalty here. In case you forgot, my father is the ruler of the dead and our uncle is the ruler of the 7 Seas. I bet you all of my fortune he probably has a kid hidden somewhere, and it wouldn't be long before he makes an appearance since your dad and mine have proven that they broke the pact. It would be okay for him to break it too, so it could be his kid for all we know" Lucian countered.
"I don't have a princess complex. I was just saying," Thalia said, rolling her eyes before sighing. "But you're right. Due to my panicking, I forgot you're technically royalty as well.
"There was a pause before Thalia spoke again. "Thanks," she muttered.
"Huh? What for?" Lucian asked in confusion.
Thalia blushed and scoffed. "Oh, please. Don't act innocent. I knew you were only teasing me to make me feel better."
"No, I wasn't. I was just correcting your idiocy since you were acting like the main character just because your daddy is the sky father," Lucian retorted.
"Whatever, loser," Thalia scoffed, shaking her head.
Meanwhile, Luke was deep in thought. "It mentioned 'they' in the prophecy. Does that mean we all would be fighting since it mentioned, 'A fight THEY must ultimately win'?"
"We don't know. Even the gods have tried to find out what the prophecy truly means. After all, prophecies are ambiguous, so it could literally mean anything. They haven't really made heads or tails of the prophecy, but they have had their suspicions that it's going to happen soon since two forbidden kids appeared at the same time," Chiron explained.
Luke then stood up and started walking away.
"Where are you going?" Thalia asked.
"To train..." was all he said as he walked away.
Thalia looked at Lucian and Annabeth in confusion.
Lucian shook his head, thinking, 'I've been paying close attention, and it looks like they still haven't made contact yet. That's good to know.'
"It's probably the shock from all of this. He probably wants to have a quiet space to think," Lucian said with a sigh.
A look of understanding overcame Thalia as she remembered that Luke liked to swing his sword and practice whenever he had a lot on his mind.
While Thalia and Annabeth talked to Chiron, trying to find out more about the prophecy, Lucian started dissecting it himself.
'A Half-blood of a Royal line... Are we sure that's talking about the Big Three specifically? Let's be egotistical for a moment and say that it's me.
I'm not only royalty from my father's side but from my mother as well. She was a princess and then a queen, so technically speaking, I'm royalty on both sides of the family.
Then there's "at the age of sixteen they will shine"... So it's the same as the original prophecy. The climax will happen when we're 16, so we're going to be showing off when we're 16 if I'm interpreting that correctly, which I'm probably not.
Then there's leading an army up a mountain. I mean, what is there to interpret? That's really straightforward.
For a soul many will bargain... Whose soul are we talking about? Who are we bargaining with? Is it my father? And whose soul are we bargaining? I can't just assume it's Luke. Thinking that I know everything would just backfire if I think that way.
A fight they must ultimately win... Okay, I think for this one, I can confidently say it's with Kronos, but I'll try not to think it's just him and it's someone else.
And lastly... So the ending of time on Olympus begins. I'm just assuming, but it's predicting the end of Kronos. Knowing what I know, how else am I going to interpret it? The gods are having a hard time doing it since it never crossed their minds that Kronos was related to this since, to them, he was cut into pieces at the bottom of Tartarus.'
After analyzing what he could, he looked around and noticed that the others were deep in thought as well, causing him to sigh and clap his hands, jolting them from their pondering.
"I think it's best if we head to our cabin and think deeply about what we learned within our own time."
The others nodded in agreement. They bid their farewell to Chiron before each going to their individual cabins and spending the night in their thoughts.