Outcast in a world of monsters

Chapter 5: Chapter 5

Crovor raised his hand, signaling the group to stop for the night. The sun had just begun to set. "This spot is pretty safe. Let's rest here for a while, I need to meditate as well."

 "Isn't it a little early to rest, great shaman?" Second Mother questioned, her head bowed. 

Bril stood behind Second Mother and grinned. It was disrespectful to try and question one's leader. Second Mother was trying to undermine his authority, while still being polite.

Crovor glared, "Not at all. We need our rest for the rest of the journey."

 The goblins put down their packs and started a fire. Under normal times, night challenges would soon begin. Everyone was eager to prove to others that they were worthy of their intimate attention. Srixa looked around, imagining who her potential mate would be. She licked her lips as she imagined beating someone into submission and forcing everyone to see that she was the best among the lot. 

In goblin culture power was everything. Finding a mate was just another battle, some argued the most important, where goblins found out who was most worthy of passing down their legacy. There was no such thing as "making love" in goblin tribes, goblins had sex for pleasure and necessity, but never out of such an impotent emotion as love. 

Power, ruthlessness, even sadism and lust, were taught as being of the greatest importance when choosing a mate; endearment and empathy came last or were non-existent. Many species would have found the goblin's culture revolting, but this was the Ebon Realm, after all, most species held similar beliefs around these lands; although perhaps none were as quite literal and vocal as the sylvan tribes of Vulture Woods.

Srixa noticed a handsome goblin standing a few feet away, Ragg was his name. The goblin noticed her ogling and swallowed in fear. She had challenged him a few months ago and he was foolish enough to accept. She had won with ease. Awed by her overwhelming skill he had put himself forward as a mate for the evening. Srixa had accepted with a smirk and proceeded to ravage him the rest of the night. She had left him with bruises and claw marks for weeks and not from the night challenge.

 Crovor called out, "Bril come over here, it is time for my meditation and I require your assistance."

"Huh?" Bril had been busy talking with Second Mother all day, she had almost forgotten about the shaman.

Crovor glowered, but said nothing. Instead he took a deep breath and raised his right hand. After a brief moment a bright orange flame appeared above his right palm. Everyone backed away in fear. Even Second Mother seemed thrown off by the show of power. 

Beads of sweat began to appear on Crovor's forehead. He was panting from the exertion of the spell, but he didn't stop. 

Crovor frowned, "Bril, are you refusing to obey me?"

This too was a battle, one of intimidation and to see who would crack first.

 Bril stared at the magical fire. "N-no." 

Of course she cracked first, Stryg thought. Crovor was a damn shaman for Lunae's sake. Who would dare fight against their tribe's shaman?

"Then come over here. Now!"Crovor yelled, emboldened by her falter. 

Stryg watched as Bril, a venerable fighter, visibly cowered and ran towards Crovor. 

"Is this how you greet your shaman?" Crovor asked as he tapped his foot.

 Bril spoke in a quiet voice, "Bril, daughter of Blood Fang, greets the great shaman."

Crovor smiled, "That's better. Now, you will help me with my meditation."

She gripped her fists but nodded, "Yes, my shaman." 

"Crovor, what do you plan on doing with her exactly?" Second Mother asked. "I hope you don't plan on proposing a night challenge or Lunae forbid, mating. The chief declared that all night challenges will be postponed during our quest."

 "Of course not. Ah, I almost forgot," Crovor grinned.

Ostroz stepped in front of Srixa, "I challenge you."

Stryg was surprised, did the crazy goblin actually challenge the best fighter of their generation?

 Srixa laughed, "Did you hit your head? Didn't you just hear Second Mother? You can't issue a night challenge, not today. And even if you could, do you really think you could beat me?"

"I'll allow it," Crovor said with an authoritative tone. 

 Second Mother whipped her head around, "What? You can't do that!"

Crovor looked around, "I'm the acting chief on this quest, I can allow any challenge as I see fit. Does anyone else disagree?" 

The dozen or so goblins stood quiet, no one wanted to speak against the goblin wielding fire. Bril opened her mouth, but as she saw everyone's faces she realized her one opinion wouldn't be enough.

 Crovor noticed Bril and wrapped his arm around her shoulders, "Do you disagree?" 

 She bit her lip, "No." 

"Are you sure?" He dug his claws into her arm.

"Yes, I'm sure I don't disagree!" She yelled.

Crovor laughed, "Well, it seems no one disagrees with me as acting chief."

Ostroz took a battle stance as he faced Srixa.

 Second Mother sighed, "Very well, Crovor. But, I will make sure to report all of this when we get back."

 Crovor ignored her, "Let the challenge continue."

Srixa smiled sadistically, "Sure, I'll accept. I've beaten you up plenty of times Ostroz, it'll be fun to do it in a night challenge too. But, really, what made you think that a child like you could beat me?"

 "I'm not a child, Srixa," Ostroz bared his teeth.

"You've always been a child, boy. Getting manipulated by others at every turn," Srixa mocked.

 "I'll show you what a man is," Ostroz scowled. 

Srixa laughed, "Oh, I'm going to enjoy this. Don't worry, after I win I'll even mate with you, just for fun. Of course, you'll be crying the entire time as I dig my claws into that soft skin of yours. And when I've had my fill, I'll let you go, but you won't want me to. Because by then you'll just be my little bitch."

Ostroz screamed in anger and swung at her. She ducked and landed two quick jabs on his chest. He coughed in pain and stumbled back a few steps. 

This was too easy, Srixa thought. Goblins like Ostroz were so easy to bait. A few insults here and a few threats there, that was all. She'd enjoy breaking him. 

 "So, is this what a man looks like?" She taunted.

He charged her with a rapid set of jabs. She dodged most and blocked the few that connected. Srixa followed up with a palm strike to his face, her claws scratching his cheek. He screamed in pain and swung around wildly.

Srixa stepped away with a spring in her step, she laughed, "You really thought you could beat me?"

Ostroz scowled and ran at her with an elbow strike, she sidestepped him, and punched him in the ribs. He gasped for breath and collapsed on the ground.

Srixa yelled a war cry as she jumped on top of him and began raining down punches.

Stryg had a sickening sense of deja vu as he watched Srixa beat Ostroz.

"I give up! I give up!" Ostroz shouted as he tried covering his face the best he could.

Srixa landed one more punch before standing up. 

"Pathetic. You'll never be a man of the Blood Fang tribe," she spat on him. 

Stryg spotted the smile on Srixa's face. Ostroz lay still on the floor cowering. 

So much for not giving up, Strgy thought in scorn.

Srixa turned towards a frowning Crovor, "Did you really think this boy could defea-"

 With a swift motion Ostroz kicked Srixa's legs from underneath her. She hit the ground hard. Before she had a chance to recover, Ostroz was on top of her. His punches were a whirl of attacks, all focused at her head. 

 "Hey, that's not fair!" Second Mother yelled. Other goblins shouted in agreement. Cries of 'coward,' 'cheater' and other insults were thrown at Ostroz. But he wasn't listening. 

 Stryg's eyes widened, "He doesn't care."

Stryg slowly looked around, everyone was focused on how Ostroz had played dirty. For all their insults none of the goblins moved against him. They thought they were shaming him with their words, but none of them understood. Ostroz only cared about one thing, defeating Srixa. Was this what he meant with his advice? 

 After a minute, Ostroz stopped his punches. 

He pulled Srixa's head up by her hair, "Crovor had yet to call the match. You shouldn't have turned your back on this 'boy.' Give up." 

 Blood trickled down Srixa's face. She spat blood on his face.

Ostroz flinched and released her hair, her head dropped on the ground with a solid thump. She winced, but said nothing.

Ostroz glared at her. He flipped her around, placed his right foot on top of her, and pulled both her arms back, "You used to always beat me for the smallest of mistakes or for no reason at all, just cause you felt like it. Not even First Mother was so cruel. But I noticed something from all those beatings. I've watched you for a long time and I learned. You're great at fighting with your hands, but you can't kick to save your life. So let me just take this arm of yours!" 

"Remember when you broke my arm, Srixa? You just laughed at me with the other hunters! Let me return the favor!" Ostroz pulled back, stretching her arms behind her as far as possible. 

Srixa groaned in pain. 

"Give up!" Ostroz shouted.

"In your dreams!" Srixa said through clenched teeth.

"Oh, now you wanna talk huh!?"

With a loud crack he dislocated her shoulder. Srixa shook her head vehemently and yelled in pain. For the first time that night the crowd of goblins cheered, they loved such violence. In their eyes, such ruthlessness was a virtue. 

Stryg watched in silence, he didn't enjoy this, Ostroz should have just finished her off.

"Ready to give up now?" Ostroz asked.

"Fuck you," Srixa cursed.

"One more to go then," Ostroz and pulled her other arm.

Srixa gritted her teeth, "I'll kill y-"

Ostroz yanked hard, dislocating the shoulder's joint in an instant. She groaned in agony, tears in her dim eyes.

Ostroz smiled, he released her dislocated arms and grabbed her face,"Oh, are you crying? The great merciless Srixa, crying in front of everyone?"

"F-fuck you," she muttered through ragged breaths.

Ostroz looked over at the shaman.

Crovor nodded, "Ostroz is the victor."

 Ostroz stood up in triumph, his hands raised in victory. No one cheered, but neither did they dispute his win.

Srixa lunged and sank her teeth into his ankle. Ostroz squealed and fell over. Srixa pinned him down with her legs and bashed his face with her forehead, over and over. The night challenge was over, Ostroz had won. Srixa shouldn't have attacked, yet no one made a move to stop her.

Srixa grinned maliciously at the half-conscious goblin, "You damn cheater. Did you really think I'd let you get away with that?"

Ostroz mumbled a few words, but no one could make it out through his broken nose and cracked teeth.

Srixa bent down and licked his bloodied cheek, "But I kinda liked that initiative. Most men in the tribe are terrified to step into a night challenge with me. How about I show you a real challenge?"

Ostroz blinked blearily, "...Y-you mean?"

"Let's find out if you actually are a man under all that swagger," Srixa licked her lips.

"Hah… you're on."

"You think you can win? I'll have you whimpering in seconds," Srixa laughed.

"That's my line," Ostroz grinned, blood still dripping from his mouth.

"But first you better pop my shoulders back in or I swear I will tear out your throat," Srixa bared her fangs.

 "Right," Ostroz swallowed.

After a few painful moments, Srixa's shoulders were back in place, and Ostroz had two new welts on his shoulder.

Normally in the village goblins would mate inside their tents, but out here in the open woods, Srixa and Ostroz simply went behind some trees. The other goblins cheered at them as they disappeared into the dark.

"Srixa's gonna eat him alive," a hunter mumbled.

Another hunter nodded, "Yeah, Ostroz isn't coming out of this without several more bruises and cuts. Srixa likes to play with her prey, why do you think she chose to sleep with him? I bet he won't last half the night before she gets bored of him."

 Stryg ignored their remarks and looked around the group. Two people were missing. Where had Crovor and Bril gone?

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