One Peace, The Shadow Monarch

Chapter 31: Training Staff

"If you need us, we'll be there, yoi."

And he would be; if he so much as asked, he would come in a heartbeat, likely with Thatch and half the crew behind him—make that the entire crew.

"This is the East Blue; nothing that exciting happens here."

He felt the need to remind them where he was before an Emperor's crew showed up, scaring every marine and villager alike.

"Just remember, we have your back; that's all, kid."

Thatch said, to which he nodded before he heard Leo's hunger moans.

"Hector, yoi?"

Marco asked, realizing they were losing the kid's attention. Leo approached him, shoving him for food and trying to eat the Transponder snail, knowing it was the cause of his hunger.

"I can come back later."

Marco suggested, but Hector shook his head.

"I'm heading out. I'll call you guys when something interesting happens."

He told his family.

"Bye, guys!"

He said before hanging up the Transponder snail and turning to Leo.

"Fine, we'll get you fed first. Zeff, bring me the finest raw steaks you have. I suppose are you willing to pay the price for me answering any further questions, right?"

Hector laughed, knowing old man Zeff understood what he meant.

"The food this time is free for you, Mister Hector. Please wait for you and your crew until I finish preparing it."

Zeff said with a helpless smile.

"Eh, no need. I'll pay. It would go against my code to steal from non-crooks."

After hearing Hector's response, Zeff departed to inform the kitchen staff to treat him special. In the kitchen, a man with yellow hair and peculiar curly eyebrows was preparing an order for a customer when he overheard Zeff's cautionary words.

"Is he really that strong?"

Sanji inquired.

"You impudent Brat! Do you even comprehend what being a Whitebeard Pirate entails? He hails from the latter part of the Grand Line, the New World! The New World, you fool!"

Zeff exclaimed.

Sanji, with a scowl, queried.

"What's the New World? Can you eat it?"


Zeff replied.


Sanji was taken aback. Hi's question was meant to tease the old man, as he had never witnessed Zeff exercise such extreme caution around anyone before, which piqued his curiosity.

"Listen well, Sanji! No matter what that pirate does while he's in our restaurant, as long as he doesn't take a life, even if he disparages our cooking and shatters the dishes, you must not retaliate! This is crucial for all of us, to ensure our years of toil aren't in vain!"

Zeff sternly cautioned, reminding Sanji of Hector's brutal deeds, his slaughter of civilians, and the destruction of the Marine base. His notorious reputation was known all over the East Blue.

"Old man..."

Sanji began.

Observing Zeff's grave expression, Sanji nodded in silent agreement, offering his reassurance. He was deeply indebted to the man before him; he would sacrifice his life if asked.

Below deck, Sanji's gaze fell upon Nami and her friends, and his eyes transformed into hearts, popping out of his head, while his heart echoed the sentiment. He sauntered over to their table, gracefully twirling before Nojiko with a dish.

"For the lovely lady with purple hair, the Dragon Boat of Dragon Salmon Sashimi. It's a Draconic Super-Fillet Salmon, sliced into sashimi and presented in a sushi boat. Please enjoy."

He then turned to Nami and continued.

"And for the lady with discerning taste, the Succulent Seared Dragon Salmon Sushi. May I inquire your names, Mademoiselles?"

He gently kissed Nami's hand, and she responded with a blank expression.

He knelt on one knee and bowed to Nami, who wore a wicked, greedy smirk.

"Blessed Goddess, thank you for honoring our restaurant with your presence today! Please accept this Fruit Macedonia and this glass of Grand Marnier."

"Oh, thanks."

Nami said awkwardly.

"Oooh, this Sashimi is excellent. The slices are well-crafted, the moisture is perfectly retained, and the texture is superb. Did you make these, curly brows?"

Hector inquired, devouring the sashimi rapidly, but Sanji completely ignored him.

"Ladies, any of you interested in cooking? Perhaps we could discuss the dish over a glass of wine?"

Sanji's focus on the girls, to the exclusion of Hector, began to irritate him.


Hector shouted.

"Serve the rest of my group as well, you shitty cook!"

Sanji's cheerful demeanor vanished as he turned to face Usopp.

"I've already served your tea. Show some gratitude, punk."

The customers observed the scene with a mix of fear, pity, and panic. Hector calmed down and sipped his tea.

"Okay, I'll spare you for now for being rude. This tea is quite good."


Nami exclaimed after tasting some of the fruits. Her group began to enjoy it as well. Then she addressed the two.

"Oh, you two, please don't argue over me."

She adopted a convincingly sad expression, clasping her hands together as if in prayer.

"Anything for you, miss!"

Sanji swooned back into his infatuation.

"Damn, lecher."

Carina muttered behind her cup.

The crew was amazed by the deliciousness of the food brought later. Upon inquiry, Sanji revealed that Zeff had prepared everything himself, as promised. The children and Leo were feasting on the meat Nami had ordered especially for them, much to Sanji's chagrin. He was powerless to change the situation, as Nami had already shared everything with them.

"It's so good!"

They exclaimed with joy.

"This is the best food I've ever tasted!"

The rest of the group shared this sentiment, eliciting a proud smirk from Sanji. Despite being annoyed that the lion and children had eaten the food he had specially prepared for Nami, Hector's comments made him reconsider his opinion of him.

Suddenly, Hector requested to be taken to the owner, Zeff. Remembering the old man's instructions, Sanji promptly obliged.

"Old man Zeff, Hector the Black wishes to speak with you."

Sanji knocked on the door leading to Zeff's room.

"Come in."

Came Zeff's response from inside.

Upon entering, they found the blonde-haired elder seated at his desk, dressed in his chef's uniform.

"Hey, Black Leg Zeff."

Greeted Hector with a wave.

"What have you done this time, Sanji?!"

Zeff bellowed, his vein nearly bursting.

"Hey, old man, I've been nothing but compliant, just as you asked."

Sanji defended himself.

"Says the man who's been flirting with my women and neglecting my crew."

Hector interjected, giving Zeff the full account.

"Damn it, Sanji! I told you to behave. I apologize for my foolish chef's conduct. Could you please forgive him and give him another chance?"

Zeff pleaded, about to kneel, but Hector stopped him.

"No need for that, old man. If my Pops ever learned I killed someone over a leer at my women, he'd give me a thrashing I'd never forget as a lesson. Besides, he redeemed himself by serving us such excellent food and tea."

"So, what do you want, Mr. Hector?"

Zeff inquired, relieved to have avoided his fury.

"I want you to train my cooking staff during the two weeks we'll be staying here. Naturally, I'll pay you two hundred million Berries for each person."

Hector proposed with a smile.

"You want us to train your cooking staff?"

Zeff repeated.

"Yeah! And I don't suppose you have someone who might want to join my crew?"

Hector continued to smile at him.

"Tch, you Whitebeard Pirates are all strange bunch for Pirates."

The owner grinned.

"Usually, when a pirate asks to see me, it's to demand that I waive their expenses as a fee for sparing us or something of the sort. We sea cooks need no protection from pirates!"

"You're an interesting one, boy!"

Zeff smiled.

"So, you need us to train your cooking staff and cook on your crew, eh? Especially one that knows how to fight?"

"Yep! He needs to be able to cook and kick ass!"

Hector punched the air in front of him to emphasize his point.

"Hahaha! Tell you what, kid. I don't know if any of my boys would give up their position to become a Marine, but if you find someone who does, you have my permission to take him with you! And don't worry, we'll train your staff since you're handsomely paying for their training."

Zeff chuckled despite himself.

"Cool! Thanks, old-timer! You're the best!"

Hector shook Zeff's hand enthusiastically.

"Heh, but make sure you take care of my boys. Then again, I'm pretty sure you wouldn't want someone who can't take care of themselves, right, Captain?"

Zeff grinned wickedly.

"You bet! We'll be facing many criminals out there."

RACE: Human■■■■■■

NAME: Hector Barbossa■■■■■■

Level: 48

Health Points: 30,200

Mana Points: 26,520

Stamina Points: 15,100

Attunement: 1,327

Vitality: 756

Endurance: 756

Strength: 1,256

Dexterity: 1,361

Perception: 756

Skill: 756

Safe Rewards From Daily Quest:

+Stat Points: 50

+Skill Points: 9

+Status Recovery: 1

Skill Tree:


-Observation Haki: A Rank

-Armament Haki: A Rank

-Conquers Haki: EX Rank


-Moon Step: S- Rank

-Iron Body: S Rank

-Tempest Kick: S+ Rank 

-Shave: S+ Rank

-Finger Pistol: S Rank 

-Kami-e: S- Rank

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