Chapter 23: Character Dive! 8.0
Hello once again, and welcome back to the gates of Enverdolmol!
I hope you all have been well.
I hope you all have been healthy.
I hope you all liked the last chapter that I posted as well!
Man, the characters that are featured in "The Shape of you. Part 1" are a few of my favorite thus far, and I look forward to the "Part 2" that is inevitable!
Lysin and Zandara have my heart, and have had it since the moment that they were conceptualized. Zandara in fact is so dear to me, that I completely cut out the idea of having Lysin kill her in the end!
Or have I?
I'll think and sleep on it!
I hope you have have been genuinely well though on a more serious note.
Especially if you are anywhere near Ukraine at this time!
War… what is it good for?
It is only good for FICTION FANTASY.
That is it.
No violence in the real world should be given.
I will never condone it. In any form.
I hope with all of my heart, that these words reach you well.
YOU. whoever you are.
Wherever you are.
I love you.
I will see you all back here soon for the next thrilling chapter!
We will be moving into Part 2 soon enough so stay tuned!
Thank you all for your time, support, and loyalty.
And off we go.
"The shape of you. Part 1."
Name: Lysin.
Species: Elf.
Class: Combat Wizard.
Age: 92 HLS - 23 Elf Years.
Nation: Eastern Lustria.
Weapon: 8 Enchanted Owls Eye Chakrams
-Elemental tool kit. Combat Wizard Standard kit includes but is not limited to the following: Spoiler Locked! (Sorry lol)
Lysin was top of his class. His were the highest scores ranked in decades when it came down to elemental acuity.
Earth, Fire, Wind, Water, Ice, and Lightning.
He could channel them all from a young age with very little instruction, and more impressively, without the aid of any form of Aetherial artifact. He appears to be some form of living conduit to the Aether around him.
But easy success and prodigy-level talents had left him easily bored and distracted.
Being introverted by nature has lead many to believe that he is lazy, a trait that is highly frowned upon by the majority of the Elves of Lustria. Being the best at all of his studies, and equally nonchalant has cause him to be cast aside and avoided, something that he is just fine with mind you.
His only true ambition is to someday leave Lustria and explore the world at large.
Well… that and try every reefer strain in existence.
He would travel and search for something, anything that could REALLY amuse him. Something, or even someone that he couldn't understand.
Little did he know, that "Something" had come directly to him.
-Wand Spells but without said Wand.
-High resistance to Elemental magics.
-Expert Hand-to-hand combatant.
-Master Chakrams combatant.
-Can grown and shrink his Chakrams, as well as alter their weight.
-Combat Wizards tool kit.
Strength: 6/10.
Stamina: 7.5/10.
Aether: 9/10.
Agility: 8.5/10.
Intellect: 9.5/10.
Dexterity: 8.5/10.
Resilience: 6.5/10.
Resistance: High: 8/10. Low: 9/10.
"The shape of you. Part 1."
Name: Zandara.
Species: Changeling (Elf/Human defect.)
Class: Wizard Assassin.
Age: ????
Nation: Luzu. Crater Coast Collective./Grootawe.
Weapon: 6 Enchanted Eagles Eye Combat Chakrams.
A Changeling born into object poverty in the dark and dank sea-side dorpie of Luzu.
Her mother died in childbirth, leaving her alone with her father.
Her Father left her on the steps of an orphanage due to her glowing orange eyes, and the lack of sound that she made.
As a child, she didn't talk.
She didn't seem to like any of the many foods that were offered to her. None but the meats.
She couldn't be bothered to bathe, yet strangely she never really needed it.
She wore hardly any clothing. Ever. The orphanage had tried everything that they could, before they decided it would be best to call in outside assistance. From Suidelain came the High Clerics and with them came some of the best antithetical minds all of Enverdolmol. They all had a study of the strange and unworldly girl.
They quickly deduced that she was a child of the Aether.
A Changeling.
Her fate was a rather sad one.
She would never know her own true face or form, as her blood was over saturated with Aether. Any physical features that she did have were nothing more than a loose mimic of someone who she had crossed paths with. Nearly all of this was done subconsciously, with little that she could do to stop the urges that came with the subtle shifts. Urges that were not here own, but shards of the peoples around her.
Till this day, no one can truly explain why the "Changeling" phenomenon happens as it tends to. But studies have shown that approximately 80% of known cases are observed to have an Elven/Human parentage, with the other 20% of cases having at least one parent of Human origin.
After many years in the orphanage, and just as many years of abuse at the hands of the staff who feared and hated her, Zandara left on her own accord.
But not before she killed all of the staff in the home and burned nearly a quarter of the town to the ground.
She took to the road and wondered, changing and blending as needed while also picking up on hundreds of different skills, and an immeasurable pool of knowledge. Her travels eventually led her to Lustria wherein she had heard tales of a "Wandless Mage." whom it was said could use both Low and High magics without an artifact. She learned through her many skills, that he was not only talented beyond what she had heard, but a loner as well.
She became obsessed with the very idea of him.
His would be the perfect life to absorb.
His body.
His mind.
His world.
HIS would become HERS.
Blending in with little effort, she lived among the people around him. She studied the boy for at least a decade before the night arose that she would finally make her move.
-Shape-shifting to nearly any humanoid form just as long as it is bipedal in nature.
-Expert hand-to-hand combatant.
-High Aetherial resistance.
-Master Chakrams combatant.
-Can expand and shrink her Chakrams, as well as alter their weight.
-Wand spells: General object alteration. (Example: bringing inanimate objects to life temporarily, or turning one thing into another temporarily.
-A range of combat spells.
Strength: 6/10.
Stamina: 7/10.
Aether: 8/10.
Agility: 9/10.
Intellect: 7.5/10.
Dexterity: 8/10.
Resilience: 7/10.
Resistance: High: 8/10. Low: 9/10.
"The shape of you. Part 1."
Name: Jedfey Obot.
Species: Elf.
Class: Soldier of the Lustrian Lance. Lieutenant.
Age: 240 HLS - 60 Elf Years.
Nation: Eastern Lustria.
Weapon: Lustrian Steel Lance with built-in Aetherial shield.
-Short sword & buckler.
-Multi-use knife.
-Aether Limiter.
Jedfey Obot was bullied as a child.
A lot.
He grew up in a less prestigious part of Eastern Lustria, in an area where the Lustrian Lance and it's lawful influence could hardly reach…
Among the poverty he grew to be strong and resilient in nature, both coming to terms with his lot in life, and becoming brooding and bitter from it at the very same time. This was until his life was saved in a dank, dark, back ally by an Officer of the Lance, from a trio of blade bearing kidnappers.
From that day on, he vowed to join the Lustrian Lance at the first chance he could, and once he had accomplished that, he worked his way up swiftly from Soldier Private to Soldier Lieutenant in record time.
Lieutenant Obot is known to be emotionless, dictatorial, and a hyper realist. But most would agree that he is over-all fair in his judgment of criminals and the likes.
His one true peeve being those who partake in reefer.
He and Lysin have a strange and ongoing revelry, with one being an accomplished man of the Law, and the other a rather reputable man of Magic.
-Master weapons combatant.
-Light Spells (Spectrum not Weight)
-Can boost his own natural stats with Aether.
-Large Aether pool.
-Can share his Aether with "Attuned" Soldiers.
Strength: 8/10.
Stamina: 6.5/10.
Aether: 9/10.
Agility: 7/10.
Intellect: 8/10.
Dexterity: 8/10.
Resilience: 8/10.
Resistance: High: 8/10. Low: 9.5/10.
"The shape of you. Part 1."
Name: Porubus.
Species: Elf.
Class: Soldier of the Lustrian Lance. Second Lieutenant.
Age: 160 HLS - 40 Elf Years.
Nation: Eastern Lustria.
Weapon: Lustrian Steel Lance with built-in Aetherial shield.
-Short sword and buckler.
-Multi-use knife.
-Aether Limiter.
Clean cut, precise, and highly educated.
Porubus grew up in a manner and life style that was very much the opposite of his Commanding Officer. His family was exceedingly wealthy, having invested in the Lustrian lumber trade for centuries before his own birth.
Porubus had no ambitions to climb the ranks with the Lance.
He needed no money.
He sought no recognition.
He just genuinely loved what he did from day to day.
Being nearly half the age of his C.O, he viewed the Elf as a heroic and strong figure and he had come to idolize him in his youth. This idolization did inspire him so, and it lead him to later join the Lustrian Lance and dedicate his life to the greater good of his Kingdom.
But alas, the word is to "Never meet ones heroes"
And it was a bit more accurate than Porubus would have liked.
While many of the tales of bravery and measured feat that he had heard about Obot as a child were very much true, in his adulthood, he had come to see conversely just how… embellished some of those tales had really been.
After many a decade of service under the Lieutenant, he had come to recognize the type of Elf that he would like to be, and the type that he would avoid letting himself become. Power only corrupts those without a stable moral compass.
A wild and fateful night outside of an up-and-coming reefer dispensary would forever change his view of both the world, and his duty to his Kingdom.
-Earth spells.
-Expert weapons combatant.
-Grounded: Can increase his own mass by 3 fold.
-Stone form limbs: Can harden his limbs to absorb physical impacts in emergent situations.
Strength: 7/10.
Stamina: 7/10.
Aether: 7.5/10.
Agility: 7/10.
Intellect: 9/10.
Dexterity: 7.5/10.
Resilience: 9/10.
Resistance: High: 6.5/10. Low: 7/10.
I hope, as always, that this slice of cake is enough to keep y'all full until I can post the next/new chapter instillation!
I am sorry that I haven't put more time into the world map, and I am also sorry that I can't always be consistent for you all. I have been so busy and a bit stressed as of late…
But I will do my best for you all, and catch you all up as much as I can with that map! I am a HUGE fan of world maps, and I know how helpful and important that can be to a good story. Thank you all for coming back week after week and reading my stories. I can't express to you how much that fact and YOU mean to me.
I love you all.
Your waiting eyes keep me motivated to not only carry on, but to be better and better with each chapter and character.
I would even venture to suggest that you go back and read some of the chapters over to get re -Familiarized! lol I am doing this MYSELF lbvs.
I think I have just a few more KEY characters to cover for you all over on the Character Dives department before we head into Phase 2 and the Part 2's of our ever growing tales! I am super excited for that, and I hope that you are just as well.
I will see you all soon back here at the gates to Enverdolmol.
And I am sure that we will venture forth when next we meet, into a new and amazing short story.
Until then folks!
Stay Safe.
Stay Healthy.
Stay Vigilant.