Nobunaga Oda's Isekai Cultivation Experience

Chapter 64: Therapeutic

Despite feeling extremely fatigued, Nobu spent several hours just lying in silence, his mind refusing to rest as he habitually rubbed his feet together.

Though his actions were a bit contrary, anyone who had spent time in a cancer ward or around terminally ill patients would be able to empathize with Nobu's current state. He had just learned that everyone around him, specifically those around his age or slightly older than him, were already nearing their ends. This caused him to feel suffocated, but, what made matters even worse was how all the members of the Yoshitsune Clan simply accepted it.

As this, and countless other thoughts crossed his mind, Nobu opened his eyes to stare blankly at the ceiling. It was actually quite chilly in the room, yet, in spite of this, his body had produced a tremendous amount of sweat. Some of this could be attributed to Yui sleeping naked at his side, but, more than anything else, it was his restlessness and anxiety causing him to break out into a sweat.

Exhaling a sigh, Nobu attempted to silently extricate himself from the blankets, but, as could be expected, his actions hadn't gone unnoticed. Rather, due to how much he had been moving about, Yui hadn't actually gone to sleep yet. Thus, the moment she noticed him trying to exit the blankets, she asked, "Are you okay...?" in a soft tone of voice.

Had they been on a normal bed, Nobu would have sat at the side with his back to Yui. Since they were sleeping on a futon, this wasn't really an option, so, after remaining silent for several seconds, he ultimately shook his head and answered, "I don't know..."

Though there was a lot he wanted to say, Nobu found himself unable to voice his thoughts. He had never been good at talking about his problems. If he had been, he wouldn't have caused his mother so much stress and anxiety by sneaking out almost every night.

As thoughts of his mother once again surfaced in his mind, Nobu found himself hanging his head in his hands. He regretted not talking to her more when he still had the chance. Now that he couldn't, he realized just how much he had been dependent on her. Despite this, he couldn't even remember the last time he let the woman simply hold him. Instead, he would regularly shrug off her affections and tell her to stop treating him like a child...


Though he wasn't crying, Nobu could feel moisture building in his eyes as he covered them with his palms. This caused him to feel even more pathetic and lost than before. Here he was, a grown man feeling homesick as he longed for his mommy. If his flatmates were to see him like this, they would have busted his balls before dragging him off to get drunk and party. That was how the majority of young men in his society dealt with mental health issues. They pretended like they didn't have any, made fun of those that did, and buried their problems beneath drugs, alcohol, sex, and violence...

Nobu had never been particularly fond of the taste of sake, so, even if he did want to get wasted and just fuck his problems away, he was more likely to get a stomach ache than an erection. As for why he couldn't just have sex without alcohol...well, it just felt too personal. He just wanted to feel good. He didn't want to feel close to the person he was having sex with.

From an objective point of view, this should have meant that Nobu could have sex with any of the girls in his entourage without worry. Unfortunately, despite only two days passing, he now knew too much about them to simply fuck them without feeling. There would have to be something seriously wrong with him if he could fuck a terminally ill patient and just pretend like it meant nothing the following day. Even he wasn't that big an asshole...




Seeing her Lord sitting his head in his hands, Yui felt an emotion that could best be described as helplessness. She wanted to help him but she didn't understand how. Nobu wasn't like a normal person, and, depending on his mood, she risked making things exponentially worse by saying or doing the wrong thing.


Hearing Nobu mutter his favorite expletive under his breath, Yui's expression became even more conflicted as a twinge of pain spread through her chest. She hated seeing him like this, and, while it might be a little selfish, she wished he could be stronger. Not for herself, but for all of them. He was the entire reason they had been given birth, so, if he was feeling down and melancholic, it affected each of them, not just himself.

Shaking such thoughts from her mind, Yui tentatively approached Nobu before wrapping her arms around his back and resting her head between his shoulder blades. She didn't know what to do but doing nothing felt like the wrong answer. Thus, while thoughts regarding the inordinately large size of his back and shoulders crossed her mind, she just nestled closer to him in the hope of alleviating what ailed him.

To Yui's considerable relief, she could feel the tensions in Nobu's body gradually relax even though he kept his head in his hands. What she didn't expect was for him to abruptly turn towards her after several minutes of silence, an uncharacteristically serious look on his face as he said, "I'm going to fuck you..." in a somewhat forceful tone of voice.

Though she was more than a little taken aback by her Lord's words and actions, a hint of a smile developed across Yui's face as she intoned an affirmative, "Nn..." before allowing him to push her to the futon...




Witnessing the ostensibly impassioned love-making between Nobu and Yui, Yuriko couldn't help clicking her tongue. She had originally timed her arrival so that she would show up just as Nobu was preparing for bed. She was hoping this would improve the odds of him choosing her as his evening companion, as, ever since their first time together, Nobu had demonstrated a particular fondness for both her and her body.

Unfortunately, Yuriko had failed to account for the fact that Nobu might go to sleep even before the sun had set over the horizon. As a result, she ended up having to take over Ayane's position on overwatch, silently observing him from a pin-sized peephole in the ceiling. This wouldn't have been that bad if nothing happened, but, now that she observed Nobu pushing Yui down with the latter's ankles near her head, an impassioned flame had spread through Yuriko's body as feelings of envy swelled within her chest.

Though it was considered highly inappropriate for a kunoichi on duty, Yuriko was unable to resist seeking comfort from her own fingers. This did very little to quell the fire in her body, but, at the very least, she could imagine she was the one being pressed beneath her Lord as his inordinately large member gouged out her insides.

Finding her fingers inadequate, Yuriko's hawk-like eyes focused on Nobu's member as her silvery aura gradually shaped itself into a shimmering phallus. Her first instinct was to shove it inside the aching cavern concealed beneath her green pants, but, fearing she might ruin herself and lose her Lord's favor, she opted to make use of the unused orifice nearby.

Yuriko, like many kunoichi, had a bit of experience when it came to shoving things up her butt. They were trained in sexual matters from a very young age but they were forbidden from actually having sex. This resulted in many young kunoichi, especially those nurtured as seduction and assassination specialists, to become sexually frustrated.

To compensate for this, it had become a tradition of sorts for young kunoichi to experiment with each other. Vaginal intercourse was forbidden but everything else was fair game. As a result, many young kunoichi had experience with pegging, the act of using a strap on against others or taking it up the butt. Others, specifically those who couldn't find partners, experimented with the use of toys to satiate their sexual needs.

Since Yuriko was the most talented of her generation, excluding Yui, she didn't have a partner she could trust to do the deed with. Instead, she had experimented with shaping her aura into various shapes and sizes in order to pleasure herself. She could even automate the process if she focused, much like how a Golden Warrior could freely manipulate their aura. This time, however, most of her focus was on the scene occurring below, so, with her eye pressed to the peephole, Yuriko began to match her movements with those of her Lord. Fortunately, her aura could also be used to dampen or outright block sounds, so, while Yui was bound to notice something amiss, Yuriko was confident her voice wouldn't leak out...




Though she made a mental note to reprimand Yuriko for dereliction of duty, Yui couldn't actually blame her. Even she had foregone the use of techniques to block out sexual stimulation, so, instead of feeling an unpleasant pressure pushing up her insides, a titillating sensation spread through her abdomen every time Nobu's penis invaded her depths. At the same time, jolts of pleasure ran up her spine, and, instead of dispersing, they settled in her mind like steam condensation, gradually building towards something she both feared and looked forward to.

Noticing the impassioned look on his partner's face, Nobu took advantage of Yui's almost ludicrous flexibility to spread her legs wide despite the fact they were already parallel with her head. He got the impression that he could push them even further back if her body and the futon hadn't been in the way, almost as if she had unlimited flexibility.

With Yui offering no real resistance, Nobu could freely contort her body in order to try angles that simply weren't possible with the average woman from his world. They would need to be an Olympic gymnast to even have a chance of competing against Yui as she had spent her entire life practicing a form and techniques that allowed her attacks to flow like water. Nobu was, of course, unaware of this. All he knew was that Yui seemed to be enjoying herself a lot more than usual, so, even though each of his movements made his back tingle from the assault of her insides, he was doing his best not to cum before she did.

Back in his previous world, Nobu never really cared about his partner's pleasure. All he really cared about was getting off a few times before going to sleep. Yui was only the third girl he was actively trying to make cum as her current behavior was drastically different from the emotionless 'facade' she had worn during the vast majority of their previous intercourses. There was a chance that she was just putting on an act, but, seeing her eyes tremble every time he gently prodded the entrance to her womb, he wanted to believe her reaction was sincere.

What Nobu didn't expect was for Yui to suddenly link her arms around his neck, pulling him closer so that she could kiss his lips. This caused all his actions to stop, both because he had been pulled off balance and because this was their first kiss. He had gone out of his way not to kiss her when he was treating her injuries, and, even when they were having sex, there was always a certain 'distance' between them. Now, however, Yui had been the one to initiate the kiss, surprising both of them as the realization of what she had done washed over her mind. Fortunately for them both, Nobu didn't show any real aversion to this sudden display of affection. Rather, after the initial shock wore off, he traced his tongue along the divide of her lips before taking the lead to initiate a much deeper kiss...




(A/N: Nobu needs a therapist o_o...)

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