Nobunaga Oda's Isekai Cultivation Experience

Chapter 115: Intervention

With the words of Senichi and the reaction of Nana, even Nobu could understand that they must have been made aware of his reincarnation. He already suspected this to be the case, but, now that he had all but confirmed it, a wave of fatigue and helplessness washed over his body, sapping it of strength.

Noticing the tensions leaving Nobu's body, Yui, once again, moved to support him. This earned her an approving look from Nana, who, for Nobuhime's sake, explained, "Look, look, Hime-chan. This is the girl I was telling you about before. She is one of Nobu-chan's future wives. More importantly, she is already with child~."

With Nana providing a vantage for her, Nobuhime was able to see the tiny frame of Yui supporting Nobu's body. If she were capable of speech, she probably would have complained about how close they were. Instead, she just stared at Yui with an appraising look that didn't suit most adults, much less a child of three months.

Feeling a shiver pass through her body, Yui looked towards Nobuhime with a stunned expression on her face. She didn't exactly what had happened but it felt like an invisible, slightly hostile force had penetrated her body. It was frighteningly similar to bloodlust, but, instead of causing her to feel pressured, it was like all her secrets had been exposed...

As this and many other thoughts were crossing Yui's mind, Nobuhime left her feeling at an even greater loss as the latter suddenly nodded her head before giving a thumbs-up gesture. She even went as far as to intone an adorable, "Ba-bun...!" as if to say, 'Not bad...!' in baby speech...

"Isn't this just wonderful, Yui-chan? You've now received both of our blessings. Make sure you take proper care of Nobu-chan in the future, okay~?"

Before Yui could even think to respond, Nobu, having recovered his sensibilities, held up his hand to interject, stating, "Okay...hold up...mind explaining what the hell is going on here? I kind of have an idea but I just want to make sure..."

Adopting a slight pout, Nana adopted a chiding tone as she said, "Nobu-chan...language..."

With a somewhat incredulous look on his face, Nobu resisted the urge to ask what he had said. He was pretty sure he hadn't said any curse words, but, with far more important matters at hand, he offered a curt, "Sorry..." before following it up with, "Can you please explain this situation? As far as I can tell, the three of you already know the truth about me. What, exactly, is going on...?"

Returning a smile, Nana looked like she was about to respond to Nobu's question when the world around him suddenly turned a peculiar shade of grey. It was almost like a thin layer of grey ash had covered the entire world, petrifying it in place.

"What the actual fuck...?"

Looking around him, Nobu confirmed that everyone and everything in his surroundings had frozen in place. At least, this was what he had thought until he noticed the bundle moving in Nana's arms. Nobuhime was apparently unaffected by the strange phenomenon.

Staring at the raven-haired infant with an accusatory glimmer in his eyes, Nobu asked, "Did you do this...?" with a conflicted look on his face. In response, Nobuhime just waved her inordinately small hand in a dismissive, babbling, "Na~" in baby speech.

Just as he was about to ask if she knew who did, a loud buzzing sound caught Nobu's attention as the stone tablet on the ground vibrated with such intensity that it could not be ignored. This gave him a pretty good idea who had interfered, his expression darkening as he picked up the tablet to confirm what he already knew to be true.

*You have 2 New Messages!*



Transcendent Goddess of the Six Paths: Hey, kid, pick up the phone! (Sent: 9s ago.)

Transcendent Goddess of the Six Paths: Maintaining a stop like this isn't easy. (Sent: 7s ago.)

Transcendent Goddess of the Six Paths: Did you just sigh...? (Sent: 3s ago.)


Feeling a cold sweat break out across his body, Nobu quickly tapped away a response before the unreasonable Goddess could lose her temper.


Demon King of the Sixth Heaven: Sorry. This is just a lot to take in...

Transcendent Goddess of the Six Paths: Hmmm...we can understand that. Very well, then. We shall, once again, forgive you. Be grateful.


Though a part of him wanted to tell her to take his gratitude and shove it up her ass, Nobu calmed himself by taking a deep and typing...


Demon King of the Sixth Heaven: Thank you for your clemency...

Transcendent Goddess of the Six Paths: No problem~!

Transcendent Goddess of the Six Paths: Now, before you end up making a mess of things, let us give you a bit of advice...


Transcendent Goddess of the Six Paths: I mean, seriously, have you lost your mind? We get that you want to trust your family but there are limits to what you should and shouldn't say...!


Furrowing his brows, Nobu wanted to defend his actions by pointing out that the trio, very clearly, had some kind of foreknowledge regarding the situation. If it was just Nana, he might have ignored it. She was, after all, a little odd in the head. That didn't explain why Senken and Senichi had similar reactions.


Demon King of the Sixth Heaven: What was I supposed to do? It's pretty fucking obvious they knew something was up. If I lied to them, it would have only made things worse.

Transcendent Goddess of the Six Paths: do have a point. Still, you shouldn't go around advertising your reincarnation. As you have no doubt realized, you are not the only person to have been reborn in that world. Rather, to reduce the number of worlds destroyed as a result of a single person's selfishness, it has become common to pit multiple reincarnators against each other...


"You've got to be shitting me..."


Transcendent Goddess of the Six Paths: Hmph! What an uncouth turn of phrase...

Transcendent Goddess of the Six Paths: Unfortunately for you, Gods such as myself are incapable of speaking falsehoods.

Transcendent Goddess of the Six Paths: You really should be grateful. Under normal circumstances, you would have needed to discover this on your own. Now, thanks to my warning, you have a slight edge over the competition.

Transcendent Goddess of the Six Paths: You're welcome.



Resisting the urge to smash the stone tablet into the ground, Nobu took a very deep breath as he processed everything he had just read...

Though he had never been known for his intelligence, Nobu wasn't an idiot. Based on her words, he was pretty sure the Goddess had made some kind of mistake when he was being reincarnated. Why else would she go through all this trouble to contact him?

While he was pretty proud of his figure, Nobu understood he wasn't the most attractive person to ever walk the Earth. His dick was also pretty average compared to the more infamous porn stars, so, unless she had made a mistake, he couldn't fathom why the Goddess would do him any favors after basically telling him to fuck off during his reincarnation...

Understanding it was best to leave such matters lying, Nobu steeled his heart and mind before opening his eyes and typing away on the stone tablet...


Demon King of the Sixth Heaven: Thanks. I appreciate the heads up.

Transcendent Goddess of the Six Paths: ...

Transcendent Goddess of the Six Paths: Good. You should. After all, it's not every day a Goddess such as ourselves goes out of their way to help a mortal. If you didn't show proper gratitude, we would have cursed you with Divine Punishment...!


Though he was beginning to doubt she possessed such power, Nobu expressed his gratitude a third time before asking the all-important question of why his mother had been reincarnated as his sister. In response, the Goddess informed him that she had died in a plane crash a couple of years after his death. When she died, her only wish was to be able to see him again, so, after confirming she didn't want anything else, Elizabeth, now Nobuhime, was reborn into the world of Terra on the same day that his soul crossed over.

Simply put, Nobu's mother had given up the opportunity to obtain a cheat just so she could see him again. This caused a sour feeling to spread through Nobu's nose, but, the moment he looked towards the blue-eyed infant to express his gratitude, his mind blanked as he saw her averting her eyes with a blush.

("The fuck...?")

For a brief moment, Nobu mistakenly believed that Nobuhime had, somehow, been following his conversation with the Goddess. Fortunately, this was not the case. Rather, despite her best efforts, Nobuhime could not prevent her body from performing one of the most notorious actions most infants were known for.

She pooped.

Smelling the foul odor just as he was about to voice his concerns, Nobu's face scrunched up as he habitually replied, "Holy fucking shit! What the fuck have you been eating...!?"

With an aggrieved look on her face, Nobuhime waved her tiny fist towards Nobu as if she wanted to smack him on the head. Unfortunately, she was far too young for this, so, for the first time in her life, she began to cry out of spite...




After promising the Goddess he wouldn't arbitrarily reveal their identities in the future, Nobu's eyes glazed over as he watched the world around him slowly rewind to the point just before Senichi had asked him to reveal the truth. This time, he explained away his surprise by revealing that Nobuhime had been blessed by the Gods with tremendous intelligence and luck.

Hearing about how special her daughter was, the only thing preventing Nana from spinning around and dancing was the fact she was seated. The resplendent smile she presented gave the impression it would never wane, but, the moment she moved closer to nuzzle Nobuhime's cheek with her own, it promptly melted into a mask of stoicism as she remarked, "Ah...she pooped..."

On that note, Nana promptly rose to her feet before offering a courteous nod towards Senken and Senichi before shifting her gaze to Yui and asking, "Yui-chan...have you ever changed a diaper...?"

Surprised by the sudden address, Yui's back straightened as she politely replied, "No, Lady Suzuki, I have not..."

Nodding her head in understanding, Nana's expression became somewhat mischievous as she said, "This is a good opportunity for us to get to know one another. Come, I will teach you."

Shifting her gaze to Nobu, a wave of exasperation washed over Yui's body as he promptly nodded his head in approval. This left her with no choice, so, after helping him sit straight, she rose to her feet and answered, "It would be a privilege to learn from Lady Suzuki..."

Turning her eyes up at the young girl, Nana's expression became playfully reproachful as she said, "Come now, Yui-chan. There is no need for such politeness when speaking with family. Now that you are Nobu's intended, feel free to address me as Nana or Okaa-chan."

Though she felt a cold sweat break out across her body, Yui managed to appear unflustered as she forced a smile and replied, "Very well, Nana...sama..."

Pursing her lips at the unnecessary honorific, Nana was about to protest when Senken spoke out, asking, "Aren't you going to change Hime-chan's diaper? I'm starting to feel sorry for her..."

Shifting her gaze to Senken, Nana's eyes squinted into a slight glare. Instead of lashing out at him or making a scene, however, she just nodded her head, answering, "Indeed...come along, Yui-chan." before spinning gracefully on her heels and departing the room.

Unable to refuse, Yui offered a courteous bow towards the three men before quickly following after Nana's retreating figure. This left Nobu alone with his father and grandfather, but, before he could even begin to feel nervous, the latter asked, "How's yer alcohol tolerance, brat...?"




(A/N: Imina over here casually revealing world-shattering information...)

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