Nindō: Dominion

Chapter 102: Nindō 0102: Too Flirty

The journey to the Land of Hot Water would last a little over twenty hours, ensuring they would reach well after midnight.

After playing around for a bit with Hanabi, Himawari was out like a light. In their excitement, neither she nor Boruto had gotten any sleep during the night. While Boruto was already used to staying awake for prolonged periods of time, Himawari wasn't.

"She's really growing up to be a daddy's little girl," Hanabi remarked as she observed Himawari comfortably curled up in her father's arms. "You pamper her so much, brother-in-law …"

There was a hidden bitterness in her tone that didn't go unnoticed by either Hinata or Naruto.

"Is someone feeling jealous of my ten-year-old daughter?" Naruto asked teasingly.

"Kinda," Hanabi responded to his words seriously. "I wish our father loved us like that when we were young," she briefly glanced at Hinata, who was also leaning on Naruto while lazily looking out through the window. "You've really won at life, Hokage-sama." A cheery smile appeared on her face. "Achieved your dream of becoming Hokage, hailed as the strongest shinobi of all time, and married to my sister with two beautiful kids who love and respect you immensely … What else could one want …"

Naruto felt a sudden feeling of pressure in his chest at Hanabi's final sentence.

"It comes with a lot of responsibilities, Hanabi," he said with a self-deprecating smile. "With the threat of the Ōtsutsuki, it falls upon my shoulders to protect everyone. Plus, I'm not so sure about that respect part …"

"Trust me, brother-in-law," she said earnestly, extending her hand forward to put it on top of Naruto's and squeeze it. "Boruto may act rebellious and dissatisfied, but that's only because of the stress he feels to follow in your footsteps. I mean … How does one live up to the legend that is Naruto Uzumaki? He just wants to make you proud of him, but it feels like such a monumental task to him that he can't help but lash out. How can one even begin to think about following in your footsteps? Hima is different; she takes more after my Onee-chan in that she doesn't particularly care about becoming an honored ninja, but Boruto feels like he has the weight of the world on his shoulders. Trust me, no one can compare to how much he respects you."

"It seems that you two talked quite a bit during that mission, huh?" Naruto smiled. "You seem to have poked quite a bit into his head."

"Of course," she puffed out her chest proudly and patted. "I'm his cool, Hanabi-nee-chan. I just had to start talking and he happily poured out his frustrations. So, trust me. I know that he truly loves and respects you."

"That's one good thing. But you see, while he might feel that he has the weight of the world on his shoulders, I actually do. The Ōtsutsuki threaten our entire world, and I am the first line of defense." His words made Hanabi hum thoughtfully.

"Do you ever think of running away?" She asked with a thoughtful expression. "Abandoning the village and taking away all those that you care about and hiding in a place like Mount Myōboku or even a separate dimension … You could do that. You have the strength to hide successfully."

"And spend the rest of my life in regret that I betrayed the trust that everyone placed in me? I won't be able to look my Hinata in the eyes anymore, Hanabi," he leaned to the side and kissed to top of Hinata's head. "As much as people depend on me, it is their dependence that fuels me to push myself. To get stronger. And sometimes, to do morally gray things that go against my conscience just for a chance of survival for everyone."

"Ugh!" Hanabi suddenly grunted. "We're going on vacation. None of this boring talk. Why don't we talk about what times you want me to disappear with the kids? I wouldn't want to cockblock you." Her sudden topic change made Hinata choke on her own spit as she started coughing.

"Language, Hanabi," Naruto looked at her disapprovingly as he patted Hinata's back. "What if Himawari hears?"

"She knows, brother-in-law. She's going to graduate from the academy in a year or so," Hanabi said. "If you think that your daughter is actually the gentle little girl that she acts like with you, then you should take a day to observe her."

"Whatever she does is her own will," Naruto said. "But there are certain precedents that are established and should be followed when one is with their family."

"How serious …" Hanabi sighed. "So tell me. When do you want me out with the kids?"

"The five of us will be sharing a suite," Hinata spoke with a blush after recovering. "One room for us, one for the kids, and one for you."

"That doesn't answer my question," Hanabi mumbled.

"Just keep them out of our room when you don't see us, is what she means," Naruto said. "This isn't the first time you're coming with us, Hanabi. You should know what needs to be done and can be discreet about it."

"But then I won't get to see my Onee-chan looking embarrassed as if I've just talked about something scandalous," she said with an amused expression as she looked at Hinata's reddened face.

"I see, I see," she said with a thoughtful nod, pressing her lips together. "I'll just hang out with your kids like the lonely single babysitter while you two fuck like rabbits."

"Language, Hanabi," Hinata said annoyedly, only to be promptly ignored as Hanabi spiraled into a wormhole.

"Seriously, I'm already in my late twenties, and I don't even have any relationship experience … It's depressing …"

"Hanabi," Naruto said dryly. "You've declined seventeen proposals from very good families just this year, and we aren't even halfway through. At this point, it's your willingness that's the problem."

"Hey, I can't lose to my Onee-chan. I need someone who is at least as good, if not better, than my brother-in-law."

"Hate to say it, imouto," Hinata chuckled at Hanabi's words. "There's only one person in the world who fits your description." She hugged Naruto from the side, wrapping her arms around his arm.

"Ugh," Hanabi took her words to mean something else and gagged, "Sasuke Uchiha can go fuck himself. I don't know how anyone could be attracted to that edgy dude. You know, I'm pretty sure that he's either asexual or straight-up gay. I remember talking to Sakura one time, and she said that —"

"I think you can stop now, Hanabi …" Hinata sighed in defeat, leaning her forehead on Naruto's shoulder. "I was talking about Naruto-kun."

"She meant that there's no one like or better than me in the world, Hanabi," Naruto pointed out helpfully.

"Bite me," Hanabi said with a resentful expression. "I'm suddenly motivated to specifically interrupt you two as much as possible."

"If you're that desperate, you can watch. I know how every Hyūga just loves watching ..." Naruto's insinuation made an offended expression appear on Hanabi's face.

"I do NOT have such a habit," she growled before her expression turned into a teasing, slightly perverted one. "I'd much rather just join in. I'm sure that my Onee-sama won't mind sharing some of her happiness with her little sister, right~"

"Hanabi …" Naruto had a dry expression on his face.

"N-no, Hanabi …" Hinata's expression was much more overwhelmed with embarrassment as she refused. "T–that's not something to joke about …" Just the way she stuttered while speaking made it seem like she was much more affected by Hanabi's words than she should've been.

"It's fine," Hanabi shrugged it off. "Brother-in-law and I joke like that all the time. You should loosen up a little, Onee-chan," she grabbed Hinata's hand. "We're here to have fun. Since I don't have a boyfriend, at least I can flirt with my brother-in-law."

"Suddenly, I feel that you have ulterior motives, Hanabi …" Naruto spoke.

"Not at all," she said. "I'm just a single desperate woman who can't find a suitable man for herself while my sister has the perfect possible husband in the world. I want one of those for myself, too …"

"Hanabi …" Hinata groaned, leaning on the table and burying her head in her arms. Immediately, she sat back up, and without letting anyone have the chance to say anything, she turned to Naruto. "Naruto-kun, go check up on Boruto. He's still gone. You can let Hima sleep on the bed. I want to talk to Hanabi for a bit."

"My condolences, my lovely sister-in-law," Naruto held Hanabi's hand with a solemn expression. "It seems that you are indeed going to be thrown out of this train. Hopefully, you can still meet us at our destination."

"What …" Hanabi's expression turned desolate. "You're going to kick me out, Onee-chan?"

"Go!" Hinata practically pushed Naruto out of his seat before giving a stern look to Hanabi.

"Farewell, Hanabi," Naruto continued the drama even as he left. "I wish you good luck in your future endeavors."

Before Hinata threw something at him, Naruto laughed and disappeared behind the door to the next compartment.

"So," the older sister looked at her younger sibling with a deathly serious expression. "You want to fuck my husband, is that it?"

Hanabi's eyes widened at her sister's accusation.


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