Natsuki-chan likes the power hungry Kaneki

Chapter 364: A Sister and her friends defending her brother

Shino: our training is going to get more interense from today huh?

Miku: this is so going to suck so much.

Yuuka: yeah. It can't be helped, our school is going to take part in the W.S.S.F.

Shino, Yuuka and Miku are doing their usual talk at Class 1-C's classroom.

There wasn't many students there yet, but "they" also have arrived.

Kaneki: lets do our best in today's training everyone!

Sachi: let's win the W.S.S.F!

Chikao: you two are really pumped huh?

Kaneki & Sachi: Yeah!

Sachi and Kaneki were getting excited since the W.S.S.F or World's Super Sports Festival will be arriving soon.

Natsuki: what's wrong with you Hayakawa-kun? Keiko-san?

Itsuki: nothing I'm just bummed that our club was closed.

Keiko: yeah it's a bummer.

Kaneki: well you two just had to make a fan club, where we literally don't do anything.

Itsuki: ...

Kaneki: if you're going to make a club about the Hero, at least make some actual activities like making merch or something.


After hearing Kaneki's suggestion, both Itsuki and Keiko slammed their table's and screamed out of their lungs.

Itsuki & Keiko: KANEKI! YOU'RE A GENIUS!


Kaneki: don't go screaming this early in the morning you idiots.

Itsuki: Hehe~ still thanks for the suggestion!

Kaneki: I was joking.

Keiko: still it is a great idea!

With an annoyed face, Kaneki thought to himself.

Kaneki's thoughts*

(What have I done? They might make my merch, I'm an idiot)

As he thought that he noticed a certain someone enter the room.

Ryueki: hey everyone!

Some of the girls: Good morning Itadori-kun!

It was Ryueki. And after he noticed him entering he thought to himself again.

(Alright, time for to bite back)

Kaneki: hey guys, I'm gonna go take a leak.

Chikao: alright.

Sachi: you didn't need to say that.

Itsuki & Keiko: Go already, you don't wanna wet your pa-


Kaneki chopped their heads.

Itsuki & Keiko: Owww.

After Kaneki chopped their heads, he walked out of the classroom to take a "leak"

As he Kaneki left Ryueki thought to himself.

Ryueki's thoughts*

(Heh! He's intimidated by me, it is normal for him to be intimidated by me after all I'm the protagonist!)

(Author: man I really hate this guy)

(Now that he's gone I'll be able to talk to Tachibana-san and I'll be able to use her to make Natsuki jealous!)

Thinking that, Ryueki walk to Shino, Yuuka and Miku.

Ryueki: hey girls, what are you up to?

Shino: oh nothin much.

Yuuka: yeah, we're just talking about the W.S.S.F.

Miku: I hope I can keep up with Kane-chan.

(Huh? What is this?! This isn't how these Sub-heroines should be acting! Now that I mentioned it, these Sub-heroines don't interact with me much anymore! Damn that mob character. In that case.)

Ryueki: hey Tachibana-san, are you alright with Higanbana being your partner?

Miku: yes why?

Ryueki: well isn't that a bit too risky?

Hearing Ryueki say this, Miku, Shino and Yuuka got very confused.

Miku: huh?

Shino: why would it be risky?

Yuuka: yeah? Why would it be risky for her to be partners with Kaneki?

Ryueki: well isn't Higanbana a bit... You know? Violent?

Miku looked at Ryueki with fierce eye's and asked.

Miku: I don't think he's violent.

Ryueki: but didn't he tried strangling Millie the other day?

Miku: that's because he was unintentionally provoked.

Ryueki was a bit surprised with Miku saying that but he continued listing all of the acts of violent Kaneki has done.

Ryueki: but didn't he slapped Mirai-san?

Miku: Yeah that's true, but he was upset at the time so he wasn't thinking straight.

Yuuka: yeah, and I did provoked him by making Heike-chan put the Crown on his head.

Ryueki: he also gotten really violent in our camping trip.

Shino: well we were attacked by you know what.

Miku: and prior to that the only time actually gotten close to being Violent towards all of us is when his Web gun was stolen.

Ryueki was getting impatient so he decided to ask them.

Ryueki: then what about all those act of violence he did without being provoked in this school for the whole 3 months since he entered this school?!

He decided to mention that.

Shino and Yuuka didn't respond to that.

But Miku.

Miku: it's true that he had been violent for 3 months since he has entered this school but.

Ryueki: !!!

Miku: he did it to protect others, after all the ones he was violent to was bully's who were hurting others.

Ryueki: but isn't violence too much?

Miku: I agree that Kane-chan's methods are a bit too much, but he does it to protect those who can't protect themselves.

Ryueki: !!!

(What the hell?! Why are these Sub-heroines protecting that Mob character?!)

Miku: you shouldn't talk about Kane-chan as if he's a bad guy, I mean non of us besides for Saki-san really knows what Kane-chan is like.

Seeing how Miku is defending Kaneki, Ryueki clenched his fist and gotten a bit angry without showing it.

(Damn that Mob character! I can't make the Main heroine jealous at the Sub heroine's at this rate!)

???: Ryueki-Oniichan you should seriously stop talking to that girl.

Suddenly a girls voice called out to Ryueki.

Ryueki: huh? Millie?

It was Millie.

Millie: good morning Ryueki-Oniichan.

(What the? Why is this Sub-heroine here? And what did she say just now)

Millie: I suggest you stop interacting with Miku from this day forwards Ryueki-Oniichan.

Ryueki was confused he didn't understand why Millie was saying that.

Ryueki: W-What are you talking about?

Millie: Miku was hiding a secret from you.

Ryueki: W-What? A secret?

With Millie now arriving she has already started using her trump card, but will her attack even work?


Principal: are you certain that she's the one?

Kaneki: yup.

Azusa: to think the culprit was in your class this whole time.

Querxes: so? Should we go and get her already?

Kaneki: nah, let's just watch from here.

Emi: what? Are you sure about this?

Kaneki: yup, everything is going according to plan.

Kaneki has shown the evidence he has gathered to the Principal, Querxes Sensei, his cousin Azusa and his future cousin Emi-kun.

But what will they really just be watching?

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