Chapter 362: Baking cake
After Kaneki had finished changing his clothes, he went downstairs to see his friends panicking in the kitchen which was filled with a burning smell.
Kaneki looked at the girls with stern eyes and asked.
Kaneki: what did you girls do?
All 6: ...
The girls couldn't bring themselves to tell Kaneki so...
Batta: they were baking cake but they forgot to watch over it so it got burned.
Batta answered for them.
Sachi: We're so sorry Kaneki!
Natsuki: please forgive us!
Kaneki: sigh~ it can't be that bad right?
Kaneki went to the oven to check it out.
Kaneki: let's see.
Kaneki opened the oven and saw...
Kaneki: Wow, it really is bad.
He saw how chard the cake they were making is.
He took out what was supposed to be the cake they made.
Kaneki: man this is going to be so hard to clean up, but what made you guys want to bake cake anyways?
Miku: well...
We were watching some T.v while you were still in the bath and we gotten a bit hungry so Shino-Oneechan suggested we go out.
Shino: do you girls go out and eat eat some crepes?
We immediately agreed to her suggestion.
Natsuki: I want to!
Yuuka: same here.
Sachi: I would like to eat some crepes!
Miku: same here.
Besides Chi-chan.
Chikao: wait what about Kaneki? We can't just leave him here.
We would feel bad about leaving you behind so we decided to scrap that idea, but Natsuki made a suggestion.
Natsuki: let's bake a cake!
Flashback end*
Miku: and we all agreed so we started baking cake.
Yuuka: except we don't know how to make cake.
Kaneki: seriously? I mean I understand most of you don't know, but Sachi and Chi-chan?
Sachi: I only know how to make pudding cake.
Chikao: I haven't actually learned how to make any big cakes yet.
Kaneki: I see. Oh well. Itadakimasu~
Everyone: eh?!
Without a second thought, Kaneki devoured the entire cake in only 2 seconds.
All 6: ehhh?!
Miku: Onii-chan! Did you just-
Kaneki: yeah I did.
Natsuki: Why?! It's bu-
Kaneki: I don't want it to be a waste okay.
Shino and Yuuka facepalmed themselves.
Shino & Yuuka: same old Kaneki.
Kaneki: so, what kind of cake you girls were making anyways?
Kaneki suddenly asked the girls what kind of cake they were making, and so they answered.
Natsuki: we were making chocolate cake.
Chikao: we haven't made the frosting though.
Kaneki: I see. In that case I'll help you girls out.
All 6: eh?!
Kaneki took an apron and he wore the apron.
Kaneki: I mean, you girls wanna have cake right? So c'mon let's get started!
With his words, the girls started preparing the ingredients and Kaneki was helping out as well.
Shino & Yuuka: hey Kaneki, the dry ingredients are completely mixed!
Shino and Yuuka finished mixing the dry ingredients.
Sachi & Chi-chan: the oven is preheated again.
Sachi and Chikao preheated the oven again.
Natsuki: me and Miku have mixed the sugar and butter.
Kaneki: great, I'll handle the rest. Tentacle arts, Kraken style.
Kaneki used his tentacles to gather all the ingredients the girls made and slowly mixed them all together.
After mixing them, Kaneki put the batter in 2 new baking pans and put them in the oven.
Kaneki: alright, I'll make the chocolate frosting you girls can just sit down.
Chikao: are you sure?
Kaneki: don't worry, it will be easy, and considering you girls already tried making the first one, you girls need a break.
Yuuka: thanks for this Kaneki.
Kaneki: you're welcome, I'll also probably start making lunch as well.
Ku-kun: Wata?
Kaneki: sure you three can help out.
Ku-kun, Batta and Mo-chan decided to help out Kaneki.
Kaneki: alright! Time to cook!
Kaneki then started to cook lunch while making the chocolate frosting with the help of the insect familiars.
In the living room the girls are watching over him.
Natsuki: he really is hard working huh?
Chikao: Yeah, I'm really impressed with how he's cooking.
Yuuka: he's using his tentacles in a very efficient way.
Shino: he's even doing multiple task at the same time.
Sachi & Miku: Amazing.
Kaneki continued to make lunch while doing making the chocolate frosting.
1 hour later*
After Kaneki finished making lunch, he took out the cake and once it cooked down he applied the chocolate frosting on it and after that he put the cake in the fridge to chill.
Kaneki: alright everyone! Let's eat lunch! And we'll have the cake as dessert!
All 6: yay!
And so everyone ate lunch, they haven't talked much until they finished eating.
And Kaneki.
Kaneki: here's the cake!
All 6: yay!
Kaneki: alright everyone, get your fair share okay? Don't be too greedy, got it? Miku?
Miku: oh haha.
The girls the took their slices of cake, same for Kaneki.
Kaneki: alright let's eat!
Everyone: Itadakimasu~
The all took a spoon full of their cake slice's then put them on their mouth and...
Everyone: It's so good!
Chikao: the softness of the cake is just right.
Natsuki: and the sweetness is perfect!
Kaneki: well you girls did picked out the ingredients.
Shino: yup! We all made such a delicious cake.
Yuuka: I'm glad we got to make it.
Miku: same here.
Sachi: hmmm~ I know! Why don't we try baking again next time? We could improve even more!
Miku: I agree, we should make banana bread next time.
Sachi: No way! Anything with banana is forbidden!
Natsuki: fufu~ Sachi really hates bananas.
Kaneki: yeah it's really funny.
Yuuka: you should seriously face your fears Sachi.
Shino: yeah, it's really silly that your afraid of Banana's.
Chikao: I know! Why don't you try eating a banana.
Sachi: no way!
Natsuki: hehe~ you better watch out Sachi because I'll probably give you Bananas at any time.
Sachi: don't you dare!
Kaneki: ...
Kaneki was eating his cake slice while watching the girls chat.
Miku: hey Onii-chan, let's have some fun later alright?
Kaneki: yeah sure.
Kaneki's thoughts*
(I'm happy that they're having fun, anyways I have to prepare for tomorrow, once we're done with Millie, Miku will finally be free from her past)
Kaneki: Miku, do your best tomorrow.
Miku: hmm?
Miku didn't heard him because she took a bite out of her cake slice.
Kaneki: oh nothing.
(Oh well, better not pressure her)
Will Miku succeed on facing Millie and move on from her past?