Natsuki-chan likes the power hungry Kaneki

Chapter 355: Final anti-bully meeting and final steps

Kaneki: alright, let's begin

After having lunch, Shino and Yuuka started their discussion regarding Millie.

Miku: so you two have gotten into contact with her earlier, and you made a plan against me to convince Millie that you're on her side.

Yuuka: that's right, but there's something she mentioned. A last resort.

Natsuki: Huh? She has one?

Shino: yes and she plans to use it on Monday.

Kaneki: I see, that last resort probably is.

Miku: revealing my past.

Sachi, Natsuki & Kaneki: ...

Kaneki, Sachi and Natsuki looked at each other with worried looks on their face.

Kaneki: are you fine with that Miku?

Kaneki was the most worried about Miku since her past being revealed to everyone might have a bad effect on her but.

Miku: it's alright, I can deal with it.

He was reassured by Miku who doesn't care if her past is revealed.

Kaneki: I see, in that case I guess i should reveal to everyone that she's the bully then.

Everyone: Huh?!

Natsuki: you're going to reveal that already?

Kaneki: yup we have almost enough evidence to expose Millie.

Miku: and all that came from the voice recordings?

Kaneki: yes.

Everyone: amazing.

Natsuki: oh yeah, what was that plan you two made to convince Millie that you're on her side?

Yuuka: well, the plan is we invite Miku to go to the Mall so we can hang out together and when she arrives we cancel it in the last second.

Shino: and we show ourselves with Millie going around the Mall.

Kaneki, Sachi, Miku & Natsuki: ... That's it?

Shino & Yuuka: yup.

Kaneki: wow, that's such a stupid plan there's no way she actually liked that plan.

Kaneki was for some reason disappointed with the plan they made to convince Millie.

Miku: actually, I think that plan wa just right.

Kaneki: huh? How?

Miku: I mean, it would be painful to be lied to by your friends and seeing them having fun with someone else that isn't you.

Kaneki's eyes suddenly turned a bit darker.

Kaneki: yeah I guess you're right.

Kaneki then started to sulk.

Shino, Yuuka and Sachi's thoughts*

(Mikuuu! What have you dooone!)

Miku's thoughts*

(Oh craaap! I said something insensitive! I'm sorry Onii-chan!)

The 4 girls were very concered because of Miku being insensitive, but for Natsuki.

Natsuki's thoughts*

(Eh? Why is Kaneki upset? And why are those 4 worried?)

Even though she already looked a their "colors" Natsuki didn't understand why Kaneki was upset and the 4 were worried.

Kaneki then asked.

Kaneki: anyways, Miku what are you going to do now that you know about that plan?

Miku then replied.

Miku: I'll just face her, besides I already know that Shino-Oneechan and Yuuka-Oneechan are on my side anyways so there's nothing to be afraid of.

Kaneki: I see. Well good luck.

Miku: thanks.

Kaneki: so do you two have anything else to say about this matter?

Shino & Yuuka: nope.

Kaneki: I guess we should end this meeting now.

And so the meeting has ended.

Kaneki: sooo~ what now? Do you girls wanna do something?

Natsuki: I brought a game with me.

Kaneki: really? What is it?

Natsuki: 7 nights at sea.

Kaneki: I haven't played that game, can you teach me?

Natsuki: sure! Let's set it up first.

Kaneki and Natsuki then started setting up the game.

And as for the other girls.

Sachi: hey Kaneki, is it alright if we go to your room?

Kaneki: sure, just don't touch my stuff alright?

Sachi: Okay! C'mon let's go.

Sachi called out to Shino, Yuuka and Miku to follow her to Kaneki's room.

Sachi: we're here!

They have entered Kaneki's room and sat down on Kaneki's bed.

Miku: so? Why did you call us here?

Shino & Yuuka: yeah you don't call us here for no reason.

Sachi: well nothing much but to congratulate you girls.

All 3: eh?

Shino: for what exactly?

Sachi then got up the bed and looked outside the door.

And after she made sure that Kaneki and Natsuki was still down stairs she replied saying.

Sachi: well, you three have made some good progress fixing your relationship with Kaneki and I'm really glad.

The 3 were surprised when Sachi mentioned that.

Sachi: you three might've noticed right? Kaneki had been interacting with you again.

Shino & Yuuka: well it's just through text most of the time.

Sachi: my point still stands. But anyways, I think once the situation with Millie is done you girls can probably reconcile with Kaneki soon.

Yuuka: are you sure?

Sachi: I'm not sure, I know it. I believe if you girls after all.

Miku: I just hope we can find the courage to apologize.

Sachi: don't worry I'm on your side no matter what.

Shino: haa~

Shino fell into Kaneki's bed and stared at tej ceiling.

Shino: would he even accept our apology? We did hurt him so much, he probably hates us to some degree right? He did avoid us for 3 months.

Sachi gave Shino a hug and said.

Sachi: don't say that, you know very well there's no way Kaneki would ever hate you girls.

Yuuka: we hope so.

Sachi: just do your best girls. I'll be waiting until that time comes.

Miku: same here.

Yuuka: let's do our best.

Shino: we must get our Kaneki back.

The 3 girls are now starting to prepare for the time when they can finally apologize to Kaneki and get him back.


Kousuke: Remember you only have 2 days. 2 days to hurt to the point she doesn't want to live anymore or else you'll get disowned.

Millie: Sob* Y-Yes Daddy.

Millie's time in her family is running out and her fate is already sealed.

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