Natsuki-chan likes the power hungry Kaneki

Chapter 352: The Demons brilliant plan

After Natsuki left with Sachi, and Miku going to her room to take a nap. Kaneki suddenly got a message from Robeca the robot and when he read it, his Demon half took control of his body.

Since the message was regarding Millie it made Kaneki feel like wanting to help Millie and in his contract with his demon half, his demon half is now in control and doing everything he can to help Kaneki help Millie.

And currently.

Kaneki: Yo, It's been a short time but nice to meet you again, Ichi-san.

His Demon half is meeting with Millie's former maid Ichinose Karin in a secret location.

Ichinose: why the hell are you smiling for? Are you happy that Millie is being hurt?

Kaneki: mmmh~ probably a little I mean she did bully my sister of course, so why wouldn't I?

Ichinose wasn't pleased on what he had said but she didn't deny it.

Kaneki: but then again, she was being forced to do it by her father and since she desires parental love then I think I can somewhat sympathize with her.

Ichinose's eyes widened as he said those words and she kindly asked.

Ichinose: wait so does that mean-

Kaneki: yup, I'm going to help her.

Ichinose: thank goodness... But what about your sister?

Ichinose seemed to be a bit worried about Miku since she knows that Kaneki helping out his brothers bully might hurt his sister, but to her surprise.

Kaneki: don't worry, I'm also going to help my sister.

Ichinose: Eh? How are you-

Kaneki: I already thought of a way to help both my sister and Millie, so hear me out okay?

Ichinose was quite puzzled but.

Ichinose: okay.

She decided to listen to him.

Kaneki: alright, let's sit down shall we?

He took some chairs and gave one of them to Ichinose.

They then both sat down and started discussing "Kaneki's" plan.

Kaneki: okay, you might not like this but in order for us to help Millie we must first separate her from her family.

When she heard him say that, Ichinose began to panic.

Ichinose: what are you talking about?! Separating her from her family will make her more miserable! How do y-

Kaneki: Ichi-san~

Ichinose: what?!

Kaneki: you love Millie right?

Ichinose: huh?

She was very shocked when he asked that but she answered with.

Ichinose: of course I do! I was her maid after all!

Kaneki: but it's not just that, right?

Ichinose: ...

Kaneki: I can read you very well, the way your face looked when you were worried about Millie and the fact you made her cry to convince me to help just shows how much you love her. It's like you love her as your own child.

Ichinose was very puzzled, seeing how "Kaneki" was smiling while talking about how much she loves Millie, she couldn't help but ask.

Ichinose: why are you saying all this?

Kaneki: hehe~

"Kaneki" Chuckled and said.

Kaneki: to put simply, my plan to help Millie, is by making her leave her family so she could be with her real family.

Ichinose didn't get what "Kaneki" was saying

Ichinose: what are you talking about? What do you mean by her "real family"? Isn't she already living with her family?

Kaneki: no she isn't, those people are definitely not her family.

Ichinose: what? If they're not her family then wh-

Before she could finish talking, "Kaneki" pointed at her and said.

Kaneki: you are her family.

Ichinose: ???

She didn't comprehend what "Kaneki" was saying to her.

Kaneki: you love her like your own child right?

Ichinose: of course! I mean her mother didn't even bothered taking care of her.

Kaneki: that's true, you were willing to do anything to protect Millie. You know when she cried I actually started hearing her thoughts.

Ichinose: what? Really?

Kaneki: yup, I felt really sad when I heard them and I think she was mostly sad because she thinks you'll never see her again.

Ichinose: ...

Kaneki: so that's why I want to free her from her family, and bring back to her real family. You.

Ichinose: B-But are you sure?

Kaneki: you've been taking care of her for so long and gave her so much love, but she desires parental love. So why not become her actual mother?

Ichinose: but... Will Millie even accept me as her mother?

Kaneki: of course, she loves you after all.

Ichinose: ... So how do you plan to free her from her family?

Kaneki: simple, continue with what I'm doing now getting evidence against her and to eventually expose her as the bully. And once that's done you probably know what will happen right?

Ichinose: ... She'll get disowned.

Kaneki: and once that happens I'll approach her and I'll talk some sense into her.

Ichinose: really?

Kaneki: yup, I'll talk some sense into so I can convince her that she doesn't need those people as her family because you are already her family.

Ichinose: I see, thank you.

Kaneki: your welc-

"Oi! We still need to punish her for bullying Miku!"

Kaneki: oh but I also need to punish her for bullying Miku, it will hurt a lot because I might dislocate on of her arms.

He said it in a nervous voice thinking that Ichinose would be angry at him.

Ichinose: I understand. Just please don't give her any permanent damage.

Kaneki: phew~ I thought you would yell at me, don't worry I won't leave any permanent damage.

Ichinose then stood up and bowed.

Ichinose: thank you, please help my Millie.

Kaneki: you don't need to bow you know?

Ichinose: well I'm off now.

Kaneki: the teleporter over there.

Ichinose: thanks.

Ichinose then went on the teleporter and left.

Kaneki: man, it looks like we have ourselves a satisfied customer. Right? Robeca sensei?

Robeca sense was watching the entire discussion from a far.

Robeca: I'm surprised you dealer with this situation kind of well, Demon.

Kaneki: oh you found out? So tell me how did you know I wasn't the Kaneki you know?

Robeca: obviously your eyes.

Kaneki: Hahaha~! I'm an idiot how can you forget that?! Hahaha!

Robeca: so? Why are you in control.

Kaneki: nothing, I just made a contract with myself so I can help my sister and Millie.

Robeca: I see. So what is your go-

Kaneki: times up.

Before Robeca could finish asking her question, Kaneki's eyes turned back to normal and he gained control again.

Robeca: oh you're in control again.

Kaneki: yeah by the way I don't know what that guys goal is, but the fact he mentioned he isn't after my body so I guess I can trust him in that.

Robeca: I see, but why did you go ask far as this?

Kaneki: to protect my family and to help someone who desires to have a loving family after all not everyone has the luxury of a loving family.


Sayori: Hey Kane-kun, will you really make us part of your family when we're done with this war?

Kaneki: of course, your family treated you like a tool and Monika lost her family at a young age. So I will help you two get a loving family.

Monika: thanks Kane-kun! I hope your family will accept us.

Kaneki: don't worry, they'll not only accept you they'll also love you.

Flashback end*

Kaneki: Sayori... Monika...


Chikao: Mama! Papa! Please stop! It hurts!

Chikao's dad: Stop crying you good for nothing shit!

Chikao's mom: if you were never born we would've been rich by now!

Flashback end*

Kaneki: Chi-chan.


Miku: Maybe... Onii-chan isn't really my Onii-chan.

Flashback end*

Kaneki: ... Miku...

As Kaneki remembered the past, a tear rolled down from his eyes.

Robeca: Kaneki?

Robeca was worried about Kaneki but.

Kaneki: I'm outta here. Darkness travel.

He immediately left.

Robeca: that kid...

At the Higanbana residence*

Kaneki: finally I'm home.

"Man you really just remembered those memories huh? It's alright it's not your fault"

Kaneki: just shut up already.


Now that the Demon has explained his plan to Ichinose, all Kaneki needs to do now is wait until Millie gets disowned.

And in order to do that.

At Akuma castle*

Shino: I wonder what's with that mural?

Yuuka: who knows?


Yuuka: hey Shino.

Shino: what is it?

Yuuka: it's Millie.

He needs more evidence.

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