Natsuki-chan likes the power hungry Kaneki

Chapter 350: A Demon's help

After talking to Shino & Yuuka regarding his with Millie and getting their opinion on the matter, Kaneki is now taking a hot relaxing bath in his home.

Kaneki: haa~ that's good, thank you Shino and Yuuka.

He has been in the bath for almost 25 minutes and now that he is completely relaxed and his head has cooled down, he began to think.

Kaneki: alright, time to think.

He closed his eyes and went inside his mind.

In Kaneki's mind*

Kaneki: alright, time to think of some ways to help both Miku and Millie.

Since entered his own mind, Kaneki split apart into his 4 separate personalities.

Quan: do you guys have any suggestions? I have one.

Shitsuren: yup.

Tomo: affirmative.

Kozo: yep.

Quan: alright then, I'll go first.

Each one of the 4 parts of Kaneki has their own plan and now they're starting to discuss each of their plans.

Quan: I think I should directly talk with Millie and convince her to stop listening to her parents and for her to run away from them.

Quan's plan is simple but there are a lot of weak spots in her plan to which Shitsuren and Tomo noticed.

Shitsuren: do you really think talking to her would work?

Quan: ??? What do you mean?

Tomo: he means convincing Millie is near impossible from what we heard from Ichi-san Millie desired family love for many years and now that opportunity for her to get it has arrived convincing her is near impossible.

Kozo: and even if we were able to convince her to run away where would she go? An orphanage? She might not like it.

Quan: ...

Quan's plan is rejected.

Shitsuren: here's my plan,

All 3: speak up.

Shitsuren: I suggest we go tell our parents about this, knowing Aiya mama very well she probably won't let it slide and considering she herself was a victim of Kousuke Tachibana she can possibly take him to court for child abuse.

Shitsuren's plan was to simply sue Miku's and Millie's father by accusing him of child abuse and by using his own mother as the witness.


Quan: no way!

Tomo: Hell no!

Kozo: don't even think about it!

The other 3 were against it.

Shitsuren: huh? Why?

Quan: 1 it's too frickin expensive.

Tomo: 2 I don't want mom to face that guy again.

Kozo: and 3 our enemies might bribe the court.

Shitsuren: sigh~

Looking defeated, Shitsuren just sighed.

Tomo: I suggest we give Millie what she wants.

All 3: huh?

Tomo: she wants a family right? So why don't we let her get disowned by her current family and help her get a new one that would truly love her?

After hearing Tomo's plan, the other 3 actually liked it.

Quan: this actually sounds like a good idea.

Shitsuren: and since I can become the Hero she won't expect it would be me.

Kozo: I'm honestly on board with this plan. It's better than mine after all.

Tomo: good, anyways Kozo what's your plan?

Kozo: beat up her parents to a pulp.

All 3: seriously? Well it's honestly predictable I did beat up a lot of people in school after all.

Kozo: hehe~

Tomo: well since we all agree with this plan we sh-

Before the meeting would be concluded, Tomo was interrupted by him.

???: hold up I have a question.

All 4: hmm? What do you want?

???: I understand that you want to give her a family that would love her but are you even sure that is even possible?

Tomo: of course, I just need to search for a couple that wants a kid even if it's a teenag-

???: but do you really think they wouldn't change for the worse?

Quan: what are you-

???: what I'm saying is, Millie wouldn't trust anyone you introduce her to.

Shitsuren: well she can just adjust-

???: what if the people you get to adopt her are really bad people? Not everyone has good intentions after all.

Kozo & Tomo: then we can-

???: do you think Millie would be happy?

After hearing that question the 4 were speechless.

???: even if you bring her to a good family, her own past will continue to haunt her and also, she probably won't open up to those people.

Kaneki: then what do you have in mind?

The 4 merged to become Kaneki again and he walked closer to his demon side, and asked him what his plan is.

To which he answered.

???: simple, I want to free her from her family so she could be with her family.

Kaneki: huh? What do you-

???: I rather show you than explain it.

Kaneki: oh really now?

Kaneki looked at his Demon side with fierce eye's.

???: c'mon don't look at me.

Kaneki: Don't joke around! You just want to use my body!

???: you're not entirely wrong, but don't get the wrong Idea I don't want to take control of our body completely just temporarily.

Kaneki: what is your game?

???: I purely just want to help.

Kaneki: by using my body? Yeah right, I ain't trusting yo-

???: in that case let's make a contract.

Kaneki: !!!

Kaneki was shocked when he heard the word contract.

???: in this contract, I'll take over our body when you desire to help Miku and Millie and you can take control again anytime you want and when I'm in control I'll do everything to help both Miku and Millie.

Kaneki: is that how you plan to free Millie from her family so she could be with her family

???: correct.

Kaneki was very hesitant.

???: do you want both Miku and Millie to suffer because of their father?

After hearing that question, Kaneki made his decision.

Kaneki: fine, deal.

???: yes! Fina-

Kaneki: but my condition is, once this contract is over you are no longer free to control my body anytime you want.

???: fine with me! It's not like I'm actively trying to take control, Anyways let's shake our hands now to seal the deal.

His Demon side reach out his hand for a hand shake.

Kaneki: don't you dare hurt the people who are important to me.

Kaneki gave his Demon side a warning but.

???: fufu~ you don't need to worry, I feel the same way after all those girls are my heroes after all.

And after that.

Back in reality*

Kaneki: I can't believe I just did that.

Kaneki opened his eyes and immediately complained.

Kaneki: well there's no point complaining, anyways I should probably get out of here already before the water gets cold.

Kaneki then got out of the bath, after that he drained the bathtub, dried himself before changing clothes and brushing and drying his hair.

Kaneki: I wonder what Miku is up to?

He then went downstairs to see.

Natsuki: Man you're so good at this Miku!

Miku: I play this game a lot with Yuuka-Oneechan so of course I'm good at this.

Miku and Natsuki were playing Shogi.

Kaneki: Wow these two seem to having some fun.

Miku: Hey Onii-chan! Natsuki came to play Shogi with us and I won.

Kaneki: really? Good for you, also hey Natsuki how're you?

Natsuki: Hey Kaneki, I'm good by the way did you take a bath?

Kaneki: yup-

Natsuki: sniff~ wow, you smell good what shampoo do you use?

Natsuki came close and sniffed Kaneki.

Kaneki: what the?!

Natsuki: seriously your smell like flowers Kaneki.

Miku: did you use my shampoo again Onii-chan?!

Kaneki l: sorry.

Miku was a bit mad that Kaneki used her shampoo again that she.

Miku: I challenge you to a game of Shogi!

She challenged Kaneki to a game of Shogi.

Kaneki: okay.

30 minutes later*

Miku: I lost~

Miku lost the game and was disappointed.

Kaneki: it's alright, you did your best.

Natsuki: oh yeah, I brought some popcorn with me since Sachi is going to stream soon, can I use your microwave?

Kaneki: sure.

Natsuki then headed to the kitchen to make her popcorn.

Kaneki: I'm sorry for using your shampoo.

Miku: haa~ it's alright... Hey Onii-chan you know? I kinda feel bad for Millie.

Miku suddenly talked about Millie.

Kaneki: oh really?

Miku: yeah, I mean she is pretty much being forced to bully me by you know him and she can't do anything about it.

Kaneki: ... Do you want me to help her?

Miku: if it was possible the- huh? Onii-chan? Why is your eyes blue?

As Miku looked at her brother's eyes, she saw as they turned from red to blue.

Miku's thoughts*

(Huh? What's going on?)

With Kaneki making a contract with his Demon side, will he be able to help both Miku and Millie? And what is his demon side plotting?

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