Chapter 347: Those eyes
As Kaneki, Sachi, Chikao and Natsuki were finishing eating their lunch, Kaneki suddenly stood up and looked at the sky with a puzzled face.
Sachi: hey Kaneki, is something wrong?
Chikao: Kaneki why did you suddenly stood up?
Natsuki: whats wrong?
The three girls were worried, they began asking questions but.
Kaneki: oh it's nothing, I'm gonna go back to our classroom to put away my bento box.
All 3: wait-
Kaneki immediately took his bento box and ran back to the classroom.
Sachi: what's with him? He's acting weird.
Chikao: yeah that is strange.
Natsuki: it looked like he is... Confused?
Sachi & Chikao: what?
Sachi: why would he be confused?
Natsuki: I don't know, but... The way his colors looked... They looked worried.
Natsuki stared at the door wondering why Kaneki looked worried.
In the hallway*
Kaneki's thoughts*
(There's no doubt about it, that voice was definitely Millie, what happened? Why was she calling out for help? I must know why)
Kaneki heard Millie's call for help, but because if it he became curious and now he's trying to find her to get answers.
3 minutes later*
Kaneki: alright, done.
After he put his bento box back into his bag, Kaneki left the classroom and began searching for Millie.
Kaneki: nope not here.
Kaneki used one of his abilities that can turn him invisible so no one would notice him searching for Millie.
(Nope not here)
(Not here as well)
Kaneki looked around the school, but he couldn't fine Millie anywhere so he decided to turn to Miku.
(She probably knows where she is)
Kaneki turned off his invisibility ability when no one was looking and he began searching for his sister , however
Shino: I know let's go karaoke later, just the three of us.
Miku & Yuuka: sure!
Miku was busy chatting with Shino and Yuuka so he decided.
(Oh well, there's only 5 minutes left until W.S.S.F training, I'll probably see Millie by then)
He decided to stop for now and wait until W.S.S.F training to find Millie.
He then waited for W.S.S.F training to begin.
10 minutes later*
W.S.S.F training has begun and Kaneki is currently training with Miku.
Kaneki & Miku: Oraaaaa!
They were training for the 3 legged race as usual.
Kaneki: good job, you've improved a lot.
Miku: thanks, anyways I'll be doing the obstacle course now what about you?
Kaneki: yeah sure.
Kaneki and Miku then went to the dryad course.
Kirin: Yo Kaneki, So you and your partner are going to join in huh?
Miku: yup! Anyways how's everyone else doing Kirin-sensei?
Kirin: take a look for yourself.
Kaneki and Miku took a loot at everyone passed the obstacle course.
???: That was so difficult!
???: man I thought I was gonna die!
???: I need a break!
The sight of seeing their school mates being exhausted made both Kaneki and Miku worried.
Kaneki: are you sure you're up to this?
Miku: yup what about you?
Kaneki: hell yeah!
Miku: let's go to the starting line then.
Kaneki: yeah!
???: wait!
Kaneki & Miku: hmm?
As Kaneki and Miku were walking to the starting line, they were stopped by those two.
Kaneki: what do you want? Itadori?
It was Ryueki.
Ryueki: me and Millie just thought we should do a challenge with the two of you, right Millie?
And Millie.
Millie: Y-Yeah.
As Millie arrived, Kaneki looked at her face and.
(Those eyes!)
When he saw her eye's, they reminded him of Chikao.
(She has the same face as Chi-chan!)
He remembered his Middle school days, when he was very worried of Chikao.
Kaneki: hey Chi-chan what's wrong? You look sad.
Chikao: n-nothing i-i-i'm alright.
Flashback end*
As he remembered that scene, he couldn't help but ask Millie.
Kaneki: Hey Millie-san are you alright?
Hearing Kaneki ask her if she was alright, Millie got confused.
Millie's thoughts*
(What? Why is he asking me that? I'm alright! It's not like my favorite maid just left me)
Millie clenched her fist and answered.
Millie: yeah I'm fine...
Kaneki knew something was wrong but he didn't dare speak.
Ryueki: anyways what do you two say? Wanna compete against us?
Millie: yeah! We'll crush you two in this obstacle course.
Kaneki wasn't feeling it and was about to decline but.
Miku: fine you're on!
Kaneki: crap.
Seeing how his sister wants to compete against those two, he had no choice but to compete as well.
Kirin: oh my, this is going to be interesting.
Kaneki: are we allowed to use abilities or nah?
Kirin: considering we have two ability users, I guess so, but you two aren't allowed to use your abilities to help specifically carry your partners to the finish.
Kaneki: are you sure about this Tachi-san?
Miku: yup!
Ryueki: in that case let's go!
Millie: ...
The 4 went to the starting line and prepared.
Kirin: remember you must cross the finish line with your partner to win.
All 4: got it!
Kirin: ready, set, Go!
The obstacle course race has begun and.
Kaneki: woah, you're doing pretty well Tachi-san.
Miku: well our training did help me keep in sync with you, so I'm pretty much just copying your movements.
Kaneki: heh! We got this in the bag!
Kaneki and Miku were ahead and doing well.
And as for Ryueki and Millie.
Ryueki: c'mon we're getting behind!
Millie: this obstacle course is too hard!
Ryueki: dammit!
Ryueki's thoughts*
(I wanted show my dominance as the protagonist by beating that mob character in this obstacle course! But this stupid Sub-heroine is holding me back!)
Ryueki: screw this! Flesh familiars!
Ryueki used his ability to create monsters he calls flesh familiars to assist Millie but.
Kirin: Itadori Ryueki and Tachibana Millie disqualified.
Ryueki & Millie: Ehh?!
Kirin: I did told you kids to not use your abilities to help your partner specifically to carry them, and don't even try to make an excuse.
Ryueki: Dammit!
And so Ryueki and Millie lost.
And as for Kaneki and Millie.
Kaneki& Miku: yay we won!
They both finished the obstacle course very easily.
Kaneki: anyways what kind of training you wanna do next?
Miku: what about football?
Kaneki: okay then, let's join Sachi and the others then.
Miku: let's go.
Kaneki and Miku then headed to Sachi and everyone else who was playing football but then.
Millie's thoughts*
(Dammit! Why is this happening to me? In a few days I'm going to get disowned because I wasn't able to hurt Miku the way Daddy wanted to, and Ruri-san has left me because of what I'm doing! I just wanted a loving family is that so much to ask for?!)
Millie was complaining in her thoughts of how she just wanted a loving family.
(I only have a few more attempts to hurt Miku, and I won't be disowned... But Ruri-san said daddy would be disappointed in me if I continue doing this! Arghhh! I don't know what to do!)
Kaneki: huh?
Miku: hmm? What's wrong?
Kaneki: O-Oh nothing.
Miku: seriously, you're acting a bit weird today.
Kaneki: really? Sorry.
Miku: it's alright.
As they continued to walk to the soccer field, Kaneki thought to himself.
Kaneki's thoughts*
(Those were Millie's thoughts? No way, so she was being forced to bully Miku because of her father? And she's going to be disowned? Why would her parents do that?! Horrible that's horrible! And what does she mean by Ichinose-san leaving her?!)
As Kaneki somehow heard her thoughts, Kaneki began to pity her to the point he wants to.
(I-I want to help her)
It's in Kaneki's nature to help those who needs help.
But now Kaneki wants to help Millie, what will he do? Will he continue to help Miku and turn a blind eye on Millie? Or will he stop helping Miku to help her bully, Millie?