Chapter 343: Spoiling Kaneki
Kaneki: wow, she really is desperate huh?
Shino: sorry we had to give your contact information to her.
Yuuka: yeah, we had no other choice.
After Shino and Yuuka gave Kaneki's contact info to Millie, they went to Kaneki's place to tell him the reason why they gave it to her.
Kaneki: don't worry you two had to follow the plan anyways, besides I can use it to my advantage.
Shino and Yuuka were a bit puzzled.
Kaneki: I won't explain how but she'll get more desperate and make more mess ups once the call comes.
Natsuki: Kaneki is really planning ahead huh?
Sachi: he is smart after all!
Chikao: yeah, he really is.
Sachi, Natsuki and Chikao were also at the Higanbana residence after school.
Miku: so what now? We got evidence against her now why don't we use it already?
Kaneki: well, the next part of the plan requires her to get in a more desperate state.
Everyone: huh?
Kaneki: I'll just say it, we need to catch her on the act.
Everyone: eh?!
The girls were surprised to hear him say that.
Miku: but how?
Kaneki: well we just need to wait and see.
Shino: I see... But will this work?
Kaneki: who knows? Anyways let's chill for now, everyone must been really stressed today after all.
Natsuki: okay then! Let's play some video games!
Sachi: yay! Time to game!
After hearing Kaneki's suggestion to relax Natsuki suggested to play some video games.
Natsuki: alright! Done!
Miku: let's play!
After Natsuki finished setting up the video game, She and Miku started playing.
Sachi: hey Kaneki can I go into your room?
Kaneki: whatever, just don't touch Sword-san alright?
Sachi: got it!
Sachi then headed towards Kaneki's room.
Chikao: I'm going to bake some bread, is that alright Kaneki?
Kaneki: yup.
Chikao: alright I'll be using your kitchen, thanks.
Chikao then headed to the kitchen to bake some bread.
Kaneki: yawn~
Feeling tired Kaneki laid down in his living room couch face down.
Shino: Woah you look tired Kaneki.
Yuuka: yeah, was today really that tiring for you?
Shino and Yuuka came to Kaneki who was lying face down and began talking to him.
Kaneki: yup, I had to use my brain a lot with my planning to take down Millie, I had you two get involved, I had to go through so many classes,and got burnt so yeah I'm really stressed and I need to relax.
Shino: really? In that case.
Shino began patting Kaneki's head.
Shino: there there, you can relax now, you're doing great.
Kaneki: Shino what are you doing?
Shino: helping you relax.
Kaneki: really?
Shino: yup! I know how much you like headpats, so are you feeling relaxed?
Kaneki: a little.
Shino: good.
Yuuka: pout.
As Yuuka was watching Shino pat Kaneki's head she felt a little jealous and then.
Yuuka: hey Kaneki, I hope this can help you relax.
She began massaging Kaneki.
Kaneki: yawn~
As Yuuka began massaging Kaneki's back Kaneki let out a relaxed yawn.
Kaneki: mmmh, I feel relaxed.
Natsuki: Oi! What are you two doing?! No fair!
As Natsuki finished playing she turned to see Kaneki being spoiled by Shino and Yuuka.
Shino: we're just helping him relax.
Yuuka: so don't worry Natsuki.
Natsuki felt a bit of jealousy and went to Kaneki as well.
Natsuki: since you two are spoiling him I might do as well! Here comes some foot massage Kaneki!
Natsuki then started to massage Kaneki's feet.
Kaneki: mmmh~
Natsuki: what do you think of my foot massage Kaneki?
Kaneki: my feet feels light, and relaxed.
Natsuki: fufu~ my mom taught me how to do foot massage, so ik really good at this.
Kaneki: hehe~ should I massage you guys too?
Shino: no need, you've probably been stressed for so long.
Yuuka: yeah, so just lie down and relax.
Natsuki: yeah, let us remove your stress.
Kaneki: Haaa~
In Kaneki's mind*
Shitsuren: man this is relaxing.
Quan: yeah, I don't even know why.
Tomo: yeaaa~h, this is really relaxing.
Kozo: is this what heaven feels like?
The 4 personalities of Kaneki were all relaxed.
???: man this is relaxing, you should seriously let me become one with you so we can feel like this fore-
All 4: shut up already.
???: man what a pain, well whatever I can just relax right now.
Back in reality*
Kaneki: mmh~
Kaneki moved his face to the side revealing it.
Shino, Yuuka and Natsuki's thoughts*
(His relaxed face is so cute!)
Seeing Kaneki's relaxed face made the 3 satisfied.
Sachi: My my, Kaneki has a lot of cute girls spoiling him today huh?
Chikao: yeah, it's really cute.
Miku: don't spoil Onii-chan too much okay?
Natsuki: c'mon, he's been stressed so let's at least spoil him even a little.
Shino & Yuuka: agreed!
Kaneki: Zzzz~
Miku: Onii-chan got so relaxed he went to sleep.
Natsuki: hehe~ his sleeping face is so cute.
Natsuki was enjoying the nice view of Kaneki's sleeping face.
Natsuki: he's sleeping like a baby.
Chikao: I know! Why don't we make dinner?
Sachi: Yeah! Kaneki will definitely enjoy it, he has been working hard after all.
Miku: hmm, yeah I guess we should, Onii-chan is working really hard to help me.
Yuuka: and he had protected us a lot lately so I guess we should give him a reward.
Shino: in that case let's make a lot of food!
Natsuki: Kaneki will definitely enjoy that!
As the girls decided to make dinner for Kaneki, they all went to the kitchen and began cooking, besides Miku.
Miku: Onii-chan...
She had a small smileon her face as she got closer to Kaneki.
Kaneki: Zzzz~
Miku: hehe~ Onii-chan really does look cute while sleeping.
Miku then looked around and when no one was looking.
Miku: chu~
She then kissed Kaneki on the cheek before heading to the kitchen.
50 minutes later*
Kaneki: Mmmh~ Haa~!
Kaneki woke up from his little nap and looked around to see the living room empty.
Kaneki: hmm? Did everyone went home?
He wondered if everyone already left but then.
Kaneki: sniff~ hmm? Something smells good.
Kaneki followed the scent all the way to the kitchen.
And when he entered, he saw a bright scene everyone was cooking food and he was just mesmerized by how bright everyone looks.
Kaneki: ...
Due to the shock of how bright it was Kaneki didn't spoke until he was noticed.
Miku: hey Onii-chan is awake!
Sachi: how's your nap Kaneki?
Shino: was it relaxing?
Yuuka: did my massage help?
Natsuki: how do you feel?
Chikao: was it nice nap?
Miku: did you enjoy it?
Kaneki didn't answer at first but then.
Kaneki: yeah I did enjoy it, it was relaxing.
Natsuki came closer and took Kaneki's hand.
Natsuki: c'mon sit down Kaneki.
Kaneki: eh?
As Kaneki was sat down on a seat, the girls began placing all the food they made on the table.
Kaneki: what's all this?
Miku: we decided to cook dinner for you as a reward for all your hard work.
Kaneki: eh?
Chikao: don't mind Kaneki, anyways eat as much as you want.
Kaneki: are you girls sure?
Shino: don't worry, we already have our shares anyways.
Yuuka: we know how much you like eating and we know you don't gain weight like at all so we went all out and made as much food as possible for you..
Kaneki: but why?
Kaneki was didn't understand why the girls did this for him but then Sachi said.
Sachi: we just want to spoil you okay? So just accept it.
Kaneki: umm... Okay then, but can I share with the familiars?
Batta: don't worry Kaneki, we have our own share.
Ku-kun: Wata!
The insect familiars were eating their own shares on the floor.
Kaneki: oh okay, well then.
Kaneki clasped his hands followed by everyone and.
Everyone: Itadakimasu!
Kaneki: alright which one should I try first?
Miku: have a taste of the curry!
Chikao: we all made it together, and it's probably the best dish we made.
Kaneki: wait, did you girls teach Miku how to cook curry?
All 5: yup!
Kaneki: I see, thanks. Anyways.
Kaneki took a spoonful of curry and rice and he out it in his mouth and tasted it.
Everyone: so how does it taste?
Seeing how Kaneki liked their curry all the girls smiled happily.
Kaneki then began chowing down on the food.
Miku: eat well Onii-chan, there's enough food for you.
Natsuki: we already have enough for ourselves so eat well!
Kaneki then suddenly began shedding tears.
Chikao: Kaneki? What's wrong?
Sachi: why are you crying?
Everyone was puzzled with him suddenly crying but Kaneki then said.
Kaneki: it's sooo good! I love it!
Shino: oh, he was just crying tears of joy.
Yuuka: thank goodness, well at least he's happy now.
Kaneki: this is the best! I'm so happy!
After hearing Kaneki say that all of the girls smiled shyly and thought to themselves.
Sachi's thoughts*
(I'm happy to see you happy again Kaneki, this is a blessing)
Shino's thoughts*
(I'm more motivated to fix my relationship with him now, I want to make him smile even more)
Yuuka's thoughts*
(Good, we're close to completing Operation reconciliation and once we're finish dealing with Milli, the 3 of us will finally be free of That guy and we'll finally apologize to Kaneki and become friends again)
Chikao's thoughts*
(I love seeing Kaneki being happy, I hope Shino, Yuuka and Miku would soon apologize and reconcile with him. I really want my friends to be friends again)
Miku's thoughts*
(Alright, I'll definitely fix my relationship with Onii-chan once I'm done with the situation with Millie and my father and when I'm done with that I'll finally be free of my past and I'll be able to move on from it.)
Natsuki's thoughts*
(Kaneki's soul is getting more colorful, I love it, it's so beautiful, I wish I could stand near him and protect that colorful soul so it won't be tainted, but now isn't the right time, once I'm free from that guy I'll be able to walk beside him, I wish that day would come)
And so they continued to enjoy their dinner until they finished.
1 hour later*
Everyone: thanks for having us!
After they finished dinner and washed all the dishes everyone began to go home.
Kaneki: see you guys tomorrow!
Shino: see you.
Yuuka: take care!
Sachi: let's do our best on training!
Chikao: we definitely will!
Natsuki: we'll definitely with the W.S.S.F!
Kaneki: yeah, bye bye Everyone.
Everyone: bye bye!
As everyone left Kaneki turned back and looked at Miku.
Kaneki: well then we have another day ahead of us.
Miku: race you to the bathroom!
Miku then started running to the bathroom.
Kaneki: oi! Me first!
Kaneki then started to chase after her.
This marks the end of this day, what will happen in the next day?
Will Millie fall into the trap that Kaneki set up for her? Or will Kaneki be convinced to help her?