Mythos Of Narcissus: Reborn As An NPC In A Horror VRMMO

Chapter 140: Dimensional Vessel

With the first light of day on the horizon, I found a quiet clearing and came to a stop, bracing myself for the shifting sensation I was about to experience. Kuzunoha's enchanted mechanism was finally ready—a direct link between my original form and this newfound Valtherion physique.

I closed my eyes, feeling a warmth spread through me as the spell began to unravel my current form. There was a rushing sensation, as if I were slipping through layers of existence, each peeling back to reveal my truest, golden self beneath. My muscles shifted, receding from their impressive, hulking size, while my silhouette refined itself back to a lithe, graceful build.

And finally, with one last breath, I felt the familiar lightness of my natural form.

My long golden hair fell in silky waves, framing my face, which now held its gentle regality once more, with my scarlet eyes reflecting the subdued daylight in glints of warm light. It was like returning to the home of my own skin—a feeling of comfortable, natural strength and ease.

"Oh, back to my angelic self again," I murmured with a smile, my fingers running through my golden hair as I admired its luxurious sheen.

With my transformation complete, I tapped the soul link channel and notified my bright secretary. "Kuzunoha, it's done. I'm ready for whatever grand entrance you've planned."

A teasing chuckle rippled through the link. "Oh, but I should make you wait a moment longer, no? After all, you were positively radiant in that other form. You really left quite the impression."

"How cruel," I sighed dramatically, "To delay your precious Narcissus in need. Are you trying to imply my true form is not magnificent enough?"

Kuzunoha laughed openly. "Hardly. I'm just savoring the theatrics."

With a crackle and shimmer, an arcane portal spun into being nearby, and out stepped Kuzunoha, her parasol casting shadows across the morning light.

She took one look at me, then exaggeratedly placed a hand over her heart. "Ah, there she is. Truly, this is a form I am honored to call mine."

"Trying to butter me up, are you?" I raised an eyebrow, grinning.

"Always." With a practiced flourish, she handed over a set of garments with a snap of her finger, enchanted to weave into place as it made me wear them.
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They were more understated than her usual flamboyant taste but still bore her touches—a midnight-blue cloak embroidered with silver constellations, an elegantly fitted tunic beneath, and practical yet sleek boots. A choker with a small silver lily finished the ensemble, lending a subtle note of formality.

It was finally rightful of me to confirm this, but none of Kuzunoha's dresses and outfits barely had any kind of enchantment or special effect and power, like the one I crafted with Calamity Alloy.

They were still made with extremely high quality material, but not anything otherworldly or arcane-like, something that I didn't imagine. They were what they were meant to be—pretty dresses.

As the fabric settled around me, Kuzunoha turned serious, flicking a finger to transfer a bit more of her knowledge through our soul connection. "Here's something I didn't mention earlier. With your new 'vessels,' each body will retain the state you left it in. Any wounds, changes, clothing—you name it. That body will hold them when you switch.

So I suggest you're strategic with your outfit choices and, well, not to treat injuries lightly.

"Oh right, I had also fiddled with your original vessel beforehand and nullified the Forced Foreignization state of your blood." She smirked with greed and lust. "Your blood is mature now, and you have become a fully-fledged walking panacea and blessing-giver."

I snickered. "You'll get your share later when we're back."

"Oh my~ this is why I love our current relationship~"

"Think that we can maintain this in the long term?"

"As long as you're fine with me by your side." Kuzunoha mischievously grinned.

"I'll be the judge of that~"

With our plans settled, we began the walk back to the camp, keeping to the wooded path.

The morning sunlight filtered through, casting golden spots on the dewy ground as we made our way. I filled Kuzunoha in my interaction with Verina, and she laughed, twirling her parasol.

"I would pay to see the look on Verina's face when I mentioned my share of interest for Lambda later." A chuckle escaped my grin. "I think I know why you're so fond of prodding people to their flustered side, now that I experienced it."

"Fufufu, glad that I've found myself a kindred spirit amongst my endless trailing in this world." She shrinked one of her eyes, with eyelids still parted enough to not be a wink. "I think she may adore you even more than she realizes," Kuzunoha remarked with a knowing smile. "But it'll take some time before she admits it, even to herself."

"Are you in the same situation?"

"Oh, darling, I'm always stay true to my feeling and intrigue~ There's a reason why I have been buttering you up ever since~"

"Right, my skin is all shiny oily from all of the buttering."

"I think the glisten of your skin is your default state of being, Narcissus."

"Please, don't make my cholesterol go up."

Still, I found myself intrigued knowing that butter exists in this world.

There were a lot of dishes using it that I wanted to make.

If only I get my hands on it."

Our conversation meandered, occasionally drifting into talk of future plans and potential contingencies for upcoming encounters.

Before long, we spotted the bastion nestled between trees, its hastily constructed walls and makeshift fortifications already familiar but holding a new sense of accomplishment.

As we crossed the threshold, the first person to notice us was Verina. She blinked, and then a broad excitement broke across her deadpan face. "Narcissus! You're back!"

The ripple effect was instant. The camp bustled with newfound excitement as others turned, realizing my arrival.

Erika, still shy as ever, practically bounced with a timid wave, her wide, owl-like eyes full of admiration. "Welcome back, Lady Narcissus!"

Kara gave me a hearty nod. "So, you went and subdued that Qliphoth Object after all! Guess we're in really good hands."

"More than just that," Callista added, winking. "With someone like her leading and carrying us whole, we've got nothing to fear!"

I raised a hand with a gentle, calm smile. "I had plenty of help, believe me. Kuzunoha and Verina were both critical in the task. And you, all of you—without your perseverance, we wouldn't have made it this far."

The statement was simple, but the wave of cheers that followed was anything but. The bastioneers called out with confidence, celebrating not just survival but victory. I could sense the morale, the faith, that was now woven into our small bastion. After so much uncertainty, it was like witnessing a fire sparking to life.

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