Mythos Of Narcissus: Reborn As An NPC In A Horror VRMMO

Chapter 136: As If Cheating With A High-Leveled Character

With the suppression of the Big Bad Evil Guy finished and detained her own realm, we trailed amongst the maddening moonlight of Carcosa with merry tip-toeing and self-rewarding activity.

After all, I was here to ensure that my people held their chin high for surviving their first night under the reign of my command.

[The Ember-Tide Colossus]

[Description: A towering, molten figure that seems to rise from the ground itself, with lava flowing like veins through cracks in its ashen skin. Its body is perpetually burning, but the flames never spread beyond its own mass, instead drawing all nearby heat toward it. The Colossus strides through forests and cities alike, leaving behind a trail of solidified glass and scorched earth.

It has no face, only a glowing cavity where its head should be, and its low, rumbling footsteps create shockwaves that turn air to scorching heat. As it moves, people and objects nearby are drawn into its gravity, slowly incinerating into embers as they are pulled closer.]

[Hint: The Colossus can only be extinguished by dousing its core with water from the deepest ocean trenches—waters that are near impossible to find, let alone access]

Because regardless of the adversary, my basic punch could obliterate any annoying gimmick-oriented Calamity Object through sheer brute force.

This was my sixth time defeating a different Qliphoth Object without breaking a sweat.

"Well, that is quicker than I expected." Though I'm saddened by the loss of lootable material, since most of my victims were mostly disintegrated or damaged beyond recovery.

Cheers erupted around the bastion as the recruits witnessed what could only be described as a casual show of indomitable strength from Lambda—me.

As I stayed and interacted with my very own crew, I realized something.

Their reaction to Lambda doing cool and absurd things were much more prominent than when it was Narcissus doing it.

They saw Narcissus as their frightening boss, and someone who they deem untouchable and unreachable after the shenanigans related to my own psionic charm.

When it came to Lambda, they deem her like that one legendary traveler who fatefully just joined their humble abode. There were no factors or emotions that limited their festivity with the towering giant lady. Experience new stories with M V L

Not to mention, some of them had already been threatened with death a couple of times by Narcissus before they were officially recruited into this group.

"Well, that answers that!" Kara laughed heartily, her voice echoing through the night. "You weren't kidding, Lambda, you're an absolute beast!"

The others chimed in, their voices carrying through the night air, each one contributing their admiration, awe, or excitement. Even the more reserved members couldn't help but be impressed, although some—like Yora—looked like they were still processing the whole thing.

"That was... incredible," Yora muttered under her breath, trying to make herself less visible in the back of the crowd. But still, my sharp ears managed to hear the mutter.

"Lambda's just warming up," Kuzunoha said with a mischievous grin, standing beside me as though none of this was out of the ordinary. "But I'd say that was enough to remind you all that you're in good hands."

Callista sidled up to me, her sly grin ever-present. "Forget good hands. I'd say we're in mighty hands. Tell me, Lambda, is there anything you can't do?" She winked, clearly flirting again.

I chuckled, brushing off her remark. "I'm pretty sure there are limits. I just haven't hit them yet."

For one, the indomitable strength of a War Goddess that I acquired had been bought with a considerable price of my impossible dexterity.

It might have something to do with the biological differences between the original Narcissus and Valtherion's body.

Hence why, I couldn't really craft good shit anymore when I'm in this form—referencing my failed attempt to properly speedrun deforestation and make a quick formation of wooden wall, something that I could easily achieve with Narcissus, and not Lambda

Callista's grin widened. "I'm betting it'll be a fun ride watching you try."

As the crew dispersed, chattering among themselves about the display, Verina floated over, her usual deadpan expression was unwavering but her eyes were sharp and calculating.

"I must admit, I didn't expect someone like you to contribute this much, Lambda," Verina said, her violet eyes narrowing ever so slightly as she observed me. "Kuzunoha has a habit of keeping interesting company, as much as I despise her existence."

"Interesting is an understatement," Kuzunoha chimed in, twirling her parasol with that ever-playful smirk of hers, ignoring the hate proclamation of her own student.

"Indeed," Verina replied flatly, her attention shifting back to me. "You've certainly earned the crew's respect, but I hope you don't mind me asking—what exactly are you looking for here? I doubted that Kuzunoha was this close with anyone of your personality, and you seemed to be someone who wouldn't chase an annoying speedy rat unless there was a key to a treasure vault on its stomach."

Well, that was a little bit specific.

Though, I began to wonder if my presence as Lambda made her feel strong discomfort of any sort.

For one, she might be afraid and anxious that Lambda's goal was related to Narcissus, or that she was anxious of having someone from Kuzunoha's faction to break the power balance of Narcissus' eyes for meritocracy…

There was no way that it was the case, right?

I glanced at Kuzunoha, who gave me a quick nod, signaling that this was all part of the plan. "I'm just passing through. Kuzunoha and I went way back, and when I heard she had a new group, I figured I'd stop by. No hidden agenda, Verina."

Verina didn't seem fully convinced, but she let it slide for the moment. "As long as you're not here to disrupt the bastion's operation. Someone of my greatest importance left us with a lot of responsibilities to juggle."

Kuzunoha smiled sweetly. "Don't worry, Verina. Lambda is here to help, not hinder~ That and this, then nothing more~"

Verina looked even more convinced because of Kuzunoha's annoyingly roundabout behavior, but before she could probe further, Erika nervously approached, holding a small container of herbal remedies in her talons.

"L-Lambda, do you need anything for your... uh, muscles? I-I mean, after that demonstration, you might need... you know... something to help with soreness?" She looked like she was about to burst into nervous tears.

I softened my expression, doing my best to appear approachable despite my intimidating form. "Thank you, Erika, but I'm fine. You're doing great with the medical supplies, though. Keep up the good work."

She blushed furiously, nodding quickly before scurrying away. I caught Kuzunoha stifling a laugh beside me.

"You're a hit, Lambda," she teased, leaning closer. "They're practically worshiping you already."

"I thought that was your job," I muttered back, eliciting a playful nudge from her.

Also, seeing how interesting some of these recruits' personalities were displayed right now, it made me a little bit jealous that it was Lambda who was able to see them first.

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