No matter how bad my day was, talking to you for even just one minute will make everything perfect i mean like even i really have a bad and worse time whenever i was talking with you its makes everything i feel heavy becomes more light and it makes me feel better because you some kind a medicine for everything like that.
I feel like he was a doctor who can give me some recipe to get better and enjoyed my life again and it's so amazing feeling after a while i had and i love that feelings because i can feel my life better when he was in it i was hoping that he was always there.
I mean like everything i do with him is like a moment that i don't want to let go because its feel really amazing and i really every time we spend together and it's like the feeling i never had after a while and i am glad that i can call him as mine and i can always spend time with him when he was here.
I was hoping that he living close with me so whenever i finish work i got back and see his smile and also every time i woke up in the morning the first thing i saw is his face and i will be happy to have his kiss in the morning when i was awake and i really enjoy that feelings but i can't force that because he was having his family in syd and he can't just leave them and even i want to be here so badly but i am also care about his family.