My Life Journey With Him :)

Chapter 111: GOT ATTACHED

I guess the reason i got so attached to you was because you were my first time to many things you were the reason i wished the days would go by faster just so i could see you again you were the first person i never wanted to stop talking to at night you were my first person to everything and all i talked about.

I wish you know how hard it was for me not to text you when i wanted to talk to you so badly do you know how hard it is to stay busy so i don't think about you? do you even know how hard it is for me to tell you i love you even though i do? i love you more than you deserve do you know how bad i wished you wanted me in your life the way i want you in mine? I'm sorry if i care too much.

I'm sorry constantly want to talk to you. I'm sorry when you take long to reply i get sad. I'm sorry if i say things that might piss you off. I'm sorry if i come off as annoying. I'm sorry if you don't want to talk to me as much as i want to talk to you. I'm sorry if i think about you too much and too often. I'm sorry if i tell you about my pointless drama when you don't really care. I'm sorry if i come of as being clingy but it's just me missing you.

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