My Life Journey With Him :)

Chapter 100: I KNOW...

I know i am still young but i pray that this person I'm with right now is the person i spend the rest of my life with... And i will be always there for him no matter what the reason is and i will always be in his side and it's my promise to him and i wouldn't leave him alone whatever the condition or circumstances and i would be always there for him.

I know i am young and i assure him that i having a mind different by other young guy because i been taught to be strong and i taught to be handle every problem or anything happens with the way mature or old people do because i get taught all of this from my mom and once my mom ever said to me that you can't just lay in everyone shoulder but you actually also needed to be can stand by your own feet that's what i am doing now is not mean i am selfish or arrogant but that's my mom taught me even its difficult to follow it.

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