My Diary – A Twisted Yuri Romance

Fanatic Mother

[Julie Sharma's POV]

"Jyoti when are they coming?"

"Oh! sorry, mom forgot to tell you. Only one of them is coming"

huh?...I see, but I prepared food for four people... guess, we would have to finish it tonight then.

"Why isn't the other one coming?" did she had some work to do this afternoon? hmm, I guess that could be it. A new semester has just started and kids are ambitions during this time to try out various new things....I wonder what new things Jyoti is trying

"Ah, well it's difficult to say but......she got in an accident and is in the hospital right now"


what?! that poor soul...

"When did it happen and how?"

"I don't know the details, but it happened yesterday evening"

her parents must be worried sick about her, but then, "is it ok for us to invite the other girl then?" she would rather want to stay by her little sister's side.

"Uhm, it's fine. Rather it's the best thing to do, she needs someone to share her current problems with, and what's better than a nice meal and some friends for that purpose" baby has grown so much, she's even starting to think about her friends now. Alright! I also need to be friendly with that girl, don't want her to think that her friend's mother is a boring, dull and nagging woman.

But rather a cool mom!

"Mom, you aren't thinking anything weird right...?"

"No! this is just how I normally behave"





*Ding* *Ding* Ding*

Oh! looks like she's here.

I should get the doo—

"Wait, mom! let me get it"

"Huh?..ok" why did she suddenly run to the door, is she that excited? ...oh, how foolish of me. Of course, she's excited. She hasn't had a friend home after that incident in goa....No, No! get yourself together Julie! No time to be reminiscing about the past and getting sad over it right now. It can happen any other time, but not right now. Right now, my only priority and thinking should be to act like a cool and easygoing mother!

but what's taking her too long? I almost finished my resolve and they are still not coming...hmm, must be talking about something.

Ok, hair wrinkles on the dress...table and the floor clean. Food is prepared, *haaah* pleasant smell from the mouth, good, good....

they are really taking a long time

Maybe I should go out and che—

"Hello, Mrs. Sharma. I am Mehak, full name Mehak Jansha. It's so good to finally meet you, Jyoti talked about you all the time" she a model? how did my Jyoti manage to become friends with such a high-class girl...not that I am saying that my Jyoti's class is any less, but...

This dress looks so expensive, the earrings look like a pure diamond....branded shoes, branded purse......she must be very rich and could probably get anything she wants, any friend she wants and act all high and mighty......but she became friends with my Jyoti, even though she knows about her wounds. She became friends with my Jyoti, even though we belong to the middle class, she even cares about Jyoti enough to console her. I can't find any contempt in her eyes and face towards people of lower class like me, her smile is also genuine......what is she? an angel?

"Mom.." (Jyoti, lightly tapped Julie's back)

huh? ah, ah! yes, yes, yes, cool mom, cool, cool...

"W-w-welcome, Miss Mehak. Th-thanks for coming here on your busy day..."

oh no, I messed up. I instinctively called Miss, should have called her dear...and what's with 'on your busy day'! you know, her sister just had an accident....Ahhh! how dumb can I be? She must think of me as insensitive now....sorry Jyoti, your mom couldn't act cool..

"Hahaha, no need to be so tense, Mrs. Sharma. Just think of me as your own daughter, and please, just call me by my name. It doesn't feel nice to be called a Miss by my friend's Mom"

this girl is really an angel, how is she so polite and soft-spoken? her parents must be very proud of their daughter. Also, she's right, I just need to calm down.....*haah* so embarrassing to corrected by someone so much younger than me, this girl also seems to be really wise. Oh Lord Jesus, I think I am seeing one of your angels down on earth.

"Sorry, Miss Me—...ah! sorry. Mehak, please come in and sit. I have prepared a special meal for all three of us" there we go, just remain calm.

"Thank you, Mrs. Sharma. I will gladly take your offer, I am also feeling rather hungry"

"Then please, sit down over here and you can also call me Julie"

"hahaha, sure Mrs. Julie"

really...what an elegant and sophisticated girl




"Mmmm, really delicious Pasta you have made Mrs. Julie. The bread is also really good, did you make it all by yourself?"

"Thank you, I am happy that you liked my food and yes, it is all prepared by me from scratch"

"Wow, you are lucky Jyoti, for having such a wonderful mom"

"I know, and I'm very proud of her"

"Oh, stop Jyoti..." she's really a momma's girl, my darling

"Hahaha, let her continue, Mrs. Julie. I and my little sister are never tired by listening to your praises that Jyoti does every day" child...don't get emotional, don't get emotional. Later, maybe...but not right now!

"I'm so sorry to hear about your little sister. I mean, how did this happen and will she be alright"

"Yes, she's alright. Thanks for asking Mrs. Julie. I rather don't feel like talking about in detail......but she got into a fight with a criminal and injured."

Fight with a criminal!? how did she got involved in that? But it would be insensitive of me to ask any further, she already said that she doesn't want to talk much about it. She's really extremely sad about what happened to her little sister but is still trying her best to not let these emotions overflow in front of me, she probably doesn't want to make this home visit turn into something sad.

Such a great girl, I'm telling you literally an angel. Someone like her couldn't commit even a minuscule crime even if she wanted to.

"Ah! sorry, Mrs. Julie. A photo dropped near your feet, can you please pick it up for me"

huh? a photo? ...ah! there it is, must have dropped from her pocket.

hmm? it's a photo of this girl with another girl. The other girl is black-haired and......why is the black-haired one kissing this one on the cheeks? is this some modern greeting kids do these days?...hmm, must be it.

"Here you go, Mehak."

"Ah! thank you, Mrs. Julie. This picture is very precious to me"

Hmm, suddenly her eyes turned warm and her cheeks became slightly that normal? is that girl her best friend or something...yeah, that must be it

"Please don't mind it...but why is that picture precious to you" ah! no, no, no! I couldn't help but just ask that. Ahhhh! I am so stupid

"It's the picture of the one I love the most in the world"

hmm, she's talking about normal love between friends, right?

"I also love Jyoti the most in the world"

"Haha, you misunderstood Mrs. Julie. It's the picture of my lover, girlfriends, life partner, future wife, whatever you may want to call it"

huh? huh? huh? huh? h-how?

wh-why? why ?

wh-wha-w....what made such a perfect and beautiful girl go down the wrong path

"I am a lesbian, Mrs. Julie"

lesbian? ....she means homosexual?.....

My, My sweetheart is friends with some lesbian? 

Oh no! I have to protect Jyoti. I have to save her, this girl would corrupt my Jyoti otherwise.....Oh god, Oh god! Jyoti almost went down the wrong path, thank you, thank you. Thank you, god, I learned the truth before something tragic happened.

Oh! this girl needs to get out. She needs to leave this house immediately, have to make Jyoti understand too, that she's friends with the wrong person. Jyoti needs to see the truth, she's being misguided by this girl, she needs to leave this girl. I know, she would understand once she listens to me

"Get out!"

"Huh!? what happened Mrs. Julie"

"Get out! I said get out!"

"!! Mom! wh-what happened so suddenly?"

"Jyoti, you stay quiet. And you! Girl! out of my house! leave now!"

"Mrs. Julie, please tell me the reason at least"

"I don't want to hear anything from you, get out! now! leave! just leave!"

"a...a....a....a...AAAAAA! Mehak! don't! come with me, come outside"

"Noooo! Jyoti, don't touch someone like her"

"hahaha, let's leave Mehak, let's leave, hahaha...."

"Jyoti come back! don't touch that girl and come back!"

Jesus, Jesus, need to take Jyoti to the church today. Only the father can treat Jyoti's corrupted mind.

Oh lord Jesus, oh Jesus... forgive my child, forgive my child




[Jyoti's POV]

"Why did you stop me?"

why did I stop you?..

"You were literally going to pull a knife over my mom!" why the fuck did she bring a knife anyways?!

"Of course I was, she deserved it. I can handle anything, but that bitch ripped my picture with Mayu"

"You have fucking dozens of those... why would a one among that many matter?!"

"It does ok! every picture of me and Mayu together is important to me. But leave my blunder, why the fuck did your whore became so crazy?"

"Hey! don't call mom a whore"

"Sorry, accidentally crossed the line. I apologize"

"Apology Accepted. But...I don't know why she suddenly became so crazy"

"It looks like your mother hates homosexuals way more intensely than you can imagine"

"Yeah.......that makes sense, I think. Also, it looks like her hate towards it is way more than her love for me"

"Well, I can't agree with that. She probably loves you the most, she just thinks that being with me would make you impure. Hahaha, it's like a comedy sketch don't you think."

"Yeah... a comedy of my life that is. She doesn't know that the daughter she's trying to keep pure is already tainted with pitch-black darkness"

"Hahaha, thank you, thank you"

"I'm not complimenting you, you retard"

"Hmm, seemed like a compliment to me"

"Jeez, just shut up and help me think of something"

"Hmm, so before you start seducing your mother, you need to fix her immense hate towards homosexuality. Can you guess who might be responsible for her hate?"

"Yeah, it's my grandparents from the mother's side. I didn't think they made mom such a strong hater of homosexuals"

"Hmm, so the root problem is your mother's parents."

"Yeah, can you think of something"

"Hmm, I have a plan, but you are not allowed in it. I just need Mayu's help for it"

"But isn't it two weeks before she's released"

"Yup! So, try your best to handle that mother of your"

"*Haah* it's going to get difficult. But are you sure about your plan and also what's even the plan?"

"Can't tell you. Also, it's not difficult, just think about it as saving your mother from a wrong way of thinking"

"Hmm, that makes it sound like we are doing something good"

"Hahaha, gotta do some good too here and there you know. Ok then later, have to visit Mayu also."

"Alright, take care"

mmmm, need to calm mom first once I enter the house

"Ah! do you feel anything towards your grandparents?"

"Huh? no, why?"

"Good, just wanted to make sure. Ok, See ya!"

"Hey! hey! wait!"

I don't have a good feeling about this...

[Author's POV]

Hello readers, got a few good news for you all.

  • Here are the new and reworked artworks of Mayuri, Mehak and introducing the new one, Jyoti. They are all in college now, so changes had to be made. Here you go :-

Bigger ones available from Novel's description.


  • Started writing another novel, it's called Purple Solanum and is a dark yuri fantasy harem. Trying out fantasy and harem for the first time, so let's hope it turns out good. Here's the link if anyone interested


  • An anniversary event is going on as many of you may know, so your's truly also decided to participate for some exposure and fun. It's a short novel called Stalking Adventures and is a Yuri horror. Here's the link if anyone wants to support
  • I'm a big fan of yuri, what a surprise.


  • Shameless plugs over, so finally keep reading and enjoying this little story of mine.

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