Am I Malformed?
28th August 2021
Saturday(07:30 PM)
Dear Diary,
Yesterday was the orientation ceremony for our new college, the college is located on the outskirts of the city and is spread over 550 acres, so instead of college, I think it's better to call it a university. It's called 'Jansha University'. Yup, the 'Jansha Foundation group' which is the name of Mr.Jansha's company has its roots in various kinds of markets and businesses, and one of those businesses is 'Jansha Educational institutes'. Also, our previous school was under their name.
The various fields in which the Jansha's have their hands in are mobile networking, petroleum, grocery stores, and god knows whatnot. It seems like I underestimated the difficulty of the task, taking over a company that big is gonna be a pain in the ass, but the reward is worth it. The reward is worth every single bit of effort we put in.
Big Sis, also knows it, that's why the previous year when she dropped a year, she started working like crazy. She first started working on her demeanor which I think was already perfect to begin with, but according to big sis she needed much more training to be able to stand among those people at the top. Big Sis, started working on various personality and appearance traits, started hanging around Mr.Jansha more and more asking him to teach her this business stuff as she wants to take the burden off from his shoulders and start providing for them.
Of course, everything big sis said was nothing but a sham, at least for me, but I don't know about Big Sis, as she did have sincerely worried eyes towards Mr. and Mrs. Jansha, so maybe there was some truth in her statement.
Due to Big Sis's statement, for the first time, I got to see Mr.Jansha teary-eyed. He hugged Big Sis immediately and Mrs.Jansha also joined the hugging party while crying like a river. So, I guess that was something emotional? at that moment I didn't feel anything, was I also supposed to feel like crying? was I also supposed to feel something? why am I not feeling something that Big Sis feels? yeah, why didn't I feel anything? am I abnormal?.
Now that I think about it, every time something happened, it was I who was seen as abnormal. At those times, I didn't think about it but now I think that what if? I am the one who is abnormal?.
what if It was abnormal, for me to bully kids in elementary school?.
what if It was abnormal, for me to ruin everyone's relationship in the orphanage?.
what if It was abnormal, for me to play with Abhi Sharma?.
These are the only abnormalities, I can think of, are there other abnormalities as well? is everything that I do is abnormal? was it because of my irregular behavior that mothe.......
NO! that has nothing to do with this, she ran away because of her own weakness! not because of me. It has nothing to do with me! bu-but what if?
I am realizing now that, some of my actions were unconventional but everyone has some strange quirks right? like I found out that Jyoti has some strong parent complex and Abhi Sharma is getting addicted to self-harm.
I found out Abhi Sharma's strange little quirk last week when I called him for a weekly checkup. On his thighs, I found faded red marks which he was trying his best to hide. After some probing, he confessed that he tightly bounded a thick rope on his thighs to see what it feels like. Though during probing, I did end up almost choking him to death.... I mean look! he wasn't saying anything and just looking down! what was I supposed to do? ask him nicely? why should I?.
So, look! everyone has some strange quirks that separate them from everyone, so it's not like I am abnormal right? yes! it just my misunderstanding.
But what if my misunderstanding is a misunderstand itself? AHHHH! FUCK! growing up is hard! earlier, I didn't use to think about stuff like this, but now, I don't know where these thoughts fucking pop up from!.
Well, I am not getting anywhere with this. Let's just discuss this with Big Sis when she comes back, I am sure she will give me a satisfactory answer as Big Sis is always right.
AH! speaking of Big Sis, right now she's with Mr.Jansha accompanying him so that she can get some insight on what happens in a company and learning how to handle some situations, she should be back by 10:00 PM, and by back I mean back to our FLAT!.
A month before the orientation, Big Sis asked Mr.Jansha for a personal flat so that she can learn how to live independently and how to live separately from parents, hearing which those two again got emotional again, it's like with growing age they are becoming emotionally unstable. Will I also become that unstable when I grow up as well? Ahhh, don't wanna think about that.
So, Big Sis being their precious princess, they bought a small flat close to the university. As for me, they were against me staying with Big Sis over there because then what is independent about it? I mean they threw a sound logic, but with constant requests, they finally agreed to it. I think my act as a perfect adopted-daughter is starting to show some results over here.
Now back to the flat, it has 1 bedroom, a kitchen, a single bathroom, and a living room. It is pretty good for a single person and even good for two eternal lovers! bound my fate! meeting each other every generation! ...yeah sorry for that, it was a line from a movie I watched earlier, but trust me it sounded really good and romantic inside my head, but well moving on, Bis Sis and I are now finally living together, just the two of us, with nothing to interfere, AHA! is this heaven on earth?
AH! yes this flat has 5 other rooms, and it seems like all of them are students of our university, but we haven't talked much with them yet, so maybe I should take the initiative to do that? yeaaaahh nope, sounds bothersome, I prefer to spend that time thinking about Big Sis.
Hmmmm, what else can I write about? AH YES! the orientation program.
It was nothing special really, some people came on the stage, gave some speeches, some long, some short, some just like reading a book. I think I spent that time mostly looking at Big Sis who was actually listening carefully to their speeches. According to her, listening to them will give her some useful lines and topics to talk about when she herself has to give speeches for the company.
I think she's becoming a little too serious, which is not good for her health, so I should properly reprimand her so that she realizes her mistake, it's not like it is bad for her to be serious about this but Big Sis is being overly Serious or you can say she's being extremely serious, which will result in nothing but bad stuff and will wear her down.
As for me, now that college classes will start from tomorrow, I should also get into my work mode and start working towards becoming a perfect secretary for Big Sis. According to me, I am already the best possible secretary for Big Sis, but what I and Big Sis agree upon is not what everyone will agree upon, that sort of stuff is only possible for those in high power like Mr.Jansha.
The perfect example of that would be 'choosing Big Sis as next president'. I am sure inside the company there are several employees who think that this is unfair or that someone else deserves the position of next president more than her, so, first of all, they all should just kill themselves for having such thoughts. Everyone one of them should just hang themselves to death, they should just eat rat poison and torture themselves to death while apologizing to their mothers for being born and for being such a worthless shit! or better, they should just jump in front of a truck, maybe they would get transported into another world? who knows? maybe they will!.
Sorry for getting a little off track over there, but yeah, I started watching some anime and this seemed like a recurring theme, I think it's called 'isecai' or 'esekai' or something like that. OH! got off track again, but basically since Mr.Jansha is a man of power if he decided that his daughter will be next president then that's what everyone should agree upon even if they oppose the idea.
Those are kinds of things that are possible for a person in power, and that's the kind of power we are aiming for and maybe even greater.
So, yeah we were on orientation. After speeches, came different types of clubs, telling us about themselves and begging us for joining their club. Of course, they didn't beg but I think it sounded close to that.
After that some professors came on stage, explaining what will happen from now on, what to expect and what they expect from us, then finally principle's speech, which was surprisingly pretty interesting.
As for the people we know over here, there are some who came from our high school but they are not many. Jyoti is also here, apparently, Big Sis asked Mr.Jansha to enroll Jyoti into this college. Originally Jyoti got admission into some small community college, but Big Sis got her into this university, again showing the uses of power.
As for why Big Sis did that is unknown to me, she always says it's a surprise, but I think I get the general gist of it, I think Big Sis is trying stick and carrot technique on Jyoti, to convert her into an interesting tool or thing.
Abhi Sharma got admission in a medical school which is located inside the city and is pretty famous for its infrastructure.
(*DING*) (*DING*)
[Mayuri's POV]
Huh? looks Big Sis came back early, time to prepare dinner now I guess.
OH! right!
This should be it for today.
[Mayuri's POV]
"Yes, Yes! coming Big Sis!"