My Childhood Friends Are Trying To Kill Me

Chapters 80

A little later.

Romeo returned to his room, saying he would send Griffith a letter.

They still seemed to be in touch with each other using the fountain pens they got when they were young. Kalix stayed in the parlor in Lelia’s room saying he woke up early and that he was tired, then fell asleep lying on the sofa.

[This is the time.]

Lelia took advantage of this leisure to check the inventory.

Earlier, it was to use the item that she received as a reward.

Lelia’s main goal was the “quest jumping coin.”

If she did well, she would be able to complete Kalix’s quest to the end.

When she ordered to use the item, a small window appeared.

Magic coin that can jump up to 10~50% of the quest story progress ♫•*¨*•.¸¸♪

Down below, numbers from 10 to 50 quickly passed, and in the middle, there was a “Stop” button.

Lelia gulped down and pressed the button.

[Please, 50%, please, please!]

She clasped her hands and prayed in front of Kalix, who was sleeping.

Congratulations! 50% applied! 。*゚٩(ˊᗜˋ*)و 。*゚ The quest progress of the person who is particularly likable will jump 50%!

Only ‘Recipe Puzzle Piece’ will be rewarded for automatically jumping quests.

The reward for a quest that should have been cleared is only the Recipe Puzzle Piece…

In the midst of this, it was a little disappointing, but it didn’t matter because she only needed a piece of the recipe anyway.

The next quest immediately came to mind.

Seeing the red text shining, it seemed to be the last final quest.

Make ’s 95% or higher!!(•̀ᴗ•́)و ̑̑

Quest story progress: 90%

Originally, the favorability of the guests in the “Alchemy Lottery” game was the same, but the process of raising the favorability from 90% to 100% had the worst difficulty.

Lelia pressed accept immediately.

[Come to think of it, what’s the reward?]

When she pressed it again, there was only one reward item.

– Special recipe key

[Now that I have collected all the pieces, do I need the last key?]

Lelia squinted and looked at Kalix.

[By the way… we have to get it up to 95%. What’s the level of likability?]

As soon as she thought of this, a speech bubble appeared.

Would you like to check the favorability of ?(。•̀ᴗ-)✧

[Yeah, let’s check it out.]

1 favorability check ticket will be used!

The question mark on Kalix’s head changed to a number.


[It’s higher than I thought.]

She thought it would be high when she saw him nag her like a real brother, but… this was a higher number than expected.

[Good for me.]

Lelia smiled inside and went into the item inventory.

When all the jumping quests were rewarded, there were 25 pieces of the puzzle.


But there was a button called “Gathering Pieces” that was not in the description of the item.

When the button was pressed, pieces of the puzzle gathered to complete the treasure box.

It looked like a box could be made by collecting 25 pieces.

[So the last quest reward is the key?]

What kind of recipe is it? She was curious, then through the help mode a speech bubble popped up.

Are you curious about the special recipe? Would you like to check it out right away? ((•ᴗ́•)) Preview consumes 200 crystals!

Lelia blinked her eyes.

[It’s cheaper than I thought.]

200 crystals cost 200,000 shillings.

She thought this was worth checking. It was cheaper than usual, but she was doubtful that it may be fraudulent.

Of course, she would have to complete the final quest to get the recipe anyway, but she wanted to know in advance.

Lelia decided to check the recipe right away.

[What kind of recipe is this that made me suffer so much?]

Whatever the recipe was, of course, the goal was to clear it.

She has to clear the entire recipe to produce “The Philosopher’s Stone”.

A speech bubble came to her mind as she waited.

Lelia’s expression hardened after checking the contents.


Special Recipe: Immortal Eye Recovery Medication

A medicine made by Heo Zum! It is a medicine that gives you high vision. Is it dark in front of your eyes? I’ll open your eyes right away! Legendary special medicine, get it now!♪(๑ᴖ◡ᴖ๑)♪


Lelia, who checked the content once again, jumped to her feet.

She made a sound without realizing it.

She was so surprised that…

Heo Zum was an NPC in the pension lottery game, and was a guest of the character “Tiger” who stopped by the main character’s store occasionally.

As a wandering doctor, he used to sell various mysterious drugs and materials to the main character.


Lelia covered her mouth and moved back and forth.

Her heart pounded.

The special recipe seemed to be a recipe for the special quest subjects.

[So, Kalix…]

Lelia calmed her heart pounding with excitement.

“Hey, what the hell…”

Kalix woke up to the sound of her going back and forth. He glared at Lelia, frowning heavily.

The two eyes were mysterious because they were out of focus. Kalix tapped the side of his head and blinked.

What he saw was Lelia about to burst into tears.

As expected, Kalix’s vision seemed to be getting worse with every seizure he had on a regular basis.

Especially whenever he wakes up…


Lelia embraced Kalix who rose up in a disheveled manner. She was so happy but also sad. She was overwhelmed with mixed emotions.

“Wait, what!”

On the other hand, Kalix was startled by the arms that hugged him and pushed Lelia away.

Still, Lelia hopped around in joy.

“…Are you crazy?”

Kalix frowned at Lelia.

[What’s wrong with him?]

It was then.

Kalix was startled and placed his hand on his chest.


His heart was beating too fast all of a sudden. Was it because of the snow?

As Lelia had expected, his vision was especially dark when he woke up. But now she did not have time to worry about that.

When she hugged him, he suddenly felt… It was strange beyond words.

[I can’t believe I feel strange about the guy who has “it” in the same size as me when I know he’s a man.]

[I think it’s because of that woman-like appearance.]

[Oh, that’s creepy.]

Kalix shuddered, recalling that his heart tickled with strange feelings for a moment.


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