My blood regeneration is 100 million points faster

Chapter 382 The Crisis of Kallus

In Cristo's office.

Xia Zuo was listening to Retunya describe what happened.

He captured key information.

A total of four days have passed since Kallus began to undergo the alchemical transformation.

Every morning, afternoon and evening, a pure-blood mage would go to check on him.

Retunia was in charge of the afternoon, Sinphia was in charge of the morning, and Cristo was in charge of the evening.

It was this afternoon that Retunia discovered that Kallus was acting abnormally.

In the morning of the same day, when Simphia went to check, Kallus was fine.

Xia Zuo flipped through the diaries of Retunia and others and determined the exact time when Kallus discovered the abnormal blood pattern, which was 5:20 pm.

Before this point in time, Xia Zuo, Rexor and others were conducting experiments in the underground alchemy room...

It's hard not to connect the two things.

Because Kallus is a person separated from Black Flag's body and a qualified experimental subject. It was only because he had obtained the status of a member of the Temple that Rexall did not take him away for experiments.

Out of caution, Xia Zuo planned to use blood induction to contact Rexor later.

Before that, Xia Zuo wanted to ask Retunya and others something.

"Is Kallus's blood magic normal? Has he forgotten or been deprived of any blood magic?"

Letunia responded, "It's normal. The spell he used to create a blood magic clone is [Flesh Clone], which is a very advanced blood magic. I have carefully confirmed that he still masters this blood magic. The rest of the blood magic is There is nothing unusual about magic."

"It seems that only his blood pattern features have changed..." Xia Zuo thought for a few seconds and said, "I'll go check on him first and I'll be back soon."

Xia Zuo left the office and walked quickly to Kallus' biological alchemy room.

He used his identity crest to unlock the warning circle on the door, then pushed open the door of the biological alchemy room and stepped inside. He stood outside the glass partition on the inside of the door and observed the person lying on the operating table through the transparent glass. of Kallus.

The body of a pure-blood mage is very active and can easily expel foreign matter from the body and repair body damage.

Therefore, the surgical procedure to install an alchemical bomb in Kallus' heart would be lengthy.

He had to wait until his body adapted to the presence of the alchemy bomb and would not produce a rejection reaction before he could confirm that the bomb was installed successfully.

On the operating table inside the glass partition, Kallus's chest was opened with a sharp scalpel. The alchemists were using silver sand palms to operate on him and placed tiny alchemical bombs on Kallus' heart.

Three operations were performed every day, each time installing 30 miniature bombs.

These 30 bombs will not be successful after being installed only once. Most of them will be peeled off from the heart during the body's rejection reaction, and only a small part can be accepted by Kallus' body.

After repeated surgeries and bomb installations, the ultimate goal was to fill Kallus' heart with 30 miniature bombs.

Xia Zuo suspected that it was this high-intensity surgery that caused the abnormality in Kallus' blood stripes.

He aimed the scrying spell at Kallus, and the feedback told him that he was wrong.

Surgery does have an impact on the eight-dimensional attributes, but it is in the form of temporary negative effects and will not affect the original values ​​of the eight-dimensional attributes. When the duration of the negative effect is over, the eight-dimensional attributes will return to their original state.

After discarding the impact of temporary negative effects, Xia Zuo compared Kallus' current character template with the previous character template. There has been a significant decline.

The blood pattern characteristics are determined by the three attributes with the lowest values.

Kallus's [Charm], [Strength] and [Agility] are the lowest.

The decline in strength attribute value has obviously affected Kallus' blood pattern characteristics.

[Blood Marks] is where the bloodline power of a pure-blood mage lies. The number of Kallus' blood marks has decreased to a certain extent, and the value is almost the same as the decrease in vitality attribute value.

Xia Zuozai carefully read Kallus' character template several times and found no negative or unknown effects that should not have occurred.

Look at Kallus's wrist again.

There is an alchemical bracelet that restricts the use of any spells. The alarm built into the bracelet communicates directly with the temple guards, and only the temple guards can remove the bracelet.

Kallus shouldn't have the ability or connections to persuade the temple guards to help him remove the bracelet, and then use blood magic to transfer the power of his blood, right?

There is only one answer.

Someone walked into this operating room and used some means to extract some of the bloodline power. This part of the bloodline power took away Kallus' vitality attribute value and blood pattern, as well as some strength attribute values.

Anyone who can enter or leave this room has been authorized by the meeting of the two halls, and the security circle on the door will record the visitors.

However, only the Demon Hunting School and Temple Guards are eligible to query access records.

As the architect of the plan, Xia Zuo knew exactly who would be authorized.

They are roughly divided into three categories.

One type is alchemists, mainly students of the outer hall masters. Most of them are formal mages and do not have the element of light.

The other type is the temple guards, all of whom have light elements. In terms of loyalty, they should be about 30 times more loyal than Xia Zuo..

The last category is supervisors like Xia Zuo, and pure-blood mages such as Leitunia and Simfiya are all in this category.

From the perspective of being a member of the pure-blood mage camp, Xia Zuo felt that the alchemist involved in the operation was most likely to have problems.

While Xia Zuo was thinking, he cast a spell to detect blood patterns as a show of completion to complete the mission of this trip.

After that, he returned to Kristo's office.

Xia Zuo looked at the people in the room and said, "Everyone, I have confirmed that the power of Kallus' bloodline has weakened a bit, and it is not caused by surgery. Maybe someone entered the biological alchemy room to extract Kallus while we were away. The power of Si’s bloodline.”

Xia Zuo walked to the chair and sat down. "I don't think it's 100% certain that Kallus betrayed us yet. He might have been moved in his sleep after the operation, before the anesthetic effects had dissipated. Hands and feet."

"I think so too." Retunia sighed softly, "How do you think we should investigate this matter?"

"Leave it to me." Xia Zuo crossed his fingers on the table, "I will contact Rexor. When he replies to me and authorizes me to check the access records of the biological alchemy room, I will Investigate this matter immediately."

Xia Zuo paused and said, "Everyone happens to be here. I want to discuss something with you."

Xia Zuo told what Rexor had told him, deliberately blurring the specific time of the experiment to prevent Retunia and others from connecting the content of the experiment with Kallus' anomalies. He also did not mention the specific time. After the experiment, even the death of Sodik Black Flag was based on assumptions.

He described Rexor's proposal as a pessimistic guess about the future situation of the temple - once the smoke of creation is closed, the dead ground monsters will be resurrected with the help of the starry sky monsters, and the temple will be attacked from both sides. dangerous situation.

As expected, when Retunia and others heard that Rexall advocated keeping the smoke of creation permanently on, they all shook their heads and expressed their disapproval.

Kristo said, "Xia Zuo, you should know very well that the temple's long-term combat plan clearly states that counterattacking the Vasaksat Vanguard Army is the ultimate goal. If we don't close the smoke of creation, how can we go there? What about attacking the big meat ball suspended above the Pillar of Creation?"

Letunia shook her head, "With all due respect, Xia Zuo, Rexall's proposal will be opposed by many people. The proposal itself is not convincing, and no one will do it because of Rexor's speculation about the future. , vote to reject the Temple’s long-term battle plan.”

Simphia was silent for a while, and then expressed the same view.

"I know that the future described by Rexor is very dangerous for the temple, but I think that after we truly defeat the Strange Demon Church, we can always gather enough strength to fight against that future." Other participants probably think the same way. They may even feel that the temple should not be limited to the ground beneath its feet, but the starry sky above its head is the future of the temple."

All right

Sure enough, it is an extremely difficult and arduous task to convince others to completely seal this planet and huddle under the protection of the smoke of creation forever.

The vast sea of ​​​​stars is full of temptations for advanced life forms on every planet. People on this planet cannot restrain their desire and desire to explore outer space.

Xia Zuo nodded slowly and said:

"Everyone, I admit that there are many personal guesses and assumptions in Rexall's proposal. I also accept your opinions. Personally, please forgive me for siding with him, and I will vote for his proposal. Vote in favor. Let’s each take a step back. If I propose to use [Vientiane Star Orbit] to deduce Rexor’s proposal at the meeting of the two palaces, will you support my proposal?”

[Vientiane Star Track] cannot be used casually.

Generally speaking, one of the following conditions must be met to use it:

First, when a bill is about to be implemented that involves the core secrets and safety of the temple, [Vientiane Star Track] can be activated. For example, when reviewing a bill related to Kallus, Rexall used [ Vientiane Star Trail].

Second, when someone proposes to use [Vientiane Star Orbit] at the meeting and obtains more than half of the votes in favor, [Vientiane Star Orbit] can be used to deduce a major controversial proposal.

Rexall's bill is clearly significantly controversial and partially meets the second condition. Xia Zuo wanted to win votes and send the bald man's proposal to the [Vientiane Star Orbit] for deduction.

If the deduction results show that the smoke of creation can be lifted

Then there is no way.

Rexall's bill could only be shelved.

Xia Zuo could only think of another way to avoid the negative impact of Sodik Black Flag's resurrection.

If the deduction results are consistent with Rexall's motion... this will save a lot of time and energy. Rexall's motion may be passed, or it may be discussed later, the latter possibility. bigger.

Compared to letting Rexor's motion be passed directly, Xia Zuo's motion to use [Vientiane Star Orbit] is easier to pass.

Retunia and others knew this very well.

After they made eye contact, Retunia said:

"Okay, Xia Zuo. We will support your proposal. We are also curious about the results of [Vientiane Star Orbit]'s deduction of Rexor's motion."

The four of them gathered around the table to discuss some more voting details, and then walked out of Kristo's office together to do their own thing.

Xia Zuo came to the Fountain Sculpture Square and activated [Blood Induction] to try to contact the bald head.

"Xia Zuo, how's the discussion going with Retunia and the others?" Rexor asked through blood induction.

"Master, they don't think your proposal is feasible, but they agree to send your proposal to the [Vientiane Star Orbit] for deduction."

"Oh, okay, that's expected."

Xia Zuo continued, "I have something to tell you. I don't know if it has something to do with Sodik Black Flag."

He narrated what happened to Kallus. After a few seconds of silence, Rexor said, "I have confirmed that among all the humans who were separated from Black Flag, only Kallus showed abnormalities. I think it should be It's an example. Just wait for me in the teaching area, I'll be there soon."

Xia Zuo waited by the fountain pool for two minutes before seeing Bald Head walking out of the transfer room.

Xia Zuo walked towards the biological alchemy room where Kallus was with his bald head, and revealed all his findings.

Rexor had a sullen face, took out an alchemy card, and stuck it on the door of the biological alchemy room.

Wave-like spell lines appeared on the door, and a spell interface woven by the tower mage appeared in front of the two of them.

The human-method interactive interface is similar to the human-computer interactive interface. They are composed of boxes and text that can be interacted with. Each button corresponds to a spell function.

The alert circle has its own photo recording function, which can record the scene entering and exiting the room in real time.

Rexor clicked to view the spell image, set the timeline back to 1 p.m. today, and used 30x speed to view the images between 1 p.m. and 5:20 p.m.

Focus on observing whether there are unauthorized people who use certain spells or alchemy tools to quietly follow the authorized people in.

Unfortunately, no.

The vigilance circle can detect any energy fluctuation with a minimum power of 1 point. Basically no one can slip past it with a spell like [Invisibility]. Some alchemy items may be able to do this, but there will always be Showing off in other places.

Rexor watched carefully for half an hour to confirm that no unknown person entered or left the biological alchemy room.

The search scope for the suspicious person was much narrowed. Rexor took out a notepad and checked all the alchemists who entered and left the biological alchemy room this afternoon against the list recorded in the notepad.

Xia Zuo patted his bald arm and asked, "Master, can you give me a spell-casting authorization? I'll use the [Space-Time Vessel] to see what happened in the past. If we both investigate at the same time, we shouldn't miss anything." It’s the details.”

"I almost forgot that you can also use the Sands of Time." Rexor slapped his forehead, took out the secret message ring and dialed a secret message.

Thirty seconds later, Xia Zuo's secret message ring started to move, and he obtained the authorization to cast spells from the outer palace guard center.

Xia Zuo walked aside, away from Rexor who was checking the warning circle, to prevent the energy fluctuations of the circle from affecting his time and space container.

He summoned the Sands of Time, injected it with attributeless energy, expanded the space-time container to a size similar to that of an adult, and then settled down to view the historical scenes in the space-time container.

About ten minutes later, Xia Zuo discovered something!

The historical scene of the space-time container shows that at 4:10 this afternoon, that is, after the afternoon operation ended, there was a man in a white cloak who came from the alchemy room when the alchemist left the biological alchemy room. The teachers walked past and entered the house unimpeded.

But in the picture recorded by the warning array, at the same time and place, the same man in white cloak could not be seen, and the alchemists were not aware of this man in white cloak at all.

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