My blood regeneration is 100 million points faster

Chapter 374 Head

Forbidden magic field.

The chase in the sky is coming to an end.

Nuuk'alofa's flight speed gradually slowed down.

Before that, he had flown to the edge of the forbidden magic field, but he did not rush over.

This is what his subconscious mind is doing.

There was a dangerous and urgent thought reminding him that he must not leave the area covered by the wall of flesh above his head...

Nuk'alofa, who had lost his memory, didn't know why he had such an idea, but he followed his instinctive guidance.

"Who the hell are you!" Nuk'alofa, with bloody hair on his face, glanced at the strange demons chasing behind him and shouted in fear, "You damn monsters! You bastard! Stop chasing me!"

The strange demon accelerated its flying speed again.

"Ah~~ You are bastards! Monsters!" Nuk'alofa was on the verge of collapse. "What on earth is this place! Why is there no earth and no white clouds! Who am I! Who am I! Who!!"

Nuk'alofa roared and turned around, flying backwards while launching a violent shadow blast behind him to drive away the strange demons that were close to him, "Go to hell! Go to hell!"

The irrational howling echoed in the purple-black environment full of shadow energy, spread as a mute cry, and was collected and transformed into normal speech by the alchemy headset of the Alchemy School.

Rexor and Yaxut heard Nuk'alofa's voice.

"Why is he speaking in the dialect of the previous era?" Rexall said, "It sounds like he has lost his memory?

"Could it be that the Shadow Demon Lord deprived him of his will?"

Yaksut thought for a moment.

"Nuk'alofa controls the shriveled blood vessel. If the Strange Demon Church intends to sacrifice him, it must first cut off the connection between him and the shriveled blood vessel. This matter is best handled by the Shadow Demon Lord, whose mind Magical attainments are the highest in the church. Deprivation of will is very dangerous, and amnesia is just one of the side effects."

"I think so too." Rexor paused and asked, "Do you think the Shadow Demon Lord has succeeded?"

"You mean" Yaxut knew that the other party was thinking of the same thing as him, "let me ask."

He activated his blood connection and found the two pseudo-blood mages squatting on the top floor of the church headquarters, monitoring the cracks in the dark room.

After a short conversation, Yaxut came to a conclusion.

"There is good news, Leitho. The incubation process in the dark chamber rift was interrupted. This happened within three minutes before Nuk'alofa broke through the flesh wall. The Shadow Demon Lord failed to control Nuk'alofa's The will, the control of the shriveled veins, remains with Nuk'alofa."

"Then let's go twist out Nuk'alofa's brain and take it away." Rexor sneered, "Huh, in this way, unless the Strange Demon Church finds other ways to unbind the shriveled blood vessels, they can't I want to continue catalyzing the bone capsule.”

"We need to adjust the layout of the alchemy bomb." Yaksut and Rexor discussed for a few minutes and finalized a temporary plan.

The two of them remotely commanded the pseudo-blood mages to adjust the position of the alchemy bomb while observing the battle between Nuk'alofa and the strange demons.

In the first half of the battle, the amnesiac Nuk'alofa only relied on instinct to cast shadow spells.

When he was attacked by a strange demon for the first time and half of his arm was broken off, he used self-healing blood magic while screaming in pain.

Then, this madman driven by instinct began to use shadow magic and blood magic to fight at the same time.

He first strikes the enemy with shadow energy, then raises his left hand to extract the dirty blood of the alien demon from the target's wound, gathering the dark blood around him to form a thick blood magic shield.

This kind of blood magic shield exclusive to a mixed-blood mage is rich in the vitality of strange demons. It is far stronger than the shield condensed by a pure-blood mage based on his own vitality alone, and consumes less energy.

As time passed, Nuk'alofa became increasingly skilled in combat.

From being passively beaten and barely breaking through at the beginning, he ended up facing off against all kinds of demons. The two magics of blood and shadow were intertwined and became his sharp weapon and strong shield.

Another reason for the change of situation is that the strange demons have let loose.

Their orders were apparently to capture Nuk'alofa alive, not to kill him.

Therefore, when the strange demons attack, they choose more non-lethal spells. This undoubtedly made the two Rexalls more certain that their guess was correct.

Yaxut temporarily assigned two pseudo-blood mages to go deep into the church headquarters to monitor what was going on inside.

Soon, new changes were reported from the church headquarters, and the church's top leaders sent reinforcements to the battlefield where Nuuk'alofa was located.

From the perspective provided by the pseudo-blood mage to Yaxut and Rexor, more than twenty strange demons were shuttled through the flesh and blood corridor of the church headquarters, heading towards the hole at the bottom of the flesh wall.

It stands to reason that with the Shadow Demon Lord present, you can use shadow teleportation to remotely deliver the alien demons to support the battle, without the alien demons having to travel in person.

But now...the strange demons can only fly to the battlefield by themselves...

"It seems that the Shadow Demon Master has suffered serious spiritual backlash." Yaxut said with certainty, "Nuk'alofa must have been wary of the Shadow Demon Master for a long time. When he was deprived of his will, he cleverly used He used his own backhand and severely damaged the Shadow Demon Lord. "

"Prepare to detonate bombs, everyone." Yaxut ordered using blood induction. "When the strange demons supporting the battlefield are close to the bottom of the flesh wall, you must detonate all alchemy bombs and adopt mediation and guerrilla tactics to delay the enemy as much as possible. Party to support the team. Once Rexor and I get Nuk'alofa's head, you will immediately retreat and withdraw from the forbidden magic field from location BD432. For the glory of the temple!"

"As you command, sir." The pseudo-blood mages shouted, "For the glory of the temple!"

"Letho, get ready, we are going to take action." Yaxut said.

"Yeah." Rexor nodded.

The two of them cast blood magic silently and weaved blood magic offensive and defensive items.

One by one, the alchemy bombs were taken out by Rexor and the others.

The appearance, material and explosion principle of this thing are completely different from ordinary bombs.

The Alchemy School used the shadow energy inventory in the temple to create a shadow energy shell that could exist stably in the forbidden magic field without being assimilated by the shadow pattern dominated by the shadow demon. It looked like a cylinder. of black carbon.

The inside of this energy shell is filled with unstable transparent liquid, which contains vitality and natural laws. These two things will react violently with the shadow energy of the forbidden magic field, and then quickly ignite the shadow energy in a large area around the bomb. Create a grand occasion similar to [Incinerator Body] detonating shadow energy.

The method of activating this bomb is simple.

Inside the bomb is a hemogen servant, which is responsible for dismantling the shadow energy shell, exposing the clear liquid. As long as the controller of the Hematin Servant reacts quickly enough, he can still disband the Hematin Servant before the exploding purple-black flames devour it and recover the spiritual ocean.

everything's ready.

The pseudo-blood mage who stood outside the church headquarters successfully detonated the bomb, using the billowing purple-black flames to drag the enemy's support team back to the church headquarters.

At the same time, Rexor and the two quietly approached the battlefield and threw out a handful of round blood-red balls before the strange demons discovered them.

The balls drew a parabola in the air, swooped over the heads of the different demons, and then spread out, flying to all directions on the battlefield.

Many strange demons immediately discovered the existence of the ball.

The spells they use are all shadow magic and psychic spells, and no strange demons use blood magic.

Although the ball is small in size, its blood magic fluctuations are particularly conspicuous.

Nuk'alofa also discovered these orbs of blood magic.

His eyes burst with joy, and he followed the flight path of the blood magic ball and found the two Rexors hiding on the edge of the battlefield.

A strange desire instantly filled his mind. Nuk'alofa shook his head and tried to drive away the strange thoughts.

"Are you here to save me?" He laughed loudly and flew over as if he was seeing a relative.

"Be careful, this guy doesn't know his own hybrid mage yet. His subconscious is driving him to devour us," Rexall said.

This was within the expectations of the two.

After they waited for Nuk'alofa to be slightly away from the explosion range, they decisively used the hemogen servant to detonate the bomb.

"Boom boom boom!!" A violent wave of flames erupted from behind Nuk'alofa, drowning all the strange demons in one second.

Nuk'alofa himself, and the strange demons chasing after him, were lucky enough to escape the deadly flames.

Rexor drew out the blood magic sword from his back, grinned at Nuk'alofa, and shouted in the language of the previous era:

"Friend! We are here to save you! Let's kill those bastards together!"

Nuk'alofa saw the blood magic sword in the opponent's hand. The bright red blood-red light stirred his heart like a tempting dessert.

This blood-seeing magic sword felt like delicious food, which made the amnesiac Nuk'alofa feel strange, but he did not think deeply, but just laughed as if he was desperate, "Okay, friends. Thank you for your help. !”

After speaking, Nuk'alofa turned around, flew towards the roaring demons, and launched shadow blasts to attack them.

Rexor and Axut took out special oil, applied it on the blade of the long sword, and joined the battle.

They no longer fight against strange demons purely in close combat.

Although only one month has passed since the establishment of the Pseudo Blood Mage Legion, a combat method based on [blood magic attack and defense] has been initially formed.

The Blood Magic Long Sword has the appearance of a long sword, but it is actually a fully automatic weapon that can extend to more than 20 meters.

When using it, you only need to hit the enemy target once with the blade of the blood magic sword, leaving a hematin mark that is difficult to erase in a short time, which will trigger the blood magic sword to continuously and automatically track attacks. Target. The holder only needs to provide a stable supply of vitality.

When Xia Zuo saw this blood magic weapon developed by a mystic mage for the first time, he deeply realized the connotation of the saying that the profession has specialization...

He himself can cast blood magic to his heart's content as long as he has enough vitality.

As for the pseudo-blood mages, their vitality is limited, so they can only turn to studying how to maximize the efficiency of blood magic while still having enough lethality.

This powerful and efficient killing weapon came into being.

He is indeed a mystic who is born for fighting.

Rexor and the two held blood magic swords that fully automatically attacked the enemy. They waved dense bloody sword shadows around them. They used the extended sword body of the blood magic sword to block all attacks from the strange demons, and then used the sharp sword to The sharp holes pierced their bodies and chipped away at their ugly faces.

The long sword of blood magic turned into a long bloody snake that danced wildly, wandering around the strange demons, attacking from various tricky angles, and destroying their bodies with the most insidious and vicious methods.

The previous big explosion rich in natural laws wiped out most of the strange demons at once, and now only a dozen are left.

They formed a group, continuously extracted shadow energy from the surrounding environment, jointly cast shadow magic, weaved swirling vicious cyclones and blades, and worked hard to organize a decent counterattack.

Just when the battle was in a stalemate, Rexor and Yaksut secretly took out the last two bombs with the help of the cover of the bloody sword shadow.

The two of them looked at Nuk'alofa, who was bombarding the alien demons with shadow beams at the edge of the battlefield. After confirming that the other party would not be accidentally injured, they threw bombs at the alien demons together.


Purple-black flames suddenly appeared in the center of the alien demon, and a violent breath of death swept across the entire place. The cyclones and blades summoned by the alien demon instantly disintegrated and dissipated together with their casters.

Nuk'alofa looked around.

The bodies of the dead demons were broken into pieces, and their corpses, carrying purple-black fireworks, slowly fell from the sky to the ground, sinking into the vast purple-black clouds.

It looks like there should be no enemies left...Nuk'alofa breathed a sigh of relief.

He dispersed the blood magic shield around him, flew towards the bald head flying towards him with a smile on his face, and greeted warmly:

"Thank you again, friends. Can you tell me where this place is? Why are there so many... monsters. Also, do you know where the nearest city is?"

Nuk'alofa paused, looked puzzled, and asked, "Have we met somewhere? I always think you look familiar."

Facing Nuk'alofa's inquiry, Rexor smiled gently and said, "Don't worry, friend. You will be safe with us. We will talk about these things later. Get rid of the dirt on you first. Just take a moment."

Nuk'alofa tore his hair and scalp as he went berserk at the ceremony.

He used self-healing spells during the battle to recover the damage to his scalp, but he was unable to do anything about the hair and clothing that were not made of flesh and blood.

The messy hair mixed with the blood of the strange demon clung to his forehead. His body was covered with the blood and body fragments of strange demons, and he looked really embarrassed.

Nuk'alofa felt that the bald man was right, and the other party gave him a very familiar feeling, like an old friend he hadn't seen for many years. This feeling dispelled the last trace of wariness in his heart.

Rexall looked at Nuk'alofa, who was taking care of his robes, and smiled cruelly.

The next second, Yaksut walked around to Nuk'alofa's side and cut off the opponent's neck from top to bottom with a sharp sword coated with special effect oil.

Rexor took out the container he had prepared and put the head with a stunned expression in it.

In the interlacing sword light, Nuk'alofa's headless body was torn into pieces and fell like inconspicuous dust.

Yaxut issued a retreat order to the pseudo-blood mage team.

He and Rexall did not go to join the pseudo-blood mage team, but headed for another retreat location.

Doing this can slightly distract the attention of the Strange Demon Church and reduce the number of subsequent pursuers.

As long as the Shadow Demon Lord has not escaped from the spell's backlash, the safety of the return trip will be very high.

Unfortunately, the opposite happened.

Just when Yaxut and others arrived at the edge of the forbidden magic field and were about to cross the gray ocean, a pair of purple-black eyes full of anger and murderous thoughts appeared in the sky behind them.

Several purple light balls spanning the sky fell from the sky like meteors and hit the members of the pseudo-blood mage team.

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